Where hillary stands with the re-do's


Abreast of the situations
In Florida.. wants the current vote counts to stand… or a re-do primary.. but no caucus

In Michigan.. wants the current vote to stand.. but if not then will have rich friends buy a redo if they can control it.. but no caucus.

Doesn’t want to split the delegates 50/50

OBAMA? What are u afraid of?
Caucuses are where people actually get together and discuss the good and bad characteristics of each candidate. Hillary knows she hasn't a chance in such an environment, even against an uberliberal like Obama. She'd much rather have them voting in primaries, where political advertising and even discussion is forbidden at the polls in most states.
I don't go for redos, they blew it ans should now have to live with it. Should the taxpayers have to pay for another balloting ?

Personally I think the piolitical parties should have to pay for the balloting anyway in a primary, not the state/counties. Unless it is a truely open primary.