Which Is The Lesser Of Two Evils, Live People Or Living Ancestors


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Being labeled a useless oddball or useful idiot?

Genetics reproduces being unique results never duplicated inception to extinction of ancestral lineages being the numbers left alive cradle to grave adapting to this rotating planet here.

Dualities of two sided issues comparing notes of history verses better tomorrows left evolving here now.
Academia and arts,
Economics and religion.
Politics and social consensus used against every arriving great great grandchild required to believe life isn't self evident to become a citizen in any of the multiple alternate realities regulating social behavior cradle to grave today.

5 generation gaps, 5 basic ancestral lineages, each brain has 5 physical senses and each brain has 5 brainwave patterns unique to its personal time living in series parallel situation of adapting since conceived in chronological order of occupying time this rotation of the planet existing since rotation conceived and rotation becoming dead.

Cycle of time alive is all rotation between those two event horizons unique to each ancestor here. What the hell is a circle of life when living only happens in this sphere able to sustain eternal separation of each next generation forward born one rotation at a time maintaining the global population left alive today.

You stay with history, but history is always inaccurate on purpose.

Facts always suggest life isn't self evident evolving isn't self evident timing at living eternally separated now changing shape daily since formed a fertilized cell since rotation of the planet conceived was a separate rotation since birth when people consider their time living factually began.