Where Does This Stop?


Aren't you people embarrassed yet? No, really?

CNN) — McCain supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN the McCain campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the VP debate, currently scheduled for next Thursday, October 2 in St. Louis.

In this scenario, the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin would be rescheduled for a date yet to be determined, and take place in Oxford, Mississippi, currently slated to be the site of the first presidential faceoff this Friday.

Maybe, the real reason is that he wants to keep Palin off the stage. :)

Why? This:

COURIC: You've said, quote, "John McCain will reform the way Wall Street does business." Other than supporting stricter regulations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years ago, can you give us any more example of his leading the charge for more oversight?

PALIN: I think that the example that you just cited, with his warnings two years ago about Fannie and Freddie--that, that's paramount. That's more than a heck of a lot of other senators and representatives did for us.

COURIC: But he's been in Congress for 26 years. He's been chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee. And he has almost always sided with less regulation, not more.

PALIN: He's also known as the maverick though. Taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about--the need to reform government.

COURIC: I'm just going to ask you one more time, not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation?

PALIN: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you.

I am simply stunned at the level of dirty political tricks McBush is willing to engage in to win an election.

It sound like the Couric interview with Palin was a disaster.

I always said you could train a chimpanzee about 5 GOP talking points, and Con voters would happily pull the lever for them. And I was called a partisan idiotic hack for suggesting that.

Guess what? Palin is a trained chimpanzee who has no business being a heart beat from the presidency. She might know local and state issues in alaska. But she's totally out of her league here.
I am simply stunned at the level of dirty political tricks McBush is willing to engage in to win an election.

It sound like the Couric interview with Palin was a disaster.

I always said you could train a chimpanzee about 5 GOP talking points, and Con voters would happily pull the lever for them. And I was called a partisan idiotic hack for suggesting that.

Guess what? Palin is a trained chimpanzee who has no business being a heart beat from the presidency. She might know local and state issues in alaska. But she's totally out of her league here.

I never thought she would turn out to be acutally dumb. I figured she's ignorant of world affairs and even domestic ones - that's been obvious.

It never crossed my mind that she might be an actual outright dumb fuck. That possibility seems to be on the table now. And McCain told us we could be in a depression by monday.

I don't think they want Americans getting a full load of Sarah Palin.
That was terrible. But a lot of the blame is on McCain here. If he is going to run as regulator then he should just quit now. She should have turned it back and spoke about how regulations have created these problems.
I have to admit - before we "knew" Palin, I thought she could be somewhat formidable. Her speech - for a red meat kind of speech that I hated - had a powerful effect on that convention & the weeks after, and I thought she was a political force.

Seeing her w/ Charlie Gibson, and seeing some of the clips I've seen with Couric, has been a real eye-opener. She's completely clueless. The thought of her as President is truly alarming.
That was terrible. But a lot of the blame is on McCain here. If he is going to run as regulator then he should just quit now. She should have turned it back and spoke about how regulations have created these problems.

Deregulating and abolishing important parts of the glass-steagle act caused this. Every time a centre-right government has gotten into power and went on a deregulation spree we always end up in these kinds of situations where a collapse looms, but libertarians happily pronounce success after success. Do not piss on my leg and call it rain.
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Deregulating and abolishing the glass-steagle act caused this. Every time a centre-right government has gotten into power and went on a deregulation spree we always end up in these kinds of situations where a collapse looms, but libertarians happily pronounce success after success. Do not piss on my leg and call it rain.

Is anybody else finding Water to be getting more and more fabulous?
I have to admit - before we "knew" Palin, I thought she could be somewhat formidable. Her speech - for a red meat kind of speech that I hated - had a powerful effect on that convention & the weeks after, and I thought she was a political force.

Seeing her w/ Charlie Gibson, and seeing some of the clips I've seen with Couric, has been a real eye-opener. She's completely clueless. The thought of her as President is truly alarming.

