What’s the Use of Philosophy?


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His new book, What’s the Use of Philosophy?, takes stock of the discipline. What Kitcher finds in philosophy today is arid technicality, produced for an audience of insiders.

An excessive demand for clarity can block the way of inquiry, inclining philosophers to say nothing if they cannot say it with the rigour their colleagues demand. In practice, the demand for clarity becomes a call for greater precision. Yet, as Aristotle wrote in the Nicomachean Ethics, ‘it is the mark of an educated man to look for precision in each class of things just so far as the nature of the subject admits.’

To shine the light of knowledge on the human existence.

Sadly the entire field has been a disaster for a very long time, I am pretty sure that it was the first part of the Western foundation to fall.
It helps us to question assumptions we have about what we know and affects arguments or beliefs or values that we have.

The more information you have about a subject, the more ways you can analyze a problem, the better person you can become.

Essentially philosophy helps us to better understand the world around us
His new book, What’s the Use of Philosophy?, takes stock of the discipline. What Kitcher finds in philosophy today is arid technicality, produced for an audience of insiders.

An excessive demand for clarity can block the way of inquiry, inclining philosophers to say nothing if they cannot say it with the rigour their colleagues demand. In practice, the demand for clarity becomes a call for greater precision. Yet, as Aristotle wrote in the Nicomachean Ethics, ‘it is the mark of an educated man to look for precision in each class of things just so far as the nature of the subject admits.’


I don't know what its use is but I know what I wish it's use was, to turn knowledge into wisdom. Sadly far too many people think knowledge is wisdom.