When Less Than 50% Of Canadians Vote = Vote Of No Confidence

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
When less than 50% of municipal, Provincial or federal voters do not vote, this is a clear message that Canadians do not support the disgusting filth that so called political parties etc. represent. When such happens all political parties should be shut down and dispersed because more than half of Canadians do not go along with their sick and filthy globalist narratives quite obviously!

That is right, this way Canadian voters actually count because not voting speaks volumes and the World Economic Forum and Canadian useful idiot agenda crumbles as political parties are dispersed because the majority has no one decent to vote for quite obviously!

Notice they tell you if you do not vote, you have no right to complain? Especially political parties who have a monopoly over our political system lobbied to turn backs on Canadians and cater to lobbyists and the World Economic Forums rubbish say such disgusting filth to keep their gravy train running at Canadians expense! They are working toward oppressing you and want to keep you as sheep like as possible I find quite obvious!

Soon the Federal Retard Convention will crumble and the LGBT will be criminalized so don't worry about the retard convention (current federal gov't) infuriating Canadians by claiming to welcome trans garbage to Canada through starting a petition while the USA and United Kingdom have smartened up and begin to criminalize such sick, disgusting and offensive behavior because these sickos dumb enough to come to Canada can slave to pay off our debt when their sick behavior is finally and justly criminalized.

The retard convention cited something like why give people rights if you are just going to take them away. Well they had no problem taking away heterosexuals right to be heterosexual while attempting to criminalize anyone who calls a man pretending to be a woman a man so these trans sickos can go around robbing heterosexuals of the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with such sick, disgusting, infuriating and well beyond offensive lies and deceptions.

What Trans rights are, are the right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are while they attempt to keep criminal calling these sickos out for what they factually are thus to make a mockery of us all because the retard convention caters to the WEF to force oppression upon Canadian citizens and all other parties cater to the precise same rubbish under threat of media being used by a fringe minority to force oppression on our so called officials of which began hard core around a decade ago. They call a mockery "trans rights" and such a sick mockery never should have began in Canada in the first place and a vote of no confidence by lack of voting would have prevented such disgusting filth from manifesting in the first place.

Who do the majority of Canadians have to vote for, right no one and the proof is that the majority of Canadians do not vote!

If you support LGBT, you are not worthy of voting for period. If you support the climate crisis hoax, you are not worthy of voting for. I could go on and on but you all can make up your own lists for yourselves!

Glad to see this mockery of the shame of humanity calling their disgusting filth pride month while forcing their oppressive rainbows and disgusting display upon the public almost over as the month of June has been desecrated by such as our Canadian flag has been desecrated by such and in the near future it will be criminalized period so we will never have to suffer such a disgusting display ever again! You hesitate to believe such, again just take a good look at what is happening in the USA and the UK of which the same thing is happening in Canada as Canadians express their fury only to face deliberate ignorance from especially our federal retard convention! It's only a matter of time!

One quick mention on another note to do with the prices of marijuana products coming down in September and store owners in need of compensation for products they have that they already paid full price for may require compensation to stay in business to cover the costs they already paid before the price reduction begins otherwise they stand to lose instead of profit.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
You whine too much considering you have a relatively sane political scene in Canada compared to the shitstorm we've brewed in America.