Who Gave The Duopoly Parties The Taxpayer's Dime?


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How come the Republicans and Democrats get to use the taxpayer’s buildings, utilities and voting machinery. To hold Political PARTY activities i.e. PARTY Primaries? Are the duopoly PARTIES a creation of or part of established elected government worthy of milking the taxpayer’s dime to bolster, support and embellish the PARTY royalty? Why don’t the duopoly PARTY hacks have to finance and supply their own PARTY operations? Where are the taxpayer financed, supported and embellished PARTY operations in the United States like primaries for the other several Political PARTIES?
How come the Republicans and Democrats get to use the taxpayer’s buildings, utilities and voting machinery. To hold Political PARTY activities i.e. PARTY Primaries? Are the duopoly PARTIES a creation of or part of established elected government worthy of milking the taxpayer’s dime to bolster, support and embellish the PARTY royalty? Why don’t the duopoly PARTY hacks have to finance and supply their own PARTY operations? Where are the taxpayer financed, supported and embellished PARTY operations in the United States like primaries for the other several Political PARTIES?

The Republican and Democrat Parties are over a century old each. They have enormous grass roots organization throughout the country.

Is this so hard to understand?

They control Congress. They are lobbied by special interests, who pony up millions in campaign contributions in return for favors. Is that so difficult for you to grasp? It's the most perfect example of human nature you'll ever find.

Because they do not desire to lose that enormous power, they make it almost impossible for a third party to gain a foothold. Why would they deliberately give such power away? And why would they EVER agree to term limits when they are able to make so much money and have so much power as long as they are in office?

These are human beings. They are as fallible and corrupt as anyone.

They want to make a lot of money. They vote themselves raises. Do you think they will some day vote for less money for themselves? Do you think they'll agree to a bill called upon by a conservative President for a pay cut? What if a President signed an executive order cutting Congress's salaries by even one tenth? Think they won't find a way and a court to bring a lawsuit to overturn such a thing? Hell, THEY ARE MOSTLY LAWYERS. Think they don't know how to do that?

We have to pay taxes whether we like it or not. We have no control over what the political class does regardless of who we send to Washington.

I hate to sound like a buzz kill, but that's the way it is set up.

It's unfair. It's VERY corrupt.

But it existed long before any of us were even born.

Put yourself in their place. Would YOU give up such power and such money?
How come the Republicans and Democrats get to use the taxpayer’s buildings, utilities and voting machinery. To hold Political PARTY activities i.e. PARTY Primaries? Are the duopoly PARTIES a creation of or part of established elected government worthy of milking the taxpayer’s dime to bolster, support and embellish the PARTY royalty? Why don’t the duopoly PARTY hacks have to finance and supply their own PARTY operations? Where are the taxpayer financed, supported and embellished PARTY operations in the United States like primaries for the other several Political PARTIES?

Voters? :dunno:
The Republican and Democrat Parties are over a century old each. They have enormous grass roots organization throughout the country.

Is this so hard to understand?

They control Congress. They are lobbied by special interests, who pony up millions in campaign contributions in return for favors. Is that so difficult for you to grasp? It's the most perfect example of human nature you'll ever find.

Because they do not desire to lose that enormous power, they make it almost impossible for a third party to gain a foothold. Why would they deliberately give such power away? And why would they EVER agree to term limits when they are able to make so much money and have so much power as long as they are in office?

These are human beings. They are as fallible and corrupt as anyone.

They want to make a lot of money. They vote themselves raises. Do you think they will some day vote for less money for themselves? Do you think they'll agree to a bill called upon by a conservative President for a pay cut? What if a President signed an executive order cutting Congress's salaries by even one tenth? Think they won't find a way and a court to bring a lawsuit to overturn such a thing? Hell, THEY ARE MOSTLY LAWYERS. Think they don't know how to do that?

We have to pay taxes whether we like it or not. We have no control over what the political class does regardless of who we send to Washington.

I hate to sound like a buzz kill, but that's the way it is set up.

It's unfair. It's VERY corrupt.

But it existed long before any of us were even born.

Put yourself in their place. Would YOU give up such power and such money?

Thank's! I feel better now that somebody else is aware how the duopoly is fucking the taxpayers.
you people have no idea what the founders planned

you have been eating lies so long you are completely lost

Cumberland Road

Cumberland Road, also called National Road, first federal highway in the United States and for several years the main route to what was then the Northwest Territory. Built (1811–37) from Cumberland, Md. (western terminus of a state road from Baltimore and of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal), to Vandalia, Ill., it forms part of the present U.S. Route 40. In April 1802 Congress appropriated land-sale funds to finance an overland link between the Atlantic Coast and the new state of Ohio. A macadam pavement was completed to Wheeling, Va. (now West Virginia), on the Ohio River, by 1818. From 1833 the various sections of the road became the financial responsibility of the states in which they were situated. Under this arrangement, the use of the Cumberland Road, intended to be free, was subject to state-imposed tolls.

With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States purchased approximately 828,000,000 square miles of territory from France, thereby doubling the size of the young republic. What was known as Louisiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west and from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to the Canadian border in the north. Part or all of 15 states were eventually created from the land deal, which is considered one of the most important achievements of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.
How come the Republicans and Democrats get to use the taxpayer’s buildings, utilities and voting machinery. To hold Political PARTY activities i.e. PARTY Primaries? Are the duopoly PARTIES a creation of or part of established elected government worthy of milking the taxpayer’s dime to bolster, support and embellish the PARTY royalty? Why don’t the duopoly PARTY hacks have to finance and supply their own PARTY operations? Where are the taxpayer financed, supported and embellished PARTY operations in the United States like primaries for the other several Political PARTIES?

you are insane

they are Americans using American infrastructure

you do nothing but spew insane lies designed to tear this Union asunder
Where's the part about how the founders wanted 2 corrupt political parties and wanted taxpayers to fund their party primary elections and conventions, Dippy.
Where's the part about how the founders wanted 2 corrupt political parties and wanted taxpayers to fund their party primary elections and conventions, Dippy.

they didn't leave your idiot self in charge you lie bucket
why did you right wing founder haters want to privatize the post office?

Maybe because it's another BIG government insane bankrupted idea. The founders weren't perfect, they blew it on the post office thingy.