Who Are Bush’s Americans?


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I do not know which Americans Bush the Younger was talking about?

Bush spoke about “the America I know” where Americans united in purpose.

“At a time when religious bigotry might have flowed freely, I saw Americans reject prejudice and embrace people of the Muslim faith. That is the nation I know,” he said.

Bush reaffirmed his belief that Americans should continue to welcome refugees and immigrants into the United States.

“At a time when nativism could have stirred hatred and violence against people perceived as outsiders, I saw Americans reaffirm their welcome to immigrants and refugees. that is the nation I know,” he said.

George W. Bush: ‘Violent Extremists at Home… Are Children of the Same Foul Spirit’ as 9/11 Terrorists
by Charlie Spiering
11 Sep 2021


Bush was not talking about Americans on December 7, 1941 when damn few Americans united to welcome Japanese immigrants.

Yesterday, I expected to hear the usual touchy-feely horseshit from across the fruited plains. I was not disappointed.

Neither Bush, nor anyone else, talked about the country Americans lost to the New World Order in the aftermath of 9-11-2001. I hoped that at least one of the public voices giving Americans a history lesson would mention everything Americans began losing before 1913. I also hoped that one voice would mention the country Americans lost after 1945.

Indeed, whenever government mouths twist their version of history to sweeten their political agenda they never include killing Communists.

Communists should have been hunted and shot down like rabid dogs a century ago.


The following is my brief history lesson for the day.

American Communists capitalized on “Turn the other cheek” when they came up with “Better red than dead.”

“Better Muslim than dead” was more successful than Communism’s slogan if United Nations refugees is any guide.

I know the touchy-feely argument forwards and backwards. Love your enemies. Treat them with respect. Do not do anything that lowers your moral standard to their level, blah, blah, blah.



Sixth Commandment strict constructionists usually support wars of self-defense. Turning the other cheek so you can be murdered with a clear conscience loses much of its luster when an enemy soldier is getting ready to behead you.

Anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they preached peace to the Christians instead of the lions. In truth: Jerusalem Slim got it right when he said:

Unless Christians plan on turning the other cheek the R.C.Ch. is going to learn the meaning of war after Islam goes nuclear.

Incidentally, Christians turning the other cheek make it easier for Muslims to cut Christian throats. Happily, a promise of 72 virgins in the next life is a better deal than feeding the lions.

The lions would go hungry if the “Turn the other cheek” crowd is the early bird special on the dinner menu.

Parenthetically, I am all for turning the other cheek when it makes me better than my enemies —— BUT ONLY AFTER THEY ARE DEFEATED GOOD AND PROPER.

In the same vain, after the Russian people booted Mikhail Gorbachev out on his sorry ass he was wrapped in sainthood by political leaders. After Biden is impeached he will acquire undying love and respect from the same people that adore the old Communist butcher. In both cases the scum in Washington will still refuse to kill Communists.

QUESTION: Why did Christians refuse to kill their enemies in all the centuries since 610 AD? ANSWER: My understanding is that Christians will always believe that turning the other cheek will eventually convert Muslims and Communists into Christians.

FACT: Muslims and Communists kill their perceived enemies —— not convert them. Bleeding hearts will find out the hard way when their enemies are shoving bayonets up their rectums after they turn their collective cheek. Basically, bleeding hearts have no Right to turn my cheek for me. Should an enemy combatant kill me I will not have died a victim for somebody else’s sick beliefs.

Finally, I have no objection to killing bleeding hearts so long they do not turn my cheek alongside theirs:

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You don’t know who I know.

My fathers retired from the PD. My brother works here at the FD.
She’s very well spoken. Obviously highly educated. Come on
I want to show you my house in the south. It’s on the shore.

That’s your father and this your brother. ;)
That doesn’t mean I trust you.
It’s a little to much to fast.
The start was already a bit more than I expected.

You don’t know who I know.

To Parachute Adams: Do you know these people?

Top Democrats and CDC bureaucrats will bump a few evildoers off Joel Klein’s starting lineup after COVID-19's forced vaccination numbers are in. That is assuming Democrats do not count deaths the way same they counted Trump’s votes in 2020.

The 25 Most Evil Figures Who Have Shaped World History
By Joel Klein
June 17, 2017


The way it stands right now, Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and Nancy Pelosi are battling for the top spot in a revised lineup.

NOTE: Pelosi might get the title for importing diseases and slaughtering infants in the uterus.

Typhoid Nancy and the rest of the Democrat Party’s sisterhood represent the worst of womankind. Importing diseases so the government can force everybody to be vaccinated is only slightly worse than Margaret Sanger’s slaughterhouses.


p.s. Pelosi’s numbers far exceed top Nazis killing innocent civilians —— her body count to date places her right up there with Mao and Stalin.