When did Harold Ford turn into a republican


Junior Member
The Congressman who is running to replace retiring Bill Frist as Senator from Tennessee has voted to outlaw gay marriage and to repeal the estate tax, and wants to amend the Constitution to ban flag burning. He supports getting rid of the handgun ban in the nation's capital and says the Ten Commandments should be posted in courtrooms around his state. He favors school prayer, argues that more troops should have been sent to Iraq and wants to seal the border with Mexico. He likes to tell a story about the time he campaigned at a bar called the Little Rebel, which had a Confederate flag and a parking lot full of pickup trucks adorned with National Rifle Association bumper stickers. When he went inside, as he tells it, a woman at the bar greeted him with a hug and exclaimed,


used to be a nice guy and voted for the little man?? or is he just trying to win.
The Congressman who is running to replace retiring Bill Frist as Senator from Tennessee has voted to outlaw gay marriage and to repeal the estate tax, and wants to amend the Constitution to ban flag burning. He supports getting rid of the handgun ban in the nation's capital and says the Ten Commandments should be posted in courtrooms around his state. He favors school prayer, argues that more troops should have been sent to Iraq and wants to seal the border with Mexico. He likes to tell a story about the time he campaigned at a bar called the Little Rebel, which had a Confederate flag and a parking lot full of pickup trucks adorned with National Rifle Association bumper stickers. When he went inside, as he tells it, a woman at the bar greeted him with a hug and exclaimed,


used to be a nice guy and voted for the little man?? or is he just trying to win.

uhmm.... Harold Ford has always been a Moderate ..and what you refer to as a Hollyroller .... kind of a Southern Baptist Lieberman ROFLMAO ....

Dawg .. "the forums preeminent one issue voter"
klaatu im not using the term 'holyroller' anymore.

but whats wrong with being a one issue voter? i gotta look out for me, since no one in congress is. on a side note many people are voting as a single issue this term with regard to the Iraq war.
Well if he ever runs on a national ticket I won't be voting for him, that's for sure.
Nothing much, just been pretty busy at work going through yet another reorg. I'm thinking about leaving my department. Although my new boss is great, it just sucks it took so long to get him.
Rob used to be opposed to gay marriage. In other words, he used to have principles. :) Now he is sold out to the wacko left-wing which will use him as a pawn and then, when finished with him, cast him aside or possibly even exterminate him. That's what Hitler did!

It is rather sad. Still, I think he and I could be friends in person, despite our differences.