Where's The Rest Of America's Political Options? Did They Get Taxpayer's Loot?


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OK, The duopoly’s multi million dollar circus side shows are over. The questions now is where were and where are the rest of the nation’s political party conventions?

Where’s the Green Party convention, the Libertarian Party Convention, The Constitution Party Convention, The Communist Party Convention and the Reform Party convention?

The duopoly parties got millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money for their conventions, how much did BIG duopoly government donate of the taxpayer’s money to the rest of the nation’s conventions?

The duopoly parties got wall to wall national TV coverage from major media. Why are the rest of America’s political parties being ignored by major media?

Oh! That’s right, I forgot! The duopoly owns the United States. The duopoly owns major media, ballot access, the national debate and all of the special interest bribery loot, huh?

Go vote morons! Encourage the dictatorship. Promote the bloating of the national debt. Promote the foreign interventionism and endless undeclared unconstitutional wars. Promote the never ending progression to a socialist European style bankrupting quagmire. Promote the inevitable world depression.

Justice is mine says the Lord, Justice is Americans get the government they deserve!
Nobody here gives a fuck, huh? I'm the only American left concerned about "FAIR AND BALANCED." Nobody here cares about the crooked duopoly that bilks taxpayers to pay for their fucking corrupt party primaries and corrupt conventions. The duopoly partisans here can't argue favorable about their corrupt parties, so they hide from threads like this. They vote for the corrupt bastards then hide when I educate them about the fucking corruption they vote for.

Congrats partisan morons and suckers. When your political comrades bankrupt the nation and prohibit your rights, then you'll give a flying fuck, huh?