Who is Toby? Must've Been a Smart Guy!


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I KNOW I have said thid MANY times, but I will say it AGAIN. To desh, Suck'n'tease, Superfreaky, and all the Socialist/Collectivists, who will DESTROY our Republic with "Big Daddy Government", I am NOT anyone named "Toby", or any of the OTHER psedonyms the Libs like to speculate on, I mean it. I am the Original.

But it points up a VERY interesting fact! That there are SO MANY OTHER Conservatives, that are as PASSIONATE about their Love of the Republic, that they wouls ALSO "take on" the PURE HYPOCRACY know as the Modern-Day Democrat Party. Whoever this "Toby" was, he must have ALSO had a Red-Hot Poker up your ass, when it comes to the Immorality, Hypocracy, and Greed for Power that IS the Modern Democrat Party. A Party who DECRIES "Racism", yet has a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, Sen. Robert Byrd, as its "Elder Statesman", and CONTINUES to back an Obvious Black Racist Sypathizer, Barack Obama. A Party who DECRIES "Women's Right's", yet has it's "HERO", a man like Bill Clinton,(of whom the Nat.Org.ofWomen, voting 90% Democrat, said NOTHING, when Clinton's mysogyny and sexual abuse were exposed), and as an "Elder Statesman", a man like Sen. Ted Kennedy, Democrat, that KILLED a woman, and RAN AWAY, rather than FACE UP TO HIS RESPONSIBILITY!

I ask you with ALL seriousness, WHY have Democrats NOT OUSTED a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, and an Unconvicted Murderer from YOUR Party, the Democrat Party?
I live in a small city, a very LIBERAL city, the Home of Yale University, a BASTION of Liberal thought, where Students and Professors have to WHISPER, and HIDE Conservative FREE THOUGHT, lest they be ostracized. You wonder WHY I get angry, and feel I must DEFEAT Liberals? Because I have children that will have to LIVE in this Politically Correct "Dead Zone" that you Libs have created. Where "the poor" are taught TO BEG THE RICH FOR CHANGE, or to rely on the disgustingly meager life "The Government" provides, with Ever-increasing Tax Rates, rather than TEACH SELF-RELIANCE,
while the LIBERAL RICH, freinds of The Liberal Mayor, concoct Real Estate Swindles and Ripoffs, while The Mayor and City Council juggle tax abatements, appraisals of Fat-Cat Liberal Landowners. All the while, Yale, with its $8 BILLION Endowment, does NEXT TO NOTHING, for "the poor". THAT is the results of a 30-year Liberal Democrat Rule. And as we see on the State and Federal level, it only gets WORSE, as Democrats reach HIGHER, in their Greed for Power.

So to desh, Suck'n'tease, Superfreaky, and all the Socialist/Collectivists, it's tough s--t, you're just gonna have to learn to DEAL with it. If you were TRULY "Democrats", you would believe in FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT, and you would have OPEN MINDS, and want to know what EVERYBODY thinks, like I DO!. I read ALL of your opinions, because I know I can LEARN something from almost ANYONE, even if it's how hypocritical, wrong and screwed up their thinking is. For example, I bet from reading the responses to this (or lack OF them), I will possibly learn WHY Democrats live with the Hypocracy of having a Robert Byrd, or a Ted Kennedy, or a Barack Obama in their Party. So WHY is it? HOW do you JUSTIFY the divergent views, diametrically opposed to each other? Or will you prove me right, by being afraid to respond?

Now I ask you: Did this "Toby", or any of the other supposed characters, ever write such a well-formed, thoughtful piece? I doubt it.
One mistake. You don't DECRY "Women's Rights". You SUPPORT them, supposedly. Although SILENCE from the Democrat Party, the National Organization of Women, and other Liberal groups, concerning Bill Clinton, and Ted Kennedy, doesn't set a very GOOD example to our young girls, teen-agers, and adult women! Actual SUPPORT of those two says "It's FINE to play arond with women, humiliate them, drop your BVD's, and tell them to perform things,(like Bill Clinton), or drive a girl into her watery death, run away, then years later, invite your nephew and his freinds down to "the compound" in Florida, and have a drunken rape party. Promoting and supporting those two says a LOT of Good Things, to our young women. Yeah.
Hey "gonzo", it's real easy to attack people, but HOW COME NOT ONE OF YOU LIBERALS CAN ANSWER MY QUESTION?

