when you want change why hire a conservitive?


I just dont understand why anyone would vote for McSame when almost everyone agrees we need change.

Many of you self identify as a conservitive. What is it you will conserve as policy for this country.

It seems to me the whole direction os a failure.
because they are partisans, racists, chauvinists, single issue voters, how did W get elected? And a worse president is impossible to consider. Say taxes and the rats salivate. We need to associate taxes with infrastructure in the minds of most of the fools who vote for more of the McSame. May help who knows.
I just dont understand why anyone would vote for McSame when almost everyone agrees we need change.

Many of you self identify as a conservitive. What is it you will conserve as policy for this country.

It seems to me the whole direction os a failure.

Desh, you are trying to apply the literal meaning of a word to political terminology. It doesn't work that way.

For example, let's talk about so-called 'progressives' who want to change things.

1) Education - what new proposal have progressives come up with for education over the last 20 years other than 'we need more money'? What are Obama and Hillary offering that is any different than that?

2) Economy - Globalization; Economic globalization is a fact of life. We are not living in the 1950's any more. We as American's are now forced to compete on a global level. Yet 'progressives' fight against free trade and would like to see us back in the '50's where unions dominated the economic landscape and America was led by manufactoring jobs.

Just two examples for you.
How the fuck do you fix our education problem without spending any money?

So you are sugesting employees have no right to band together and demand things from their employer?

You see same old silly ideas without any sight of the past or future.
How the fuck do you fix our education problem without spending any money?

So you are sugesting employees have no right to band together and demand things from their employer?

You see same old silly ideas without any sight of the past or future.

Desh, we spend billions on education right now. Can we spend our edcation allocation of dollars more efficiently and more effectively? I would argue yes. The idea that we change nothing but just add more money to the budget has been tried over and over yet has not produced results. That is what you want to continue to do. Maybe we should call Barack HuSame Obama.

I'm not suggesting employees don't have a right to band together. But we are not in the '50's. Manufactoring were highly unionized. The type of new jobs being created today are in the service and financial sector which are not the type of employment that unionizes. Hence the fact that less than 10% of the private sector is unionized today. Yet the old school mindset is difficult to change. More Barack HuSame Obama.
How the fuck do you fix our education problem without spending any money?


The same way you fix anything-- by actually addressing the problem, not by throwing money at it and hoping it disappears.

Also, are you really so stupid that you can't understand how not everyone shares your beliefs?

P.S.-- Calling him John McSame (and I think I have told you this same thing, although about different people, about a hundred times now) does not make you look intelligent--- 5-year-olds can make puns, adults should be able to make arguments.
What the hell are schools supposed to do with the money? Buy more computer labs?

Mississippi was the first nation with a computer in every classroom, and all they did was gather dust. That was hundreds of thousands per a school, mostly spent towards insuring people can play the Oregon Trail.
What the hell are schools supposed to do with the money? Buy more computer labs?

Mississippi was the first nation with a computer in every classroom, and all they did was gather dust. That was hundreds of thousands per a school, mostly spent towards insuring people can play the Oregon Trail.

Exactly my point. Money doesn't fix problems, planning does.

The reason other countries are so much more effective than the United States as far as education is concerned is because they do not pussy-foot around with learning. We spend so much time convincing ourselves that EVERYONE should go to college and that people should FEEL GOOD instead of learn, while other countries already know that not EVERYONE needs to go to college.
I agree, Europe discovered it about fifteen years ago in a big way, according to a German professor that was on loan to the university here. He always had a lot to say about how America was behind Europe in many ways socially.
Trade schools, we need to expand these in the way that Europe has done.
Does anyone else remember that GHWB claimed he was the education president ?
Yes. And he was the first to spend directly on such programs at the federal level. One of the things that I'd like to not see repeated. There is no power over education granted to the Feds in the Constitution, so either change the social contract or don't do it. You swore to uphold it.