When Race Trumps Merit


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Does your workplace have too few black people in top jobs? It's racist. Does the advanced math and science high school in your city have too many Asians? It's racist. Does your local museum employ too many white women? It's racist, too.

After the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, prestigious American institutions, from the medical profession to the fine arts, pleaded guilty to "systemic racism." How else to explain why blacks are overrepresented in prisons and underrepresented in C-suites and faculty lounges, their leaders asked? Any traditional behavior or achievement that impedes exact racial proportionality in any enterprise is now presumed racist. Medical school admissions tests, expectations of scientific accomplishment in the award of research grants, the enforcement of the criminal law--all are under assault, because they have a "disparate impact" on underrepresented minorities.

Federal science agencies now treat researchers' skin color as a scientific qualification. Museums and orchestras choose which art and music to promote based on race. Police officers avoid making arrests and prosecutors decline to bring charges to avoid disparate impact on minority criminals.

As long as alleged racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial differences, we will continue tearing down excellence and putting lives, as well as civilizational achievement at risk.

It was even a must that a woman of color was to fill biden's vice presidential seat despite her lack of merit for the job at hand.
Does your workplace have too few black people in top jobs? It's racist. Does the advanced math and science high school in your city have too many Asians? It's racist. Does your local museum employ too many white women? It's racist, too.

After the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, prestigious American institutions, from the medical profession to the fine arts, pleaded guilty to "systemic racism." How else to explain why blacks are overrepresented in prisons and underrepresented in C-suites and faculty lounges, their leaders asked? Any traditional behavior or achievement that impedes exact racial proportionality in any enterprise is now presumed racist. Medical school admissions tests, expectations of scientific accomplishment in the award of research grants, the enforcement of the criminal law--all are under assault, because they have a "disparate impact" on underrepresented minorities.

Federal science agencies now treat researchers' skin color as a scientific qualification. Museums and orchestras choose which art and music to promote based on race. Police officers avoid making arrests and prosecutors decline to bring charges to avoid disparate impact on minority criminals.

As long as alleged racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial differences, we will continue tearing down excellence and putting lives, as well as civilizational achievement at risk.

It was even a must that a woman of color was to fill biden's vice presidential seat despite her lack of merit for the job at hand.

What white wing rag did you copy that from
Three brain dead lefties are unable to see just how much of a race baiting-merit lacking party they support. Oh well, to be expected coming from the radical left.
It was even a must that a woman of color was to fill biden's vice presidential seat despite her lack of merit for the job at hand.

Harris is more qualified than trump.... And attacking her because she is a woman does not help Republicans with women voters.
Harris is more qualified than trump.... And attacking her because she is a woman does not help Republicans with women voters.

The cackling useless no-show border czar harris is more qualified than the successful Trump? LMFAO! Attacking her because she's a woman? No, just pointing out that she is meritless and a failed Veep in every aspect. Does she have any staff left, or have they all resigned.
America has become the laughing stock of the world.

We are no longer a superpower and our power and influence in the world is gone.

I dread the next military conflict we are in because we are going to get absolutely destroyed
Does your workplace have too few black people in top jobs? It's racist. Does the advanced math and science high school in your city have too many Asians? It's racist. Does your local museum employ too many white women? It's racist, too.

After the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, prestigious American institutions, from the medical profession to the fine arts, pleaded guilty to "systemic racism." How else to explain why blacks are overrepresented in prisons and underrepresented in C-suites and faculty lounges, their leaders asked? Any traditional behavior or achievement that impedes exact racial proportionality in any enterprise is now presumed racist. Medical school admissions tests, expectations of scientific accomplishment in the award of research grants, the enforcement of the criminal law--all are under assault, because they have a "disparate impact" on underrepresented minorities.

Federal science agencies now treat researchers' skin color as a scientific qualification. Museums and orchestras choose which art and music to promote based on race. Police officers avoid making arrests and prosecutors decline to bring charges to avoid disparate impact on minority criminals.

As long as alleged racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial differences, we will continue tearing down excellence and putting lives, as well as civilizational achievement at risk.

It was even a must that a woman of color was to fill biden's vice presidential seat despite her lack of merit for the job at hand.

Wow, are you a racist.
border czar harris

Harris is not the border czar, she is the Central American czar. We do not have a border on Central America.

successful Trump

trump inherited a lot of money, and then got lower returns then the S&P. That makes trump a below average businessman. And he destroyed a lot of investors and contractors along the way, making him an even worse businessman.
America has become the laughing stock of the world.

We are no longer a superpower and our power and influence in the world is gone.

I dread the next military conflict we are in because we are going to get absolutely destroyed

Your ignorance and right-wing hate have taken you to a dark and ugly place. America is the strongest nation, the richest and the leader of the world.
We have to end war, because eventually, war will end us all.
America has become the laughing stock of the world.

We are no longer a superpower and our power and influence in the world is gone.

I dread the next military conflict we are in because we are going to get absolutely destroyed

America has become the laughing stock of the world.

yep because of white trash MAGA filth

Watch people across the world celebrate Joe Biden's win

From impromptu trumpet solos to dancing in the street, President-elect Joe Biden's victory over President Donald Trump sparked worldwide celebrations.

Wow, are you a racist.

Anything but a racist, but I see you haven't as yet, if ever, going to realize that the demorat party does nothing but race bait and race hustle almost everything
that is politically advantageous to them. And the OP I presented here confirms as much since you dems use equity over merit every time in attaining your goal
of having more power and dividing the nation along the race lines. Did you happen to catch that racist biden speak at an all black college by denouncing and
degrading whites in America by inferring--and I paraphrase, that America's greatest domestic enemy is white supremacism? My goodness, states just came out recently that showed around 25 murders were related to so-called white supremacists this past year, but of course nothing by biden was said about the hundreds if not thousands of black
on black murders were committed in that same time period. What a f**king liar and race baiting scoundrel that pos biden is and always has been.
Harris is more qualified than trump.... And attacking her because she is a woman does not help Republicans with women voters.

She was selected because of her genitalia and pigmentation. No one's votes are altered by your bullshit.