What you won't hear from the msm


New member
Barack Obama's White House press conference with Prime Minister Lee of Singapore this morning turned to a new low point when he departed from the purpose of the visit (discussion of the Trans Pacific Partnership) to try to denigrate Donald Trump and Republicans on a worldwide scale with the intention of swaying the Singaporean leader against Trump should he win the Presidency .

Obama's comments were inappropriate, but they didn't go unnoticed by PM Lee who, during his opportunity to address the press, referred to Obama's comments very diplomatically in saying that Singapore was prepared to work with either elected US administration and had great respect for US "Checks and Balances" as it reduced the opportunity to for anyone to "mess things up!"

Score 1 for Singapore!

The most awkward and confounding moment was when Obama took an opportunity to pontificate to excessive length on his denunciation of Trump with negative statements centered around Obama's opinion that Trump was unfit for office.

Obama concluding with this summary: "if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? What does THIS say about your party that THIS is your standard bearer?"

Obama made no mention of the fact that Hilliary Clinton was not only the First Woman endorsed by a major party (the Democrats), but that she is also the ONLY candidate in the history of the United States who:
1) was the subject of an FBI investigation which has expanded to reveal that she breached national security, lied to Congress, was also involved in accepting foreign contributions while in government office,
2) is implicated in a world wide racketeering and a "pay for play" scheme channeling money laundered through the Clinton Foundation ... and
3) has involvement in rigging elections along with co-conspirator, DNC Chairperson - Debra Wasserman-Schultz as was proven in a series of Wikileaked emails revealing a conspiracy to obstruct and deny Bernie Sanders his fair opportunity to run for office.

Apparently, Hilliary Clinton uniquely possesses the qualities for a party "Standard Bearer" which meet the acceptable level according to President Barack Obama.

Seems our guest from Singapore understands how this is supposed to work where our laughingstock in chief does not. No surprise of course.