What's Wrong With This Picture?


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When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the United States government.
When a black pro basketball player announces he is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the president congratulating him for his courage.
When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the United States government.
When a black pro basketball player announces he is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the president congratulating him for his courage.
Your unending love of man sex!
When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the United States government.
When a black pro basketball player announces he is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the president congratulating him for his courage.

I, as a vet, wouldn't want the stain of a call from the president (at least one like Obama) on my memory. It's best that he doesn't call.
When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the United States government.
When a black pro basketball player announces he is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the president congratulating him for his courage.

Not to minimize the death of soldiers, but there are established death benefits for surviving family members that far exceed a phone call from the President. Of course, a racist who never served in the military wouldn't realize that.


The families of U.S. soldiers killed in action or in accidents during the Iraq war are eligible for death benefits that could range from $250,000 to more than $800,000.

The benefits are generally extended to the people who would have relied on the service member's income for economic security, and some can endure for the lifetime of the survivor.

Dependent children are eligible for additional compensation, although many of those benefits are terminated if a surviving spouse remarries.

The benefits, provided by the Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration, include up to 45 months of help with education costs for both spouse and children, as well as an income tax break lasting a year.

The overall value of the package depends on the length of military service and the age of the service member at the time of death.

The Navy Mutual Aid Assn. has estimated, for example, that a wife and two young children surviving a petty officer who had served 10 years and was killed in action can expect a monthly benefit of $3,327. That climbs to $4,795 a month for the family of a lieutenant killed in combat.

Legislation now working its way through Congress would exclude all military death benefits from taxes.

Under the Servicemen's Group Life Insurance program, all members of the armed forces are automatically insured for $250,000 as soon as they enter into active duty, unless they voluntarily reduce or decline coverage.

Service members pay the premiums for the life insurance benefits through automatic deductions from their wages.

The service member can purchase an additional $100,000 in life insurance for his or her spouse for $108 a year until age 34, the premium rising in stages to $660 a year for those 55 and older.

The benefit is paid regardless of whether death occurs in combat, in an accident in the war zone, or even at home on leave, military officials said.

According to a summary of compensation for survivors of U.S. military personnel provided this week by the Pentagon, these are the main categories of death benefits for survivors, regardless of the rank of the person who dies:

* Death gratuity. This amounts to $6,000 of immediate cash to meet the pressing needs of survivors. Under pending legislation, this amount would not be taxed.

* Housing. Either rent-free government housing for 180 days or the military's tax-free allowance for outside housing -- the value of which depends on the service member's rank and the location -- is provided, plus travel and shipment of household goods.

Of course, the current House and Senate Republicans are working hard to these benefits.

Thankfully, Sen. Bernie Sanders is working to expand them.
I think the comparison is the problem.

The death of a soldier is tragic. The gov't provides benefits to the family of those soldiers. If the president called the family of every soldier who died in the line of duty, it would be his full-time job. (or it might help him decide to bring them home)

The gay athlete coming out is a singular event and remarkable because of the crap other gays took to make it possible.

The first black students to enroll in white schools did not always graduate. But they paved the way for other black students and they DID graduate. The black students who had the courage to stick it out earned the reward.
I think the comparison is the problem.

The death of a soldier is tragic. The gov't provides benefits to the family of those soldiers. If the president called the family of every soldier who died in the line of duty, it would be his full-time job. (or it might help him decide to bring them home)

The gay athlete coming out is a singular event and remarkable because of the crap other gays took to make it possible.

The first black students to enroll in white schools did not always graduate. But they paved the way for other black students and they DID graduate. The black students who had the courage to stick it out earned the reward.

Nice post, WB.
It's probably the best for Obama anyways. If he called my family, he wouldn't have a very pleasant conversation. They're not fans of him or his administration. I'm willing to bet a good portion of other veteran families are the same.
It's probably the best for Obama anyways. If he called my family, he wouldn't have a very pleasant conversation. They're not fans of him or his administration. I'm willing to bet a good portion of other veteran families are the same.

So if you died during the Bush era, he'd get a good reception?
I think the comparison is the problem.

The death of a soldier is tragic. The gov't provides benefits to the family of those soldiers. If the president called the family of every soldier who died in the line of duty, it would be his full-time job. (or it might help him decide to bring them home)

The gay athlete coming out is a singular event and remarkable because of the crap other gays took to make it possible.

The first black students to enroll in white schools did not always graduate. But they paved the way for other black students and they DID graduate. The black students who had the courage to stick it out earned the reward.

WB, if you continue this "being sensible" nonsense you'll never fit in round here.
I think the comparison is the problem.

And the problem is what?

The death of a soldier is tragic. The gov't provides benefits to the family of those soldiers. If the president called the family of every soldier who died in the line of duty, it would be his full-time job. (or it might help him decide to bring them home)

So then in your opinion personally recognizing the unselfish, heroic sacrifice of a solder’s life by Presidents is less important than personally recognizing a gay professional basketball player’s heroic coming out of the gay closet because solders are supposed to die in battle and they get paid for dying and there’s too many of them for Presidents to personally bother with but a gay brother needs major national attention and congrats from the nation’s top dog, right?

The gay athlete coming out is a singular event and remarkable because of the crap other gays took to make it possible.

Oh! So admitting one’s gayness is so heroic that it deserves national attention from the leftist media and a communist President, because gays took crap and a solder’s dying in battle is just a ho-hum everyday happening that the left couldn’t give a fuck less about, huh? Have you considered “the crap” solders take in battle?

The first black students to enroll in white schools did not always graduate. But they paved the way for other black students and they DID graduate. The black students who had the courage to stick it out earned the reward.

And of course in lefty-Ville that’s more courageous and nationally notable than solders, (black, white or whatever their skin color) sacrificing their lives, right?

Hey! Maybe if Presidents were forced to personally call the families of dead solders by law, there’d be millions fewer dead solders and an end to endless wars, huh? Oh! I keep forgetting that lefties don’t give a flying fuck about ending wars they simply pay lip service to such notions. I keep forgetting that the lefties real agenda is stuff like promoting and glorifying homosexuality and their gay heroes.

Is it any wonder that so many in the military feel so insulted by this communist President?
Not to minimize the death of soldiers, but there are established death benefits for surviving family members that far exceed a phone call from the President. Of course, a racist who never served in the military wouldn't realize that.


So you didn’t realize it until you googled it, right Howey?

Of course, the current House and Senate Republicans are working hard to these benefits.

Thankfully, Sen. Bernie Sanders is working to expand them.

Its well established Howey that the left’s answer to everything is to throw more taxpayers dollars at it. Is Bernie proposing taking money from the “socialist vote bribery fund” or is Bernie just seeking another tax hike like he usually does? Maybe a call from the President along with the death benefits would also be appreciated?