When prayer leads to death

welcome norm.

I dont care if they want to believe in fantasy but god created Drs for a reason didnt he?
I honestly think this is a form of child abuse. I'm sorry if it violates your religion, but if your religion called for you to go out and kill three women and wear their skin as a suit for six months every fifth full moon, no one would allow that either.
Real good job their mom and dad. Let your little girl die because you just knew at the last moment Gawd was gonna lay his healing spirit upon her. Stupid Stupid Stupid. I hope like hell these people have not procreated since. Their kids are going to be sorely short on brains.
Praying for yourself, for strength to deal with tragedy, praying for comfort in hard times, praying for the well being of others, these are not the prays that fail. It is the prayers for healing that fail. This child was sick and getting progressively more sick for thirty days. There is no excuse for not taking her to a doctor after the first week. The net result of her parents actions should be considered criminal, while I know that they are suffering, not just for their loss but for their decisions as well, I believe they should be prosecuted for neglect, child endangerment, and some lesser degree of homicide. It is the responsibility of parents to protect and care for their children. These parents failed, miserably.

As for God creating doctors, as an Atheist, I believe the doctors create themselves. :D

Thank you for the welcome.
Praying for yourself, for strength to deal with tragedy, praying for comfort in hard times, praying for the well being of others, these are not the prays that fail. It is the prayers for healing that fail. This child was sick and getting progressively more sick for thirty days. There is no excuse for not taking her to a doctor after the first week. The net result of her parents actions should be considered criminal, while I know that they are suffering, not just for their loss but for their decisions as well, I believe they should be prosecuted for neglect, child endangerment, and some lesser degree of homicide. It is the responsibility of parents to protect and care for their children. These parents failed, miserably.

As for God creating doctors, as an Atheist, I believe the doctors create themselves. :D

Thank you for the welcome.

The state should've taken her to get care. It was a failure of the state.
We could go into a long discussion about this and insert the differing religious beliefs (or lack thereof) but suffice it to say that I do believe in the power of prayer. I also believe God gave us a brain for a reason.......and said that when you're sick you need a doctor.
Like I said if people want to believe in fantasy that is up to them.

In my mind people created god not the other way around.
/Stossil mode on

Proof that the reason Americans healthcare prices are so high is that they go to the doctor all the time for trivial things, because they know insurance will pay for it!

/Stossil off
Studies have shown that when the sick KNOW they are being prayed for it seems to help but when the sick person has no idea that there is a group praying for them they don't fare any better or worse than the people that no one prays for.
This happens from time to time. Unfortunately religion can feed mental illness.
There are also those children that the parents try and starve a devil out of their children , etc.

We will always have a few of the witch burning types.
Which is how I think god got created.

People who believed that some entity was looking out for them had an advantage.

I still think the God gene thing as some validity
Which is how I think god got created.

People who believed that some entity was looking out for them had an advantage.

I still think the God gene thing as some validity

I see it as part of a pack holdover thing and needing an alpha dog so to speak.

Same reason we worship sports teams and figures, actors, etc..
And also a way to explain the unexplainable.
Yeah a rallying point , the placebo effect and a reason to hang on one more day.

Nothing wrong with it except when like in this situation it gets out of place.