White privilege quiz

In your honor Rana (and iolo since only nutters identify by race) I put "human" in front of the word race in each question. :)

There is a difference between country, redneck and absolute hillbilly. I lived country and redneck part of my life, but I was raised Hillbilly the majority of my life in the woods with no outside support or hate.

I am no better than you. You are no better than me. If you think you are better than me because your clothes were glorified by the media then you are mistaken.

Seemingly, today, superficial cloths show to is REALLY the elite. I wear shirts that use to have sleeves. I laugh at people who think "brands" make you a status symbol.

Skin equality, pay equality and overall equality is what I stand for.
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white privilege is awesome. I can go to like 90% of the countries in the world and be a rockstar. Sucks for the rest of you. But seriously, this shit rules.

This is a pretty dumb quiz by the way. If a japanese person took this in their home country they would have "white privilege" according to this.
white privilege is awesome. I can go to like 90% of the countries in the world and be a rockstar. Sucks for the rest of you. But seriously, this shit rules.

This is a pretty dumb quiz by the way. If a japanese person took this in their home country they would have "white privilege" according to this.

The Japanese are also insanely racist, both individually and as a society. And yet nobody describes Japan as an Apartheid nation.
Not all white people are privileged.Only the ones with money are.And those with money are usually prejudiced of everyone with out it no matter what their race is.
Not all white people are privileged.Only the ones with money are.And those with money are usually prejudiced of everyone with out it no matter what their race is.

Yes you are. If you are white and poor you still won't be treated as poorly as a rich black, Hispanic or Asian man. And as a white male you are the most privileged. You are part of the problem wanderingbear. Try being part of the solution for a change.
Yes you are. If you are white and poor you still won't be treated as poorly as a rich black, Hispanic or Asian man. And as a white male you are the most privileged. You are part of the problem wanderingbear. Try being part of the solution for a change.

Ya. thats why I live in the poorest section of town. Im privileged. Not.Im not saying there isnt racism in the U.S. because there is plenty on both sides.Im saying that you shouldnt lump all white people as as privileged racists,because that i9s racism to.
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Ya. thats why I live in the poorest section of town. Im privileged. Not.

There are some people that will argue economic status matters when it comes to determining white privilege but many other don't. Doesn't matter how poor you are if you are a white male you are privileged more than anyone else.
There are some people that will argue economic status matters when it comes to determining white privilege but many other don't. Doesn't matter how poor you are if you are a white male you are privileged more than anyone else.

think your opinion is racist against me,and I wont put up with that.
think your opinion is racist against me,and I wont put up with that.

Did you take Rana's quiz? What were your answers? You may be a liberal but you're still racist if you don't acknowledge the benefits you have as a white male. Have you been out protesting to change the system for blacks and other minorities?
Did you take Rana's quiz? What were your answers? You may be a liberal but you're still racist if you don't acknowledge the benefits you have as a white male. Have you been out protesting to change the system for blacks and other minorities?
If you believe that I am privileged and racist just because Im white then you are the one who is being racist.I couldnt give a fuck about a persons skin color. Raceism is stupid whether its white on black,or black on white.Im not going to take a poll becaue I dont need a poll to tell me what I am.
If you believe that I am privileged and racist just because Im white then you are the one who is being racist.I couldnt give a fuck about a persons skin color. Raceism is stupid whether its white on black,or black on white.Im not going to take a poll becaue I dont need a poll to tell me what I am.

Alright dude, I'll stop f'ing around with that white privilege stuff. I agree with you that people are people and there are good and bad ones that come in all shape, sizes and colors and we ought to (try and) treat all people well.
Alright dude, I'll stop f'ing around with that white privilege stuff. I agree with you that people are people and there are good and bad ones that come in all shape, sizes and colors and we ought to (try and) treat all people well.

Right. That is what Im trying to say.