Who Is The Democrat Equivalent of Sarah Palin?


Well-known member
And by this question I mean who is the Democrat that is currently not in a political office (and not an ex-President) that gets the most sh*t from the right? My initial thought was Al Gore but things with him have been pretty quiet recently. And maybe there's not an equivalent at the moment. Is there someone I'm forgetting?
And by this question I mean who is the Democrat that is currently not in a political office (and not an ex-President) that gets the most sh*t from the right? My initial thought was Al Gore but things with him have been pretty quiet recently. And maybe there's not an equivalent at the moment. Is there someone I'm forgetting?
Monica Lewinsky
According to current political discourse, Adolph Hitler was apparently a Democrat. Does that count?
And by this question I mean who is the Democrat that is currently not in a political office (and not an ex-President) that gets the most sh*t from the right? My initial thought was Al Gore but things with him have been pretty quiet recently. And maybe there's not an equivalent at the moment. Is there someone I'm forgetting?

Any leftwing prominent Democrat, who has brown skin, and frightens whitey.

Jesse Jackson

Al Sharpton.

And OMG, Cawacko, weren’t you around on the boards, when Cynthia McKinnney was elevated to “Democratic superstar” status by the wingnut contingent?

Ha, that was great.

Yo man, Jesse been taking it on the chin for 20 years from the rightwing. Sarah better man up; taking crap for 6 months ain't shit!