When they tell you who they are

YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

I heard that roving bands of trumpanzzies will take over the streets and cut off all supplies to Brandon supporters. The Trump loving women are the most ruthless. Here they are training in the snow.
If I were you, I would stop watching TV and cut your internet because they have secret ways to track your viewing habits, stock up on TP and water, and move to the basement right now.

YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

that whining crying sob will never quit bchhing about this nonsense. Which proves what a low life pos he is,........Never in our history has any POtuS behaved like an adolescent.........continually.
I heard that roving bands of trumpanzzies will take over the streets and cut off all supplies to Brandon supporters. The Trump loving women are the most ruthless. Here they are training in the snow.
If I were you, I would stop watching TV and cut your internet because they have secret ways to track your viewing habits, stock up on TP and water, and move to the basement right now.

Yeah, I doubt those are republicans.

Most women won't have anything to do with tRumplings.

That's why they have to reproduce by fission, like other bacteria
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

MAGA: If a Republican wins, it's legit. If a Republican loses, it's stolen.
Yeah, I doubt those are republicans.

Most women won't have anything to do with tRumplings.

That's why they have to reproduce by fission, like other bacteria
You've never been to Texas! Lots of very attractive Trump supporters...lots.
I heard that roving bands of trumpanzzies will take over the streets and cut off all supplies to Brandon supporters. The Trump loving women are the most ruthless. Here they are training in the snow.
If I were you, I would stop watching TV and cut your internet because they have secret ways to track your viewing habits, stock up on TP and water, and move to the basement right now.

Better be careful
If your master Putin sees your sisters dressed like that it could get your whole family some special tea
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

I just don’t understand how Putin convinced these idiots to commit fucking suicide for him?
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

The fact that Trump is a serious contender at all could very well mean that it's all over already.
That wouldn't be possible in a sane society.
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?
The only coup was by Democrats. It is DEMOCRATS that committed election fraud and caused the 2020 and some 2022 elections to fault. It is DEMOCRATS that installed (not elected) Joe Biden as Chief Puppet. It is DEMOCRATS that rioted in cities all across America, including Washington DC on Jan 6th.

You can't blame YOUR problems on Trump or anybody else.
Yeah, I doubt those are republicans.

Most women won't have anything to do with tRumplings.

That's why they have to reproduce by fission, like other bacteria
Oh puhleeze.

Democrats hate women. They tell them to murder their own offspring, they tell them to deny what they are and their special heritage because it, they try to take away their kids (or tell them to not have kids!), and do everything they can to disrupt and destroy the traditional family.

Women are just a pawn to the Democrats.