Where Was The Leftist National News Media, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton On This One?


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Where Was The Leftist National News Media, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton On This One?


What a travesty. A brave marine, Zachary Gamble of Georgia, who served two tours in Iraq got into an altercation with four men in a parking lot. He paid with his life.
This isn't recent. This occurred March 25, 2012. Whi is this story relevant today? Because it occurred less than a month after the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin (Feb 26, 2012) incident. Do you have any clues as to why the media chose to go all in on the Zimmerman-Martin story as opposed to this one involving an American hero?
Oh So!!! No rational replies from the fucking leftist peanut gallery, huh??? Who’da thunk it???

What a travesty. A brave marine, Zachary Gamble of Georgia, who served two tours in Iraq got into an altercation with four men in a parking lot. He paid with his life.
This isn't recent. This occurred March 25, 2012. Whi is this story relevant today? Because it occurred less than a month after the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin (Feb 26, 2012) incident. Do you have any clues as to why the media chose to go all in on the Zimmerman-Martin story as opposed to this one involving an American hero?

The comments from your link are pretty amazing.

Here's a few off the top:

Jose Merino · Miami, Florida
where are Eric Holder and Obama here? where is the media? NAACP etc.....racist that they are.
Reply · 1,094 · · Monday at 7:08am

Chad Johnson · Top Commenter · Nashville, Tennessee
Whites had better wake up quick. While we are less racist than we have ever been, blacks are getting more and more racist, and have a racist administration prodding them on. This is why you need to be aware, and armed!
Reply · 975 · · Monday at 3:55pm

George W Gilmore · Heavy Duty Mechanic at State of Alaska
I am armed and intend to stay that way. I am 73 years old but my hand is steady and my eyesight is great and I am a Nam Ve! Want a piece of me? Feel lucky??
Reply · 830 · · Monday at 4:23pm

Michael Bromley · Top Commenter
I'm with you George ! I thought I'd be able to live the rest of my life without killing another person ! Now , I'm not so sure ? A .380 in a shoulder rig and a .32 in an ankle holster , is how I roll !
Reply · 436 · · Monday at 4:43pm

Cindy Van Zante · Top Commenter · Newton Senior High School
Read my post from above to Kathy Noel, I believe the RACIST IN CHIEF NEEDS TO RESIGN, he took an oath, you can't be racist and be the leader of this once great country. everyone needs to demand that him and holder and all of his Racist followers RESIGN.
Reply · 539 · · Monday at 4:47pm
View 97 more

Terresa Simonson · Top Commenter · CFO at Austin's Business Concepts · 441 subscribers
"And if I had brothers, they'd look just like these guys", says no President ever...even Barky! I guess his racial work here is done...the double standard is disgusting!
Reply · 329 · · Monday at 10:04am

Kathy Noel · Top Commenter · Works at In a parallel Universe
No, its not done yet. Eric Holder believes it is his 'right" and duty to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman. What about the hundreds of murders that happen EVERY DAY. White on black AND black on WHITE. please call or email the white house and the DOJ and tell them to BACK OFF. THE EVIDENCE WAS GIVEN IN COURT, THE JURY DECIDED, AND THE VERDICT IS NOT GUILTY.
Reply · 386 · · Monday at 10:23am

Kathy Noel · Top Commenter · Works at In a parallel Universe
This case was hand picked by the Obama administration to FURTHER RACIALLY divide this country, further their gun control agenda, and if possible, impose martial law on the country. I don't see the OUTRAGE about the blacks using this case for rioting, looting and killing WHITE PEOPLE. I hold the Obama administration personally responsible for every act of violence and every death that occurs as a result of their actions. I am going out now to buy a gun even though I really don't want one.
Reply · 596 · · Monday at 10:25am

Sandra Hemmes · Top Commenter · Owner at Entrepreneur
Yes, you do need one, or two. Our government is against us.
Reply · 205 · · Monday at 2:47pm

Araya Janas · Top Commenter
disgusting, white america needs to wake up.things will get worse, guarantee it!
Reply · 207 · · Monday at 3:18pm

Sandra Singley Paulk · Top Commenter · Citronelle High School
And, white America is more ready than u know...
Reply · 157 · · Monday at 6:23pm

Ernest Jacques · Works at Retired
Time to wake up and refresh the Klan - - enough is enough
Reply · 168 · · Monday at 6:52pm​

First of all, I'm shocked that these people call themselves the "Reagan Coalition".

