where your tax dollars go

A little past history is in order here:


Gotta bring that one up to date, made it many years ago.

Interesting to note, though, that since the Korean War, defense spending has remained pretty much in the same ballpark, while most entitlements and other unconstitutional spending, and interest on the debt they created, has more than quadrupled.

Only when Republicans were voted into majorities in Congress for virtually the first time in the entire period, did the trend finally level off. And now, with Republicans getting more and more liberal and spending like drunken sailors, the trend is probably increasing once more. Anyone think that electing Democrats in 2006, slowed the ratre of increase in spending?
That chart shows a decrease in spending under Dems.


Democrats controlled Congress (and thus controlled spending) almost solidly from 1933 thru 1994.

Yup, I sure see the "decrease" they were responsible for during that time, ayup.

(Sometimes I wonder if liberals could possibly get any stupider or more obtuse. Then someone like Desh comes along and answers the question clearly) :eek:
when they did have a majority until 1995 how many of those congresses had a majority in which they could override a veto?

And under what republican President?
Of the $0 you paid in taxes:
$0 goes to Past and Current Military
$0 goes to Health
$0 goes to Interest on Non-Military Debt
$0 goes to Anti-Poverty Programs
$0 goes to Education, Training & Social Services
$0 goes to Government & Law Enforcement
$0 goes to Housing & Community Development
$0 goes to Environment, Energy & Science
$0 goes to Agriculture, Commerce and Transportation
$0 goes to International Relations

Holy crap! I think I'm going to have to vote Republican!
when they did have a majority until 1995 how many of those congresses had a majority in which they could override a veto?

And under what republican President?

Using that argument, Congress is only responsible for Budgets when the Majority party has a veto proof majority? Give me a friggin break. That is a pathetic excuse. When is the last time EITHER party had a veto proof majority in both houses of Congress?

No budget can be done by a President Desh. Every year it has to pass Congress. Just because a President vetos a budget doesn't mean Congress has to cave in and give the President what he or she wants.

Congress is every bit as responsible for the budget as the President. It is why we have checks and balances between the branches.