When a journalist becomes the focus


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You see this all too often now...........a hot sexy babe impersonating a journalist...well to be honest there is a lot of 'impesonating a jounalist' going on and not just from young, curvacious, blond, and hot young babes.

To begin with journalist have way too much influence...these guys are not that bright...they go to journalism school because they are too dumb to do anything else.

All of the talking heads on the alphabet media are truly disgusting.....faux is barely tolerable...bill oriley is no longer tolerable for anyone able to think clearly.

Pardon me if I am rambling...just trying to make up 5 posts so I can post links...i luv to post links...let others make my point for me...and some of them are even credible. hehheh
Hot sexy babes on a debate forum are very distracting....aka megans eyelashes became the focus...aka everytime she batted them ou could feel the breeze. blahblahbalablah

The Donald did a good thing raised 6 million for the bats and stood up megan....and she had spent all that time studying and researching how she might make the donald look bad. hehheh She cost faux millions in lost revenue. A good thing. I expect megan to have her own show soon...she does not need faux any longer...start her own sexy show.
you're stupid for thinking i'm stupid. you can't even understand the constitution, but then that's not your fault. you went to public school.

heheh I hope vince stays healthy....he can kill himself later....right now I need someone (on such a slow day) to torture....dats how I git mah kiks.
I have an inny not an outy

I will never kill my self as I'm not a pathetic nutter like you dupes are
'Dat neither picks my pocket or breaks my bones'.....who said dat?

Here is another good one.............."Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
-Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

I think he was talking about vince???
vince, vince, oh vince....wherefore art thou? damn he ran away again and i was jus startin to have some funnn! heh heh....oh the edit button just appeared...guess one has to make a few posts before it shows up.

anyone want to volunteer to be my punching bag?
Brian Williams and the culture of ‘I, we and us’

If he had stuck to telling stories about others and not himself, NBC anchorman Brian Williams might not have lost his job. Hillary is another example of....if you are a liar you must have a very good memory...obviously she does not.
I have an inny not an outy

your too stupid to be any fun

Vince...try and get over stupid....we will not hold it against you. And remember..........Abi gezunt dos leben ken men zikh ale mol nemen. 'Stay healthy...you can kill yourself later'