Which Obama Is The Real Obama?


Verified User
Let’s see. The President claims to have known nothing about his Justice Department’s Fast & Furious gun running operation on our southern border that got one of our border agents murdered and thousands of guns into the hands of Mexico’s drug cartels.

This President claims he knew nothing about his Justice Department’s snooping into the phone calls and e-mails of AP reporters and in particular a Fox News reporter.

Obama claims he knew nothing about the IRS targeting of particular rightwing and Tea Party groups being badgered and prohibited from getting tax exempt status and even providing their private information to opposition groups.

Of course Obama claims he knew nothing about the Bengasi attack and the killings of 4 Americans.

Obama claims he knew nothing about how fucked up the ACA roll out was going to be.

Obama claims he never knew that he was lying through his fucking teeth when he told folks over and over again that they “could keep their insurance and their doctors, period” under the ACA.

There’s only 2 possible conclusions about this fucking President folks, he’s either a fucking retarded out of the loop, out of touch halfwit and idiot or the world’s number one lying son-of-a-bitch!!!!!

Oh wait! Maybe the bastard is BOTH, huh?
A false dichotomy is a dichotomy that is not jointly exhaustive (there are other alternatives), or that is not mutually exclusive (the alternatives overlap), or that is possibly neither. Note that the example given above is not mutually exclusive, since the test and the program could both be wrong. It's not jointly exhaustive either, since they could both be correct, but it could be a hardware error, a compiler error and so on.

  • "If you want better public schools, you have to raise taxes. If you don't want to raise taxes, you can't have better schools." - A third alternative is that you could spend the existing tax money more efficiently.
  • "You're either part of the solution or part of the problem." - No room for innocent bystanders here.
  • "If you're not with us, you're against us." - Being neutral is not an option.
Can you provide a rational answer to the Obama factor aside from, Is he a fucking out of touch idiot a gigantic fucking liar or both?
Can you provide a rational answer to the Obama factor aside from, Is he a fucking out of touch idiot a gigantic fucking liar or both?

I don't think this will work at all in the present case, Christiekins, but you're free to try:
