Who do you hate more?

Who do you hate more?

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BTW I'm going to fail to care about your opinion as to the relevancy of the left-right spectrum.

lol. Pretending that this system is relevant, it depends on who is in power. Under Bush I hated the right more, now with Obama and a strongly Democratic congress I think I hate the Left more.
I wouldn't use the word "hate", because that's pretty rough. I would use angered or frustrated with, etc.

Even though there are many things that anger me by lefties (I'm a former one), there is nothing more annoyingly retarded and atavistic than social conservatism. That one edges out on the moronic idea of economic equality, which has always unnerved me.

I'd still find more common ground with a socialist than a hardcore social conservative.
Hate might be a bit strong, but I detewst assholes of all varieties. Left and right.
All extremeists are wrong.
where is the option for 'I hate them equally?' Since you didn't provide that option and you are part of the left, I hate the left more.
Too many bumperstickers, and people with bumperstickers drive like they forgot that other people are using the roads. So. I hate the left more.
We are not barbarians and thus drive on the left.

Consequently, i hate the right because the right is wrong.