Whats up with all the Clowntoon hoo haw ?


Villified User
I mean really, clintons socks and white legs, clintons red face, clintons said this or that. Who really gives a rats ass what clinton is saying. He aint runnin for nuthin.

could this just be a big diversion that is sucking in the unwary and distracting them from real issues that matter now ?
I mean really, clintons socks and white legs, clintons red face, clintons said this or that. Who really gives a rats ass what clinton is saying. He aint runnin for nuthin.

could this just be a big diversion that is sucking in the unwary and distracting them from real issues that matter now ?
Driving the bases to the polls...

Americans needs something shiney to look at every 20 seconds or so. This is the shiney object for now.
I just love how the republican pundit commentators are burning it up though ?
I hope the masses see this as a diversion and not as the real issues.
But I fear it will work yet again....
I mean really, clintons socks and white legs, clintons red face, clintons said this or that. Who really gives a rats ass what clinton is saying. He aint runnin for nuthin.

could this just be a big diversion that is sucking in the unwary and distracting them from real issues that matter now ?

That depends on whether or not one believes that the Republicans are still saying they are more credible in the War on Terror or if they are still trying to politicize the War on Terror as an issue in the upcoming campaign. If they are and many think they are, then information concerning the beginning and early attempts to protect the country might be pertinent. Indeed, most of what Clinton said seems to be factually based and pertinent to the lies that the Bush administration has been telling for years about the War on Terror and what they did in the first few months of their administration (when they appear to have been given a pass) to protect the American people before 9-11.

9-11 Commission Report on Bush Administration's Response to bin Laden before 9-11