Whatever happened to "The Debates"


Boy I was looking forward to all of those lively debate topics that everyone claims they come here for. Last I heard one of the mods claimed "these take a while to set up". But that was months ago. Maybe they got caught up staring at their Gary Johnson posters
Boy I was looking forward to all of those lively debate topics that everyone claims they come here for. Last I heard one of the mods claimed "these take a while to set up". But that was months ago. Maybe they got caught up staring at their Gary Johnson posters

Since Immanuel left, there is very little "debate" happening here anymore. Not many lefties here, have the ability to actually debate the issues. They come here to promote their various propaganda outlets, and parrot the nonsense espoused there. Hooting down righties and venting unrequited hate, has become cathartic, and very much 'in vogue' these days. If you challenge a leftie, they run away by going into a predictive loop of diversionary topics, unrelated issues, or outright personal attacks. To stick with one topic and subject and make legitimate points and counterpoints, is for losers and righties, don't you see?

The mistake the right makes, is thinking we can have an honest debate on the issues with the left. They have abandoned honest debate, and why not? They have the power of perception! They can repeat the same memes over and over, and perception of stupid people tend to move their way, and they can get what they want. Why bother with difficult and tricky "debates" with righties? It is much easier for a leftie to believe the ramblings of some idiot socialist, than to open their minds to honest and legitimate points made in a debate of the issues.
It might be a learning experience for you to get schooled by the left. I say we go ahead with the debates. I'm more than willing to kick around some intellectually torpid Austrians.
Since Immanuel left, there is very little "debate" happening here anymore. Not many lefties here, have the ability to actually debate the issues. They come here to promote their various propaganda outlets, and parrot the nonsense espoused there. Hooting down righties and venting unrequited hate, has become cathartic, and very much 'in vogue' these days. If you challenge a leftie, they run away by going into a predictive loop of diversionary topics, unrelated issues, or outright personal attacks. To stick with one topic and subject and make legitimate points and counterpoints, is for losers and righties, don't you see?

The mistake the right makes, is thinking we can have an honest debate on the issues with the left. They have abandoned honest debate, and why not? They have the power of perception! They can repeat the same memes over and over, and perception of stupid people tend to move their way, and they can get what they want. Why bother with difficult and tricky "debates" with righties? It is much easier for a leftie to believe the ramblings of some idiot socialist, than to open their minds to honest and legitimate points made in a debate of the issues.

What; debate just what level of crazy you are today? O.K., you seem reasonbly sane, yet entirely wrong in your premise. In other words, a good day, for you.
. . . An organized debate thread? Where the subject is agreed apon in advance and then discussed in a turn-based system?
Boy I was looking forward to all of those lively debate topics that everyone claims they come here for. Last I heard one of the mods claimed "these take a while to set up". But that was months ago. Maybe they got caught up staring at their Gary Johnson posters

The problems with "official" debates is the judging. Few, if any, are fair enough to judge based on the actual debate; instead they decided based on which position they like.
Since Immanuel left, there is very little "debate" happening here anymore. Not many lefties here, have the ability to actually debate the issues. They come here to promote their various propaganda outlets, and parrot the nonsense espoused there. Hooting down righties and venting unrequited hate, has become cathartic, and very much 'in vogue' these days. If you challenge a leftie, they run away by going into a predictive loop of diversionary topics, unrelated issues, or outright personal attacks. To stick with one topic and subject and make legitimate points and counterpoints, is for losers and righties, don't you see?

The mistake the right makes, is thinking we can have an honest debate on the issues with the left. They have abandoned honest debate, and why not? They have the power of perception! They can repeat the same memes over and over, and perception of stupid people tend to move their way, and they can get what they want. Why bother with difficult and tricky "debates" with righties? It is much easier for a leftie to believe the ramblings of some idiot socialist, than to open their minds to honest and legitimate points made in a debate of the issues.

You mindless rants aren't really debates, they are just the musings of a deranged lunatic with delusions of grandeur.
The problems with "official" debates is the judging. Few, if any, are fair enough to judge based on the actual debate; instead they decided based on which position they like.

You are STILL all butthurt over the last batch of debates, aren't you?

Talk about holding a grudge!

Since Immanuel left, there is very little "debate" happening here anymore. Not many lefties here, have the ability to actually debate the issues. They come here to promote their various propaganda outlets, and parrot the nonsense espoused there. Hooting down righties and venting unrequited hate, has become cathartic, and very much 'in vogue' these days. If you challenge a leftie, they run away by going into a predictive loop of diversionary topics, unrelated issues, or outright personal attacks. To stick with one topic and subject and make legitimate points and counterpoints, is for losers and righties, don't you see?

The mistake the right makes, is thinking we can have an honest debate on the issues with the left. They have abandoned honest debate, and why not? They have the power of perception! They can repeat the same memes over and over, and perception of stupid people tend to move their way, and they can get what they want. Why bother with difficult and tricky "debates" with righties? It is much easier for a leftie to believe the ramblings of some idiot socialist, than to open their minds to honest and legitimate points made in a debate of the issues.

Honest debates from the Left? Has never been any that I could find. Their entire platform is a lie from the ground up.
Any people that go around cheering a repeatedly failed political philosophy are not to be judged as sane .
Maybe pitied but never judged to be anything other than mentally unstable.
You mindless rants aren't really debates, they are just the musings of a deranged lunatic with delusions of grandeur.

I have NO delusions, grandeural or otherwise. My musings are my musings, but my points are always valid. There is nothing deranged or looney about what I say, it's just often the truth that you don't want to hear. You're right, that I don't often debate here anymore, but that is because there is no one to debate. That's why I miss people like Immanuel, he would actually address your points and make counterpoints, remain on topic and discuss the issue, and DEBATE! The idiots here now, don't debate, they obfuscate, obstruct, distract, divert, spew nonsense, and post endless 3rd party links to propaganda sites.

The Left has discovered they don't need to debate, and they actually "win" when righties attempt to debate them. They do this by perpetual memes and personal attacks on those who are trying to have a debate. Just keep repeating the memes, and stupid people will begin to believe the perception created by the meme, no need to argue or debate.