It's terrifying. I think they were counting on putting Biden in a position of being scared shitless to open his mouth for fear of being accused of sexism. But, it's gotten to the point where they can't really count on that as a plan anymore.
That was terrible. But a lot of the blame is on McCain here. If he is going to run as regulator then he should just quit now. She should have turned it back and spoke about how regulations have created these problems.

I do agree that a lot of the blame goes to McCain. He has put her in an untenable positon. He doesn't know what the hell he's running on, how is she supposed to know? He can get away with bamboozling the press during interviews, to a certain extent. Because of years of handing out free alcohol and chatting about their moms. She can't. He's probably destroyed any future she had in politics by shoving her into a position that she was in no way ready or qualified for. But on the other hand - she accepted.
I never thought she would turn out to be acutally dumb. I figured she's ignorant of world affairs and even domestic ones - that's been obvious.

It never crossed my mind that she might be an actual outright dumb fuck. That possibility seems to be on the table now. And McCain told us we could be in a depression by monday.

I don't think they want Americans getting a full load of Sarah Palin.

For real? God damn it, just 72 hours ago McBush said the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Which time was he lying??

Let's review, for the benefit of Damocles, Superfreak, and Dixie:

McCain either lied about the economy being strong, or he's a clueless chimpanzee.

McCain rushed into an ill considered half-witted choice to pick a VP in a silly attempt to pander for women's votes. He picked someone he'd only ever met once for five minutes, and it turns out she might be more unqualified than Dan Quayle. I guess when you're all mavericky, you don't deliberate or excercise prudence. You know what the old man should have done? Picked a god damn qualified GOP woman. Surprisingly, the GOP does have qualified women, even with their anti-woman policies.

Congratulations. This is your choice for prez.
For real? God damn it, just 72 hours ago McBush said the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Which time was he lying??

Let's review, for the benefit of Damocles, Superfreak, and Dixie:

McCain either lied about the economy being strong, or he's a clueless chimpanzee.

McCain rushed into an ill considered half-witted choice to pick a VP in a silly attempt to pander for women's votes. He picked someone he'd only ever met once for five minutes, and it turns out she might be more unqualified than Dan Quayle. I guess when you're all mavericky, you don't deliberate or excercise prudence. You know what the old man should have done? Picked a god damn qualified GOP woman. Surprisingly, the GOP does have qualified women, even with their anti-woman policies.

Congratulations. This is your choice for prez.

Good post Cypress.
Deregulating and abolishing the glass-steagle act caused this.

Well, at least you are finally naming a specific regulation. How did repeal of Glass-Steagall cause this?

Every time a centre-right government has gotten into power and went on a deregulation spree we always end up in these kinds of situations where a collapse looms, but libertarians happily pronounce success after success. Do not piss on my leg and call it rain.

There have been economic downturns that did not follow deregulation and in fact followed regulatory expansion. Further, on net, I don't see that there has been a decrease in regulation. Glass-Steagall is the ONLY specific deregulation I have heard anyone mention as a cause (never anything clear on how). I can give you a laundry list of regulations that have caused or aided this crisis.

Government agencies are always shocked to find abuses that they failed to anticipate or deal with during these downturns and claim a need for more regulations. Short of complete control they always will.
Is anybody else finding Water to be getting more and more fabulous?

LOL, he's trolling. Water, if you are going to continue this at least make it an exercise you might learn from and provide some arguments for your "positions."
I have to admit - before we "knew" Palin, I thought she could be somewhat formidable. Her speech - for a red meat kind of speech that I hated - had a powerful effect on that convention & the weeks after, and I thought she was a political force.

Seeing her w/ Charlie Gibson, and seeing some of the clips I've seen with Couric, has been a real eye-opener. She's completely clueless. The thought of her as President is truly alarming.

Palin should have studied McCain's 26 year history and know everything he did and said in those 26 years....sure Meathead....

It would have been easy for Biden to answer such a question about BHO...he's never done anything....