I don't think Ronald Reagan would want his name associated with any of these nuts.

Second, I'm shocked that you would publicly link to a site like this -- it says quite a lot about who you really are.
As usual, no rational comments from the RACIST left!

They’ll make national news out of a Hispanic killing IN SELF-DEFENSE of a black that attacked him, but of course the racist bastard left totally ignores the mugging murder of a white Marine by blacks.

It’s easy to see who the racist bastards really are in America. The fucking racist are the majority of the black community and their fucking leftist bastard whites that keep their black slaves in poverty and slavery and the voting booth by convincing them they can’t care for themselves, they need leftist socialist programs and they’re victims of Whitey.

What a travesty. A brave marine, Zachary Gamble of Georgia, who served two tours in Iraq got into an altercation with four men in a parking lot. He paid with his life.
This isn't recent. This occurred March 25, 2012. Whi is this story relevant today? Because it occurred less than a month after the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin (Feb 26, 2012) incident. Do you have any clues as to why the media chose to go all in on the Zimmerman-Martin story as opposed to this one involving an American hero?

So.... you are equivocating a combat trained white Serviceman getting attacked and killed by MULTIPLE Black antagonists with Zimmerman/Martin?

Yeah... you're not fucked up.... go get 'em reagancoalition! This kind of shit is why your side is losing and why your members are calling for armed rebellion... because coercion by force is the ONLY way you'll gain control again. Keep doubling down on ignorance...that'll work.

as for WHY the media didn't go apeshit.... why should they? Do you know the details of the altercation? Let's delve deeper...shall we?

1. the four men were arrested.
2. A taxi Driver ran over the guy
3. Zachary was at an "alcohol and Cocaine fueled" party


BUT... do just look at right wing propaganda for your sources..... if you notice MY source... it was a local source without any spin whatsoever.

EDIT: and all it took was a google search on Zachary Gamble. You see, that's the problem.... LAZINESS! People are so enamored with their own personal politics... that they look for familiar sites with familiar points of view as their own and don't look beyond that.
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So.... you are equivocating a combat trained white Serviceman getting attacked and killed by MULTIPLE Black antagonists with Zimmerman/Martin?

Yes moron!!! I’m presenting the lack of equivocation of the national leftist media, Obama & Holder’s Justice Department, and any outrage from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Seems it’s only national news when it’s about a black being killed by someone of another race and only commented on and bemoaned by the fucking White House and the Justice Department when the President and Attorney General are racist blacks. And definitely blown out of proportion when the racist bastards Jesse and Al decide to profit from it.

Yeah... you're not fucked up.... go get 'em reagancoalition! This kind of shit is why your side is losing

Actually numb-nuts my side won this one, Zimmerman was acquitted by a rational non-racist jury.
Yes moron!!! I’m presenting the lack of equivocation of the national leftist media, Obama & Holder’s Justice Department, and any outrage from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Seems it’s only national news when it’s about a black being killed by someone of another race and only commented on and bemoaned by the fucking White House and the Justice Department when the President and Attorney General are racist blacks. And definitely blown out of proportion when the racist bastards Jesse and Al decide to profit from it.

Actually numb-nuts my side won this one, Zimmerman was acquitted by a rational non-racist jury.

Hello CL,

Steel plate just provided you with an excellent reason why the national media did not see a need to latch on to this story.
The people who committed the crime were arrested and charged immediately.

You seem incapable of grasping this very important distinction.

And.....as you claim victory of some kind, please remember that a 17 year old boy died at the hands of your hero. It is
Certainly a bittersweet victory, given that. Is it not?