Where Is Her Indictment? 30 Times Stacey Abrams Denied 2018 Election Results –


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She is saying the samething Trump said why are the Democrats not indicting her. Shows this is a politicam show trial


As President Donald Trump is indicted in Georgia, a new video showing Democrat Stacey Abrams repeatedly denying her 2018 election loss against Republican Brian Kemp has gone viral on social media.The clip, posted by RNC Research, showed the failed Georgia governor candidate claiming the election was “rigged,” “stolen,” and that “the process was not fair.”

During one clip, Abrams says, “But I didn’t lose, I got the votes, but we won’t know exactly how many because of how they cheated.”Abrams also says in another video that she would never concede, adding that “concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper.”

“It was not a free and fair election,” Abrams said in an interview.
Can you be that stupid? Trump is not being charged with denying the election results. That is not a crime, even if it is not true. It is the aggressive, lawbreaking actions he took to steal an election he lost that is his problem.
Can you be that stupid? Trump is not being charged with denying the election results. That is not a crime, even if it is not true. It is the aggressive, lawbreaking actions he took to steal an election he lost that is his problem.

Yes he is. That is what he did in Georgia just like Abrams
She is saying the samething Trump said why are the Democrats not indicting her. Shows this is a politicam show trial


Ah, did she launch a conspiracy to overturn the results? Call the Governor to ask for additional nonexistent votes? Imply the election commissioner would be in trouble if he didn’t change the results? Personally accuse election poll volunteers of tampering with the votes?
Etc., etc, etc

What happens when you use a shit source, the “daily fetched,” too funny
JFK Jr did the identical thing as Trump in regards to having his own electors swear to a document that he won a state that was awarded to his opponent

This is how far we have come. A judge in 1960 commended democrats for doing so.
She is saying the samething Trump said why are the Democrats not indicting her. Shows this is a politicam show trial


Reich has its privilege.

Can you be that stupid? Trump is not being charged with denying the election results.

That is EXACTLY what Biden's Hitman Smith charged Trump with.

That is not a crime,

Opposing Joe Biden is the only crime here.

even if it is not true. It is the aggressive, lawbreaking actions he took to steal an election he lost that is his problem.

John Kennedy in 1960, and Algore in 2000 both had Alternate Slates of electors.

{But if similar behavior was legal in 2000, how could it be illegal in 2023?In the end, all those efforts in Florida failed when the Supreme Court in a five-to-four vote ordered the recounts stopped thereby turning the election over to President George W. Bush.

I wrote a book entitled Supreme Injustice, condemning the Supreme Court's decision and insisting that the election had been stolen from Gore and improperly handed to the candidate who received fewer votes.
The book was a bestseller, featured in front page reviews in the New York Times and other major publications. Most Americans thought that those challenging the Florida vote had acted in good faith, even though the courts ruled against them.

What's different today is that many observers do not believe that Trump and his advisors were sincere when they declared that he had won the election. But that doesn't make what they did a crime.
The Georgia indictment hinges on the allegation that Trump was lying in order to corruptly prevent the inauguration of the candidate who won the election fair and square.

Conspiracy and RICO violations are specific 'intent' crimes. In order to secure a conviction, prosecutors must prove a personalized agreement to join a criminal activity.

That will be an incredibly difficult case to make, especially regarding Trump himself who — to my knowledge – has never wavered from his belief that the election was stolen.}

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Al Gore, his legal team and I tried to find uncounted presidential votes, lobbied officials and fought in the courts in 2000. The only difference now? The candidate's name is Donald Trump... That's why this prosecution is an outrage | Daily Mail Online
You are so ignorant its silly, Donald Trump is not indicted for saying the election was rigged.

That is exactly what the Smith federal indictment alleges.

Why did the collective reprogram you to start spewing this lie? Is the Reich worried that there will be blowback for their frontal assault on the United States Constitution?
JFK Jr did the identical thing as Trump in regards to having his own electors swear to a document that he won a state that was awarded to his opponent

This is how far we have come. A judge in 1960 commended democrats for doing so.

The fact is ,it was about Hawaii which was in recount. The recount gave the state to JFK. Therefore no fake electors existed.
The fact is ,it was about Hawaii which was in recount. The recount gave the state to JFK. Therefore no fake electors existed.

the fact is, they pledged they won prior to the recount saying they won

they were every bit as guilty of being fake electors. the only real difference is they were democrats and in 1960 we tried to follow original understanding of laws, and that was not a violation of law
the fact is, they pledged they won prior to the recount saying they won

they were every bit as guilty of being fake electors. the only real difference is they were democrats and in 1960 we tried to follow original understanding of laws, and that was not a violation of law

The result was in legal dispute in 1960. The recount was going on. Trump had already exhausted 3 recounts in Georgia. The result was determined. You are trying so hard and reaching so far. It is not the same.