When the govt. legalized slavery,

The emancipation proclamation under republican president Lincoln only outlawed slavery in southern states, not in northern states.
The emancipation proclamation under republican president Lincoln only outlawed slavery in southern states, not in northern states.
Slavery was already outlawed in the northern states, so there was no need to outlaw it a second time. It is why there was contention over the slavery issue in the first place.
Slavery was already outlawed in the northern states, so there was no need to outlaw it a second time. It is why there was contention over the slavery issue in the first place.

Nope there were at least 2 northern states that had slaves,
Slavery was already outlawed in the northern states, so there was no need to outlaw it a second time. It is why there was contention over the slavery issue in the first place.

No, actually the emancipation proclamation specifically excluded the slaveholding northern states.

I'll give you a cookie if you can name them.
Southern politics is entirely dominated by race.

The period from 1860 to 1960 was entirely a reaction to the Republicans freeing the slaves.

The period from 1960 to now is entirely a reaction to the Democrats giving blacks civil rights.

Around 1980, a lot of Democrats, like Ray Maybus and Bill Clinton, in the south took a hard look at themselves, and decided to put the past behind them. They offered a new south. The Republicans countered by offering that same old south. The Republicans won.
Democrats thought it was morally acceptable.

Boy are you a first class moron. Can't destinguish the difference between changing political parties and southern conservatives. In 1805 and in 1861 and in 1941 Southern conservatives, the main ill in American politics today, were Democrats. Now they are Republicans. So what's your point?
Southern politics is entirely dominated by race.

The period from 1860 to 1960 was entirely a reaction to the Republicans freeing the slaves.

The period from 1960 to now is entirely a reaction to the Democrats giving blacks civil rights.

Around 1980, a lot of Democrats, like Ray Maybus and Bill Clinton, in the south took a hard look at themselves, and decided to put the past behind them. They offered a new south. The Republicans countered by offering that same old south. The Republicans won.

You are absolutely correct. It's this change in the Democrats that Irreputable is to stupid to understand. You also bring up the point of why Bill Clinton is so vilified by southern conservatives. It's not because he's a liberal, he's not. It's because he's an apostate.
Democrats thought it was morally acceptable.

That's because the Republican Party was started as an anti-slavery party and all through Reconstruction African-Americans were republicans.

Todays Republican Party bears little resemblance to the party of its inception?

Are you also unaware that they were once both the same party, the Democrat Republican Party?

The argument you're attempting to make is ridiculous.

The question is how is it you don't know that?
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Your lies won't cut it

How many Dixiecrats became Republicans?

Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, and Phil Gramm - who switched in 1983.


The rest stayed in the racist 'Crat party until they died or retired, except the ones still serving in Congress.

The majority of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as a cursory examination of the voting record will confirm. So much for the alleged "1960 change" in the racist Jackass Party.

A challenge: Name one Civil Rights measure opposed by a majority of Republican lawmakers.
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How many Dixiecrats became Republicans?

Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, and Phil Gramm - who switched in 1983.


The rest stayed in the racist 'Crat party until they died or retired, except the ones still serving in Congress.

The majority of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as a cursory examination of the voting record will confirm. So much for the alleged "1960 change" in the racist Jackass Party.

A challenge: Name one Civil Rights measure opposed by a majority of Republican lawmakers.

The most recent proposed amendments to Title VII.

What do I win?
How many Dixiecrats became Republicans?

Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, and Phil Gramm - who switched in 1983.


The rest stayed in the racist 'Crat party until they died or retired, except the ones still serving in Congress.

The majority of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as a cursory examination of the voting record will confirm. So much for the alleged "1960 change" in the racist Jackass Party.

A challenge: Name one Civil Rights measure opposed by a majority of Republican lawmakers.

Affirmative Action.

Both God Reagan and McCain opposed the Civil Rights Act, as did most republicans until Sen. Everett Dirksen led them into supporting the legislation.

If you think there were only 3 dixiecrats who became republicans you are seriously deluded.

African-Americans have been overwhelmingly republican and democrat and have a history of great successes at both.

At what point does your time machine move forward and take a look at what the Republican Party is today and what African-Americans have accomplished being democrats?

Here's a clue: Obama soon to be the most powerful man on the planet.

Let's see if you can scrape up an argument against that.