What's the value of a big bonus?


This really turns the entire basis of conservative economic theory on its head.


What’s the Value of a Big Bonus?

Published: November 19, 2008

Durham, N.C.

BY withholding bonuses from their top executives, Goldman Sachs and UBS may soften negative reaction from Congress and the public if their earnings reports in December are poor, as is expected. But will they also suffer because their executives, lacking the motivation that big bonuses are thought to provide, will not do their jobs well?

Of course, there are many reasons to be disgusted with executive pay. It feels unfair that so many people make so much money managing our money, and it is often difficult to see how their talent and abilities justify their compensation. We find it particularly offensive when executives receive high bonuses after disastrous performances. But doesn’t the promise of a big bonus push people to work to the best of their ability?

To look at this question, three colleagues and I conducted an experiment. We presented 87 participants with an array of tasks that demanded attention, memory, concentration and creativity. We asked them, for instance, to fit pieces of metal puzzle into a plastic frame, to play a memory game that required them to reproduce a string of numbers and to throw tennis balls at a target. We promised them payment if they performed the tasks exceptionally well. About a third of the subjects were told they’d be given a small bonus, another third were promised a medium-level bonus, and the last third could earn a high bonus.

We did this study in India, where the cost of living is relatively low so that we could pay people amounts that were substantial to them but still within our research budget. The lowest bonus was 50 cents — equivalent to what participants could receive for a day’s work in rural India. The middle-level bonus was $5, or about two weeks’ pay, and the highest bonus was $50, five months’ pay.

What would you expect the results to be? When we posed this question to a group of business students, they said they expected performance to improve with the amount of the reward. But this was not what we found. The people offered medium bonuses performed no better, or worse, than those offered low bonuses. But what was most interesting was that the group offered the biggest bonus did worse than the other two groups across all the tasks.

We replicated these results in a study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where undergraduate students were offered the chance to earn a high bonus ($600) or a lower one ($60) by performing one task that called for some cognitive skill (adding numbers) and another one that required only a mechanical skill (tapping a key as fast as possible). We found that as long as the task involved only mechanical skill, bonuses worked as would be expected: the higher the pay, the better the performance. But when we included a task that required even rudimentary cognitive skill, the outcome was the same as in the India study: the offer of a higher bonus led to poorer performance.

If our tests mimic the real world, then higher bonuses may not only cost employers more but also discourage executives from working to the best of their ability.

We later did a variation of the same experiment, at the University of Chicago, to look at a different kind of motivator: public scrutiny. We asked 39 participants to solve anagram puzzles, sometimes privately in a cubicle and sometimes in front of the others. We reasoned that their motivation to do well would be higher in public, and we wanted to see if this would affect their performance. But we found that while the subjects wanted to perform better when they worked in front of others, in fact they did worse.

So it turns out that social pressure has the same effect that money has. It motivates people, especially when the tasks at hand require only effort and no skill. But it can provide stress, too, and at some point that stress overwhelms the motivating influence.

When I recently presented these results to a group of banking executives, they assured me that their own work and that of their employees would not follow this pattern. (I pointed out that with the right research budget, and their participation, we could examine this assertion. They weren’t that interested.) But I suspect that they were too quick to discount our results. For most bankers, a multimillion-dollar compensation package could easily be counterproductive. Maybe that will be some comfort to the boards at UBS and Goldman Sachs.
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One of the reasons big corporations give huge bonuses to their top echelon is that it is the easiest way to get around limits on their salaries.

If I want 8 million a year to work for you, and you are only allowed to pay me 2 million, we sign the deal that I have $2 million in salary and $6 million as a bonus.

It is also often performance based for anyone lower on the ladder. It is an added incentive to produce well and keep expenses down. Or at least thats the way my company works. I have gotten a bonus the last 3 years because I have helped keep costs down and cut back on things that effected the profits.
all sports players should be paid the same as well. whats the point of paying the superstars more.
One of the reasons big corporations give huge bonuses to their top echelon is that it is the easiest way to get around limits on their salaries.

If I want 8 million a year to work for you, and you are only allowed to pay me 2 million, we sign the deal that I have $2 million in salary and $6 million as a bonus.

It is also often performance based for anyone lower on the ladder. It is an added incentive to produce well and keep expenses down. Or at least thats the way my company works. I have gotten a bonus the last 3 years because I have helped keep costs down and cut back on things that effected the profits.

Yep. That's the spiel. Nazi, shitfucker. People considered "lowly worker bees" don't have anything even CLOSE to the percentage of their base salaries that the ceo fuckmongers get. It's pure elitism, and a way of paying off people to destroy the lives of their workers.
Me! I also tagged it "Retarded" along with your other equally retarded thread.

What is retarded about this thread?

Dan Ariely is a noted behavioral economist and best selling author of the book "Predictably Irrational." His research reveals that all sorts of dumbass economic assumptions are likely flawed.
What is retarded about this thread?

Dan Ariely is a noted behavioral economist and best selling author of the book "Predictably Irrational." His research reveals that all sorts of dumbass economic assumptions are likely flawed.

I think when conservatives run into facts and research that they can't just dismiss out of hand b/c it's not "common sense", they just get angry and start doing things like rating threads one star.
What is retarded about this thread?

Dan Ariely is a noted behavioral economist and best selling author of the book "Predictably Irrational." His research reveals that all sorts of dumbass economic assumptions are likely flawed.

Any economic model based upon 100% rational actors is inherently flawed.

One need only look at a day's fluctuation in the markets to tell you that.

But that in itself does not do what Watermark wants it to do, which is to fully discredit Austrian and Chicago Schools of economics.

I call Watermark's arguments retarded because he advances them more to aggravate people than to prove a point, and so I do not take them seriously.
The tactic they use with to motivate the other more lowly employees to make them fear for their jobs and and to fire people to make a point. That would probably work just as well with executives, from a purely behavioral standpoint. Why don't we try that?