Where DO you Guys get your Information? Dreamland?


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Jollie - did you know that Obama's poll #'s have gone up since all of the stuff you think is so important came out in the 'harsh, cold light'?

He's still beating McCain in the last poll I saw. Ouch
To All the "Senoir Members", Like Onceler, Darla, Desh, ib1gayguy, blackascoal, etc., etc., etc:

First, I'd just like to say, I don't quite have the neccesary bias, and hatred for those with different views, to understand: WHAT, about my naming the Democrat's Imploding 2008 Presidential Chances, B.Hussein Obama's "outing", of all the Lies of Omission, and the MEDIA'S SAD CORRUPTION of IGNORING Obama's Past, remotely has ANYTHING TO DO WITH DRUGS? And besides, Drugs are a Permissive Liberal Passtime, aren't they? Now, that having been said, I'd like to RUB Onceler's NOSE in the Article, below! To coin a phrase, Onceler, "OUCH!"

New poll: McCain would beat Democrats in November

By Tom Brune
Published on: 02/27/08

WASHINGTON — Presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, who has largely tied his candidacy to the war in Iraq, narrowly leads both Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton in a general election matchup, according to a new Los Angeles Times-Bloomberg poll.

Among those surveyed, McCain won higher marks than either Obama or Clinton for having the right experience and the ability to handle Iraq and terrorism — and most other issues, except health care.

Yet both Obama and Clinton, whose primary battle has generated great interest and excitement, appear to have succeeded in convincing most voters that they would more likely be the ones to bring change to Washington, the poll showed.

Still, the poll found McCain would beat Clinton in a general election matchup 46 percent to 40 percent, and he would edge by Obama 44 percent to 42 percent.

In both cases, McCain's lead is within the poll's overall margin of error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.

The survey by telephone of 1,246 registered voters over the weekend, released Tuesday, adds to an unsettled pattern also reflected in other most recent polls.

Obama, for example, leads McCain in two of them — by 10 points in an AP-Ipsos poll and 12 points in a New York Times-CBS News poll. McCain leads Obama by 1 point in the USA Today-Gallup poll.

Clinton's experience is even more jumbled. McCain led Clinton by 4 points in the USA Today-Gallup poll. Clinton led by 5 points in the AP-Ipsos poll. And they were tied in the New York Times-CBS poll.

The most important finding in the Los Angeles Times-Bloomberg poll might be McCain's high marks for his ability to handle both Iraq and terrorism better than Obama and Clinton. Those are signature issues for Republicans, but also key attack issues for the Democrats, who oppose the Bush administration's handling of the war and terrorism.

On the other key issue — handling the economy — the poll found Clinton ranked higher than McCain, but McCain actually ranked better than Obama.

Meanwhile, Obama continues to broaden his support among Democratic voters, the poll found, moving ahead of Clinton in the most recent poll after trailing her by 9 points in last month's Los Angles Times-Bloomberg poll.

Obama now leads Clinton 48 percent to 42 percent, which falls within the plus-or-minus 5-point margin of error in the survey of Democratic voters, but still shows significant progress for him.

Along with that lead, the poll found voters in both parties say Obama would be a stronger Democratic candidate than Clinton in the general election, a trend also found in other recent polls.

More on ajc.com
These are the death throes of a dying breed from a dead ideology.

Where do we get our facts from .. from the same place that told us Iraq woiuld end up being the worst strategic, military, and political blunder in American history.

We didn't get our facts from people who were warning you that you could see "mushroom clouds" from Saddam .. something that only a complete idiot would believe.

Let me guess where you got your facts from?

You talk as if YOU are speaking as some intellectual authority when in fact YOU and people like you are excatly why there is so much energy in this election .. energy I might add that is not on your side of the political fence.

Here's a fact for you .. McCain is the candidate of last resort and even the right-wing establishment of his own party aren't too happy with him.

McCain is the very definition of flip-flop.

He's too old and you deserve and award if you can make it through one of his speeches. Even he falls asleep on them.

Where's those health records he's been promising.

He has oine issue and one issue alone, war, an issue that he's most assuredly going to lose on. If blinders or lack of interpretive skills prevents you from seeing the obvious even at this late stage of knowledge .. well, that would indeed be a pity.

Oh yeah .. on those "Al-Queda" ghosts he's been chasing in Iraq .. Malaki says they aren't there anymore.
You're "rubbing my nose" in a 2 pt/statistical tie, after Obama has endured one of the worst months ever, and McCain has had a free ride?

Do you have any idea what McCain is in for between now & November?
Do you have ANY Idea what OBAMA is in for? Haaaaaaahahahaha, Hillary is AFRAID to go after his Terrorist connections, his corruption connections, his Racist connections, his Anti-American connections. McCain will have no objection to telling the TRUTH about him.

Blackas coal, have you READ some of the things that William Ayers, and wife Bernadine Dohrn have SAID AND DONE? How could Obama be in the SAME ROOM with them? And to be a "Spirtual Son" of a Man who is BLATANTLY an Anti-White Racist, and AGAINST the Concepts of Free Markets and Making your Fortune, that America was FOUNDED on, and STILL RUNS ON? Or do you Liberals want to CHANGE ALL THAT? It seems BARACK does.
Why cant you all just ADMIT it! Obama IS IN STEP with all of his freinds, how could he NOT be, after 20-year associations?

These are the death throes of a dying breed from a dead ideology.

Where do we get our facts from .. from the same place that told us Iraq woiuld end up being the worst strategic, military, and political blunder in American history.

We didn't get our facts from people who were warning you that you could see "mushroom clouds" from Saddam .. something that only a complete idiot would believe.

Let me guess where you got your facts from?

You talk as if YOU are speaking as some intellectual authority when in fact YOU and people like you are excatly why there is so much energy in this election .. energy I might add that is not on your side of the political fence.

Here's a fact for you .. McCain is the candidate of last resort and even the right-wing establishment of his own party aren't too happy with him.

McCain is the very definition of flip-flop.

He's too old and you deserve and award if you can make it through one of his speeches. Even he falls asleep on them.

Where's those health records he's been promising.

He has oine issue and one issue alone, war, an issue that he's most assuredly going to lose on. If blinders or lack of interpretive skills prevents you from seeing the obvious even at this late stage of knowledge .. well, that would indeed be a pity.

Oh yeah .. on those "Al-Queda"(correct spelling al Qaeda) ghosts he's been chasing in Iraq .. Malaki says they aren't there anymore.

try to keep up with the news...just released audio by Usamas #2 man...the Infamous MD...he seems to think his boys are kicking General Petreaus's arse in Iraq...are they Ghosts?...if so maybe General Petreaus should contract to the 'GhostHunters'...I'm sure Jason & Crew could put them in their proper Valhala!;)
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