Where Democrats get their ideas....


U. S. NAVY Veteran
The end objectives of our involvement in peace movement activity leading up to the midterm elections is:

1) To broaden the circle of people in the peace movement who are familiar with the ---------------- Party’s outlook on the elections and the need to defeat the ultra-right.

2) To deepen the understanding of the role of movements in political empowerment.

3) To strengthen basis for recruiting new Party members.

4) To energize the peace movement with tactics that move mass protest and majority opposition to the occupation into political action.

The Democratic Party and its candidates are only as strong politically and economically as the mass movements behind them. The greater participation of the Party and Left, the more effective the movements are, the more likely we can deliver a blow to the Right in November.

With our collective efforts in the targeted congressional races and our mobilizations in the streets and in the halls of Congress, the mid term elections can become a turning point in ending the occupation of Iraq.

Judith LeBlanc is a National Vice-Chair of the CPUSA and Chair of its Peace & Solidarity Commission.
The ultra-right represents the most extreme, backwards, reactionary sections of transnational capital. They represent the war profiteers and the energy/oil conglomerates. If left in power, they aim to:

 Waste billions of dollars on unjust wars
 Deny workers the right to organize a union
 Destroy public education and the ability for us to go to college
 Undermine the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act
 Deny a woman’s right to choose
 Privatize Social Security and dismantle pensions
 Repeal environmental regulations and reject any measures to curb global warming.

Young people, particularly youth of color and working class youth, suffer the most under these regressive measures, often seeing the military as their only option after high school. The overwhelming majority of soldier deaths are young men and women under 30. Those that do return often suffer from post-traumatic stress and mental illness, making it difficult to return to school or get a decent job. In fact, the jobs available to youth overall do not provide much to shout about. The long-lasting ultra-right wing attack on trade unions, which the Reagan administration took the lead on in the 1980s, has left young workers to fend for themselves with less than five percent of young workers having a union job.

With no real interest in education, companies flock to schools to make money off of students. In reference to privatization, the National Education Association, a teachers’ union, reports on their web site that, if the ultra-right isn’t stopped, “one could imagine a system of public education where nearly all administrative, teaching, support, and even cultural functions would be controlled by private companies, reducing the role of elected school boards to glorified contract administrators.”

Young people are also the ones that would suffer from the environmental damages caused by deregulation of corporate emissions standards. We will have to scrap for reproductive rights in an anti-Roe v. Wade era. And in another 30 or 40 years, it will be today’s young people left with the empty bank account that used to be social security and pensions.

Of course, a Democratic victory in 2008 will not solve all the problems caused by so many years of ultra-right domination, or by capitalism in general.
The Democratic Party is also a coalition: Its leadership does consist of the less reactionary section of monopoly capital, but its mass base is currently made up of the labor unions, youth organizations, a large segment of the anti-war movement, women’s organizations, civil rights organizations, civil libertarians and so on. Looking at the parties as coalitions is more illuminating than simply looking at the leadership; it becomes much easier to see which camp we want to be in, which coalition we want to see win at this stage.
The leading Democratic candidates represents the strongest opposition to the ultra-right we’ve ever seen in a presidential election. The mere fact that candidates must posture over who is more pro-jobs, pro-peace, pro-gay or pro-healthcare is a giant leap forward. And who cannot find progress in the fact that much of the country seems ready to elect either a Black man or a woman as president?

And there is something to be said for the movement of young people that surrounds Barack Obama. An overwhelming majority of the 2008 primary youth vote went to Sen. Obama, who won this section of the electorate in all Super Tuesday states but Arkansas, California and Massachusetts. Even in those states, Obama kept the margin of victory incredibly low. Obama went on to sweep the Potomac Primaries (D.C., Maryland and Virginia). Of the two candidates, many feel he has provided an inspirational vision for the future of our country. And for youth, who so often feel left out of the discussion, this has been increasingly attractive.
This fight is winnable, and there is an actual strategy to win, a strategy that consists of more than playing at revolution and calling for chaos in the streets. Right now the elections are the most critical form of struggle; this is where we have the best shot of finally breaking the back of the ultra right. Afterwards, we will continue to build a united movement that can work to establish a real electoral alternative, and eventually to challenge the system overall.

The only next steps to really ending the war, passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), raising the Pell Grant in a significant way, among other things, is to get around the Bush veto. This means that McCain must be denied the White House in November

90% of that is criticism of the Democratic party for being too moderate. I seriously doubt the Democrats copy a platform of criticizing the Democratic party.
I assumed the new face of liberalism (as far cry from when I described myself as liberal) got its ideas from their drug induced hallucinations of utopia.
My thread deals with the Communist Party of the USA finding itself an ally of the Democratic Party on occasion..... sympathizing with Democratic ideology on occasion.... its members voting FOR candidates of the Democratic Party.....brothers so to speak, on occasion.....

That doesn't bother you in the least does it....?

As I said in another thread, its like the Palestinians sympathizing with the Nazis....

I'd find it disturbing if the Communist Party agreed with my party .....as I find it disturbing that anyone could sympathize with the Nazi Jewish solution

Yes, because the CPUSA chairman has some good things to say about Obama. Did you even watch the clip?

Glenn Beck is a douche. He's too cowardly to admit he's a right wing

Beck is a member of the Libertarian Party. Unlike you, he believes in freedom, including the freedom to do business as we please. You wouldn't know this, of course, because you've never actually tuned in to his show.

Calling Obama a communist is just stupid.

I don't think Beck is calling Obama a communist. I certainly am not. However, as admitted by the CPUSA chairman, much of what Obama is doing/proposing falls in line with the CPUSA platform.

I repeat, I am not calling Obama a communist.
My thread deals with the Communist Party of the USA finding itself an ally of the Democratic Party on occasion..... sympathizing with Democratic ideology on occasion.... its members voting FOR candidates of the Democratic Party.....brothers so to speak, on occasion.....

That doesn't bother you in the least does it....?

As I said in another thread, its like the Palestinians sympathizing with the Nazis....

I'd find it disturbing if the Communist Party agreed with my party .....as I find it disturbing that anyone could sympathize with the Nazi Jewish solution

You can't control who support you (white supremacist's supported the Republican party) and just because the CPoA has some limited common interest with the Democrats it doesn't mean that Obama's plan is a bad idea. If the CPoA were opposed to cutting off my fingers I would not be concerned, cutting off my fingers is a bad idea.
Yes, because the CPUSA chairman has some good things to say about Obama. Did you even watch the clip?

Beck is a member of the Libertarian Party. Unlike you, he believes in freedom, including the freedom to do business as we please. You wouldn't know this, of course, because you've never actually tuned in to his show.

I don't think Beck is calling Obama a communist. I certainly am not. However, as admitted by the CPUSA chairman, much of what Obama is doing/proposing falls in line with the CPUSA platform.

I repeat, I am not calling Obama a communist.

I've watched Glenn Beck a million times. Glenn Beck is for all intensive purposes a lying Republican who hates illegal immigrants and isn't even a real Libertarian. It should be no shock he went over the Fox News. He doesn't believe in freedom (he loves the war in Iraq), so yeah, he's basically a coward. This is my favorite Glenn Beck moment:

You can't control who support you (white supremacist's supported the Republican party) and just because the CPoA has some limited common interest with the Democrats it doesn't mean that Obama's plan is a bad idea. If the CPoA were opposed to cutting off my fingers I would not be concerned, cutting off my fingers is a bad idea.

And black panthers support the Democratic Party...whats you point ? besides trying to confuse the issue..... we're not talking about unbalanced fringe individuals .... on either side of the equation...

So you admit some common ideals with communists dogma....actually quite a few if you care to add them up....
I admit to no commonality with white supremacists except adhering to the Constitution as written...but then, even some Democrats will agree with that...

I am not a white supremacist and you are not a black panther....but you do have a political ideology thats dovetails with a political party, Communists....while neither partys ideology dovetails with left and right extremes....
He doesn't believe in freedom (he loves the war in Iraq)

I was opposed to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. However, I am not so ignorant as to suggest that the Iraqi people have less freedom than prior to the invasion. Saddam Hussein was a violent dictator. By comparison, the people are now free to choose their leaders, and liberty is beginning to take root. How is that a bad thing? See, unlike you, I can be opposed to something on philosophical grounds without hoping for its failure.

Oh, and libertarians have differing opinions regarding the war in Iraq. FYI.
I was opposed to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. However, I am not so ignorant as to suggest that the Iraqi people have less freedom than prior to the invasion. Saddam Hussein was a violent dictator. By comparison, the people are now free to choose their leaders, and liberty is beginning to take root. How is that a bad thing? See, unlike you, I can be opposed to something on philosophical grounds without hoping for its failure.

Oh, and libertarians have differing opinions regarding the war in Iraq. FYI.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died? Billions of dollars lost? Corruption? Our reputation tarnished? Bullshit, the Iraqi people are clearly worse off than before. I initially supported the war and then figured out that, wait, this is bullshit. No actual Libertarians think Iraq is or was a good idea. The fake ones who don't want to be associated with Republicans do.

Oh by the way, do Libertarians hate Mexicans like Glenn Beck? Hmm... I'm sure they really share his views on civil liberties as well though right? Oh wait no, because Glenn Beck is also a pussy when it comes to civil liberties as well. Shit, doesn't Glenn Beck support the Patriot Act?
Hundreds of thousands of people have died?

Hundreds of thousands? Nonsense. Civilian casualties are estimated at between 90,902 - 99,257, the overwhelming majority of which were killed by terrorists. Coalition forces are responsible for minimal civilian casualties.

To put that into perspective, Saddam Hussein was responsible for approximately 300,000 civilian deaths (180,000 Kurds, 60,000 Shiites, and 50,000 Misc. others). That is a conservative estimate. The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq estimates total civilian deaths at closer to 600,000, in addition to 500,000 who died in Saddam's needless war with Iran.

The point being, without intervention the genocide would have continued, and only escalated following Saddam's death. His sons, Uday and Qusay, were notorious for being more brutal than their father.

Now I am of the opinion that the USA should mind its business and unless the security of our nation is under direct threat, keep out of world affairs. That is why I opposed the invasion of Iraq; there is no evidence that the United States was in imminent danger. That said, I must also be intellectually honest. The Iraq war has spared the lives of millions and given the Iraqi people a chance at building a free, democratic country.

Oh by the way, do Libertarians hate Mexicans like Glenn Beck?

What the fuck are you talking about?
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