HOW IS IT that a Party who DECRIES "Racism", yet has a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, Sen. Robert Byrd, as its "Elder Statesman", and CONTINUES to back an Obvious Black Racist Sypathizer, Barack Obama. A Party who DECRIES "Women's Right's", yet has it's "HERO", a man like Bill Clinton,(of whom the Nat.Org.ofWomen, voting 90% Democrat, said NOTHING, when Clinton's mysogyny and sexual abuse were exposed), and as an "Elder Statesman", a man like Sen. Ted Kennedy, Democrat, that KILLED a woman, and RAN AWAY, rather than FACE UP TO HIS RESPONSIBILITY!

I ask you with ALL seriousness, WHY have Democrats NOT OUSTED a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, and an Unconvicted Murderer from YOUR Party, the Democrat Party?
Hey "gonzo"
Do you have trouble with internet handles? Is there are particular reason for the quotes?
, it's real easy to attack people,
Unless you are a US soldier, apparently.

Are you calling me a liberal?

HOW IS IT that a Party who DECRIES "Racism", yet has a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, Sen. Robert Byrd, as its "Elder Statesman", and CONTINUES to back an Obvious Black Racist Sypathizer, Barack Obama.
How is it that you can't function without plagiarising Ann Coulter?

A Party who DECRIES "Women's Right's", yet has it's "HERO", a man like Bill Clinton,(of whom the Nat.Org.ofWomen, voting 90% Democrat, said NOTHING, when Clinton's mysogyny and sexual abuse were exposed), and as an "Elder Statesman", a man like Sen. Ted Kennedy, Democrat, that KILLED a woman, and RAN AWAY, rather than FACE UP TO HIS RESPONSIBILITY!
Again, right out of one of Coulter's books.

I ask you with ALL seriousness, WHY have Democrats NOT OUSTED a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, and an Unconvicted Murderer from YOUR Party, the Democrat Party?
The Democratic Party is not MY party.
I will continue to ask this question until someone a Liberal answers it, or ADMITS their Party is Corrupt, Immoral and a Sham, from many of its leaders. There are Americans that believe in the OLD democratic ideals, of Truman, FDR, and even JFK. But THEY don't realize THAT Democrat Party is DEAD.
I will continue to ask this question until someone a Liberal answers it, or ADMITS their Party is Corrupt, Immoral and a Sham, from many of its leaders. There are Americans that believe in the OLD democratic ideals, of Truman, FDR, and even JFK. But THEY don't realize THAT Democrat Party is DEAD.

I admit that the Democratic Party is corrupt, immoral, and a sham.

Also, the Republican Party.
Hey, asswipe, I dont care if you're a Liberal, or WHAT you are, obviouly, you're an idiot. I've been around 47 years, I don't need Ann Coulter to tell me ANYTHING. Where'd you get "gonzo" from, plagarizing some 60's Liberal journalist that YOU will never BE, asswipe? You're just a wannabe. I asked a serious question, and I've been asking it for YEARS from idiots who think the Democrat Party is the same one that used to try and help the "working man". They are DEAD. Today's Democrats are POVERTY PIMPS who try to BUY the POOR'S votes, while they ride around in Limos. Private Jets, to their 30,000 sq.ft. houses, and call CONSERVATIVES the Evil Rich. It's Class warfare, used by Communists in Russia and cuba, the oldest Trick in the Game, and you're not very smart, if you don't know THAT. I could CARE LESS what YOU think of my writing. I'm a shitty typist, I know that. It has NOTHING to do with what I'm ASKING.
Hey, asswipe, I dont care if you're a Liberal, or WHAT you are, obviouly, you're an idiot.
I keep hearing that, it must be true.

I've been around 47 years,
Yet never learned how to indent a paragraph in that time, eh?

I don't need Ann Coulter to tell me ANYTHING.
Then stop stealing her arguments verbatim.

Where'd you get "gonzo" from, plagarizing some 60's Liberal journalist that YOU will never BE, asswipe?
Yup, I got it from Hunter Thompson. Of course, I'm not trying to be him (currently I'm trying to become a college professor), but you are right that I got my handle from him.
You're just a wannabe.
If you say so, although that doesn't negate my argument.
I asked a serious question, and I've been asking it for YEARS from idiots who think the Democrat Party is the same one that used to try and help the "working man".
And I gave you an answer. How many years have you been asking it?

I could CARE LESS what YOU think of my writing. I'm a shitty typist, I know that. It has NOTHING to do with what I'm ASKING.
No, but it does have to do with how seriously you are taken, which is why crazy people usually don't get far in presidential races.