While O'Donnel gets the heat ..Coons


Gets a free pass....

If elected Senator The guy will not vote to control spending:

As county Exec---

THREE major tax increases and multiple fines levied against homeowners.

2006 - 5% property tax increase. (instead of cutting spending)

2007 - 17.5% property tax increase. (also instead of cutting spending)

2009 - 25% property tax increase!

And how about some Campaign Finance Juice:


Some other tidbits:

1. As New Castle County Executive, Chris Coons raised taxes on the very voters that he will need to support him; Sussex is sure to go to O’Donnell on November 2, and Kent might do the same, but how much support can he expect from people who have criticized him in the past for unnecessarily raising taxes?
2. In May 2010, Politico reported that Coons described himself as a “bearded Marxist” in the 80s, and even went so far as to question the basic principles of “free enterprise,” in an article he wrote for a college newspaper. This story alone should be enough to turn any voter with an ounce of sanity against the Democrat. Delaware is a state full of businesses, and people who work for them, and the last person we need representing us in Washington is a self-described Marxist who has rejected capitalism and freedom itself.
3. Coons supports President Obama’s scheme for yet another economic “stimulus,” which would pay off special interests and hurt small businesses, as was the case with the first stimulus. This irresponsible economic strategy simply does not work. Do Delaware voters, even Democrats, really want to waste hundreds of billions of tax dollars on a plan that is obviously going to fail?
4. Simply being a card-carrying member of the Party of “O” will hurt Coons. A photo of him with a smiling President Obama is circulating the blogosphere, as Obamas’s popularity continues to plummet, even among registered Democrats. Will Delawareans choose to send Obama another willing puppet to vote for socialistic legislation?

Gets a free pass....

If elected Senator The guy will not vote to control spending:

As county Exec---

THREE major tax increases and multiple fines levied against homeowners.

2006 - 5% property tax increase. (instead of cutting spending)

2007 - 17.5% property tax increase. (also instead of cutting spending)

2009 - 25% property tax increase!

And how about some Campaign Finance Juice:


Some other tidbits:

1. As New Castle County Executive, Chris Coons raised taxes on the very voters that he will need to support him; Sussex is sure to go to O’Donnell on November 2, and Kent might do the same, but how much support can he expect from people who have criticized him in the past for unnecessarily raising taxes?
2. In May 2010, Politico reported that Coons described himself as a “bearded Marxist” in the 80s, and even went so far as to question the basic principles of “free enterprise,” in an article he wrote for a college newspaper. This story alone should be enough to turn any voter with an ounce of sanity against the Democrat. Delaware is a state full of businesses, and people who work for them, and the last person we need representing us in Washington is a self-described Marxist who has rejected capitalism and freedom itself.
3. Coons supports President Obama’s scheme for yet another economic “stimulus,” which would pay off special interests and hurt small businesses, as was the case with the first stimulus. This irresponsible economic strategy simply does not work. Do Delaware voters, even Democrats, really want to waste hundreds of billions of tax dollars on a plan that is obviously going to fail?
4. Simply being a card-carrying member of the Party of “O” will hurt Coons. A photo of him with a smiling President Obama is circulating the blogosphere, as Obamas’s popularity continues to plummet, even among registered Democrats. Will Delawareans choose to send Obama another willing puppet to vote for socialistic legislation?

So she fucked some guy on a wiccan alter but she's not a wiccan, but this guy called himself a bearded marxist 30 years ago and that is still true? You fucking righties show your hipocrasy in one post. No one should condemn her from dabbling in Wicca a few decades ago but we should hold everything this guy said about the same time against forever? Fucking right wing is retarded.
So she fucked some guy on a wiccan alter but she's not a wiccan, but this guy called himself a bearded marxist 30 years ago and that is still true? You fucking righties show your hipocrasy in one post. No one should condemn her from dabbling in Wicca a few decades ago but we should hold everything this guy said about the same time against forever? Fucking right wing is retarded.
It is how it is done now, good for them, bad for us!
So she fucked some guy on a wiccan alter but she's not a wiccan, but this guy called himself a bearded marxist 30 years ago and that is still true? You fucking righties show your hipocrasy in one post. No one should condemn her from dabbling in Wicca a few decades ago but we should hold everything this guy said about the same time against forever? Fucking right wing is retarded.

You know... I really don't care who she fucked or where, as long as she believes in the principles of smaller limited government and core principled conservatism. I don't think either person should be 'condemned' but they should be held accountable for what they believe. Coons obviously believes in Marxist Socialism, he hasn't changed that view, his record speaks for itself.
You know... I really don't care who she fucked or where, as long as she believes in the principles of smaller limited government and core principled conservatism. I don't think either person should be 'condemned' but they should be held accountable for what they believe. Coons obviously believes in Marxist Socialism, he hasn't changed that view, his record speaks for itself.
She really doesn't believe those things, though, it is just play to get elected! She has no solutions and will have no power, so she can't do anything of importance! She is a joke as are most of the tea bags! There may be a few good ones, but I have yet to see one!
You know... I really don't care who she fucked or where, as long as she believes in the principles of smaller limited government and core principled conservatism. I don't think either person should be 'condemned' but they should be held accountable for what they believe. Coons obviously believes in Marxist Socialism, he hasn't changed that view, his record speaks for itself.
And this is where the majority of us here KNOW you are full of shit, because if she was a democrat and fucked a guy on a wiccan alter and all that other batshit crazy stuff you would be talking about it. You don't care because she agrees with you politically. You don't care if someone is crazy so long as they agree with you politically, but if they are crazy and a lefty you will point out their looniness all day long. Quit pretending you are some sort of logical rational actor in the political world because you are not. You rants repeatedly have proven that. So surprised you support her, just don't let her know you beat off to Sarah Palin or she will have problems with you.
And this is where the majority of us here KNOW you are full of shit, because if she was a democrat and fucked a guy on a wiccan alter and all that other batshit crazy stuff you would be talking about it. You don't care because she agrees with you politically. You don't care if someone is crazy so long as they agree with you politically, but if they are crazy and a lefty you will point out their looniness all day long. Quit pretending you are some sort of logical rational actor in the political world because you are not. You rants repeatedly have proven that. So surprised you support her, just don't let her know you beat off to Sarah Palin or she will have problems with you.

Is he supposed to support Coons...am I supposed to support Coons...? Knowing his record which is being totally ignored in this post.... why would we? Both have issues ... why in the fuck would I support someone with such far left leanings ... to destroy this Country even more? They both seem over the top to me. However.... Coons is the Ivy League Crazy who is an extremist... so he is more acceptable to you.
Is he supposed to support Coons...am I supposed to support Coons...? Knowing his record which is being totally ignored in this post.... why would we? Both have issues ... why in the fuck would I support someone with such far left leanings ... to destroy this Country even more? They both seem over the top to me. However.... Coons is the Ivy League Crazy who is an extremist... so he is more acceptable to you.
No, I liked Castle!