Who are some of your favorite writers, all-time, in any genre?

I've posted this thread under Hobbies because reading IS one of MY hobbies. My favorite writers include Ray Bradbury, who is my all-time #1 favorite, Harlan Ellison, Stephen King, Peter Guralnick (A wonderful writer of many books on the history and lives of musicians in many music genres that he's enjoyed listening to during his lifetime. He's THE best music writer I've read.), and Joe R. Lansdale, a terrific writer of horror and mystery/crime novels and short stories. I had the great fortune of meeting Ray Bradbury a couple times in Phoenix, Arizona, when he did lectures/book signings. I only had a chance to say thank you to him the first time I met him, but was able to chat with him a few minutes the second time I met him. He was an extremely nice, humble man, a true gentleman. I also had the pleasure of meeting Harlan Ellison a couple times as well, at lectures/book signings he did in the Phoenix, Arizona area. I met him both times in Glendale, Arizona, which is right next to Phoenix. Harlan was loud, a bit profane, but totally hilarious, as well. His wit and intelligence were a treat to witness. I also met Joe R. Lansdale at a lecture/book signing in Scottsdale, Arizona. He was interesting to listen to, as he explained just HOW he got interested in writing. Unfortunately I've never met Stephen King or Peter Guralnick. This will probably be impossible to do in the future because King stopped doing lectures/book signings many years ago, and Mr. Guralnick is getting up there in age, I believe he's 76. So here are some of my favorite writers, who are some of yours?
Kurt Vonnegut and Michael Crichton and others.

Wow, a couple great writers, APL. They're both in my top ten. And sorry about giving you so much shit on a couple other threads. It's just me being an asshole, which I certainly CAN be at times. I hope you haven't taken anything personal. A couple books by Vonnegut are among my favorites all-time, Welcome To The Monkey House, one of THE best short story collections I've ever read, and The Sirens of Titan, one of THE best science fiction novels I've read. That book features one of the most beautiful and moving passages I've read, where it describes an alien creature of "sound", that exists solely to provide other creatures with comfort and solace with the sounds it produces. Just a truly remarkable passage, and an unexpected joy to read within that novel. I like virtually everything I've read by Crichton, my favorites are The Andromeda Strain, The Terminal Man, and Congo. He was a fascinating writer. Thanks very much for mentioning these two wonderful writers.
No problem. I gave others so much shit too at the beginning. ;) I lightened up after learning about the posters. A lot of them truly believe what they believe, and I respect that.