When dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans


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To be fair, okay, its his word against hers.

She does seem pretty crazy though. She totally seems like the type. She made women pay for rape kits. She is an anti-choice extremist. She denies global warming. She thinks creationism could be taught alongside science. She repeatedly lies on the campaign trail, about the bridge to nowhere, earmarks, and Troopergate.

In short, her credibility is not above reproach, and she does, in fact, seem pretty crazy on social and science issues.

Does she think Dinosaurs walked the earth with Humans? That's like asking if Dixie loves Bush -- I think the answer is probably self evident.


The pastor who clashed with Palin: Baptist minister Howard Bess, who wrote a book Palin wanted banned and who fought her on abortion and gay rights, says the country should fear her election.

"I pushed her on the earth's creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them."

David Talbot

Sep. 16, 2008 * The Wasilla Assembly of God, the evangelical church where Sarah Palin came of age, was still charged with excitement on Sunday over Palin's sudden ascendance. Pastor Ed Kalnins warned his congregation not to talk with any journalists who might have been lurking in the pews -- and directly warned this reporter not to interview any of his flock. But Kalnins and other speakers at the service reveled in Palin's rise to global stardom.

It confirmed, they said, that God was making use of Wasilla. "She will take our message to the world!" rejoiced an Assembly of God youth ministry leader, as the church band rocked the high-vaulted wooden building with its electric gospel.

That is what scares the Rev. Howard Bess. A retired American Baptist minister who pastors a small congregation in nearby Palmer, Wasilla's twin town in Alaska's Matanuska Valley, Bess has been tangling with Palin and her fellow evangelical activists ever since she was a Wasilla City Council member in the 1990s. Recently, Bess again found himself in the spotlight with Palin, when it was reported that his 1995 book, "Pastor, I Am Gay," was among those Palin tried to have removed from the Wasilla Public Library when she was mayor.

"She scares me," said Bess. "She's Jerry Falwell with a pretty face.


Another valley activist, Philip Munger, says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. "She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board," said Munger, a music composer and teacher. "I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, 'Sarah, how can you believe in creationism -- your father's a science teacher.' And she said, 'We don't have to agree on everything.'

"I pushed her on the earth's creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them."

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. "She looked in my eyes and said, 'Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.'"

Bess is unnerved by the prospect of Palin -- a woman whose mind is given to dogmatic certitude -- standing one step away from the Oval Office. "It's truly frightening that someone like Sarah has risen to the national level," Bess said. "Like all religious fundamentalists -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim -- she is a dualist. They view life as an ongoing struggle to the finish between good and evil. Their mind-set is that you do not do business with evil -- you destroy it. Talking with the enemy is not part of their plan. That puts someone like Obama on the side of evil.

Assembly Of God ! I knew it. The church I was raised up in. I know a lot about them. the church of swaggart, and Jim and Tammy. Preach that greed is good.
They are semi holy rollers.
When I was little dancing and movies were prohibited by the church.
Assembly Of God ! I knew it. The church I was raised up in. I know a lot about them. the church of swaggart, and Jim and Tammy. Preach that greed is good.
They are semi holy rollers.
When I was little dancing and movies were prohibited by the church.

Hollyrollers indeed.

Hey USC, I bet Assembly of God helped fund that creation science museum out where you live. Tell me I nailed it.
Hollyrollers indeed.

Hey USC, I bet Assembly of God helped fund that creation science museum out where you live. Tell me I nailed it.

yeah they were big players in it. It is a required church field trip by many churches here. My neighbor across the road was recommending it to me, said it was great.
yeah they were big players in it. It is a required church field trip by many churches here. My neighbor across the road was recommending it to me, said it was great.

I am so totally going to that museum if I'm ever out that way. I don't care if my admission fee goes into the pockets of Pat Robertson, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see that freak show.
Dinosaurs walked with humans? But don't give her a hard time or Goodluck will accuse you of being antireligious, rather than anti-stupid.
"She is Jerry Falwell with a pretty face"

I can think of nothing scarier.
"They view life as an ongoing struggle to the finish between good and evil. Their mind-set is that you do not do business with evil -- you destroy it. Talking with the enemy is not part of their plan. That puts someone like Obama on the side of evil."

This sounds a bit like our friend Majority, doesn't it?

As far as the fossil with footprints of man and dinosaur in the same strata, this piece of rock in Texas has been debunked dozens of times.

Even the hardcore creationists had admitted it isn't actually fossil evidence of man and dinosaur living at the same time.
Lots can hide behind a pretty face.

Lot's can hide behind an attractive face usc. It's not gender specific. It's true that men are more easily manipulated by sexuality than women are. And because of that male trait, an attractive women can glom on coats of lipgloss, and when being interviewed, by, oh, say Sean Hannity, can hike up her skirt just a bit, and lean forward to the point where you can almost picture her sticking her ass in the air, and purse those overglossed lips in such a way that you just know a man is thinking "gee, I wonder if she wants to suck my..." you know what, and that a lot of men won't notice what's coming out of that mouth.

She is never thinking "gee, I'd love to suck his..." you know what, trust me, women just aren't thinking that...but men will always be easily tricked into believe that is what a woman is thinking, because that's what he's thinking, and thanks to internet porn, men are now trained to believe every woman they meet is thinking "gee i'd love to get on my knees, i wonder how long before i can".

However...studies show that attractive people make more money and more promotions, and it's not gender specific. A l ot of crap hides behind attractive men...like for instance, serial rape, serial killer, sadism, etc.

Judging by the ugly, fat men fucks in DC...no, not too much political manipulation going on that way. They just influence the old fashioned way - they buy it.