Who Survives In An American Meltdown? Rednecks, Earth Lovers or Preppers?


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Anyone who has seen "Doomsday Preppers" see's lots and lots of crazy morons that don't know how to survive without the USA market. Basically city people trying to figure out how to survive if worst case scenario happens.

Just like in politics, I see the smart Left and the Redneck Right going around the idiot middle and meeting with education about the Earth and it's qualities. (this may surprise some Right wingers but since when is loving the planet a Left wing thing?????)

On "preppers" I see people hoarding a garage full of Unnatural substances such as Ketsup, May, Ranch Dressing ETC.

The people on the Prepper show state that it takes a gun and/or a great defense to survive, while you watch old fat people trying to act like they know how to defend themselves.

ONE episode I saw, and I don't watch many, had a Left winger "compound". This compound had no guns. They simply stated that "People won't survive by killing us, they will survive by joining our culture and helping us work the land to provide more food for our group"

Corporations have complete control of us right now. They know everything about us. Nearly all of us are paying a lifetime of money to someone who just happened to have money in the first place.

Let me tell you this people. The person that loves the earth and knows what it can and does provide will ALWAYS win in the end. Not you Corporate whores.
Earth Lovers? Like the morons who think society will reform around theur defenseless home? The first thing a government provides is concentrated power. The second is organization. The third is security. Then comes privilege and liberty.

The average preppers is probably underprepped, due to them living in the real world of 8 - 10 hour workdays. home improvements, social obligations, etc. Its unfortunate that they are, because they are the hard working, consistent type we would want to rebuild. And nomatter what side of the fence they come from they are a great representation of America. Family values and the commitment to match.

Earth Lovers will not be exceptionally blessed because they can produce little of note to didtinguish themselves in a crisis. Perhaps some skilled labour? Great. Come join a larger society and wotk like the rest. No, Earth Lovers are not special, and Id wager wager that only the ones with seclusion have a good shot at surviving the Xombievampuirenucleararmageddonfalloutoantheaxoempocolyse.
Show me why the average 'Eartg Lover' has a leg up. Who does that term even refer to?
heres a clue.

It will NOT fall apart.

we are fine if we stop certain people from cheating us in our elections
Anyone who has seen "Doomsday Preppers" see's lots and lots of crazy morons that don't know how to survive without the USA market. Basically city people trying to figure out how to survive if worst case scenario happens.

Just like in politics, I see the smart Left and the Redneck Right going around the idiot middle and meeting with education about the Earth and it's qualities. (this may surprise some Right wingers but since when is loving the planet a Left wing thing?????)

On "preppers" I see people hoarding a garage full of Unnatural substances such as Ketsup, May, Ranch Dressing ETC.

The people on the Prepper show state that it takes a gun and/or a great defense to survive, while you watch old fat people trying to act like they know how to defend themselves.

ONE episode I saw, and I don't watch many, had a Left winger "compound". This compound had no guns. They simply stated that "People won't survive by killing us, they will survive by joining our culture and helping us work the land to provide more food for our group"

Corporations have complete control of us right now. They know everything about us. Nearly all of us are paying a lifetime of money to someone who just happened to have money in the first place.

Let me tell you this people. The person that loves the earth and knows what it can and does provide will ALWAYS win in the end. Not you Corporate whores.

Have you hugged a tree today Goober? If bullshit was music, you'd be a fucking brass band!!!
your chin is still visable. You probably want it shoved further up your butt for that completely colon blocked view you seem to crave
Anyone who has seen "Doomsday Preppers" see's lots and lots of crazy morons that don't know how to survive without the USA market. Basically city people trying to figure out how to survive if worst case scenario happens.

Just like in politics, I see the smart Left and the Redneck Right going around the idiot middle and meeting with education about the Earth and it's qualities. (this may surprise some Right wingers but since when is loving the planet a Left wing thing?????)

On "preppers" I see people hoarding a garage full of Unnatural substances such as Ketsup, May, Ranch Dressing ETC.

The people on the Prepper show state that it takes a gun and/or a great defense to survive, while you watch old fat people trying to act like they know how to defend themselves.

ONE episode I saw, and I don't watch many, had a Left winger "compound". This compound had no guns. They simply stated that "People won't survive by killing us, they will survive by joining our culture and helping us work the land to provide more food for our group"

Corporations have complete control of us right now. They know everything about us. Nearly all of us are paying a lifetime of money to someone who just happened to have money in the first place.

Let me tell you this people. The person that loves the earth and knows what it can and does provide will ALWAYS win in the end. Not you Corporate whores.

I wish I could share your faith. Your extremists are powerful, and look likely to destroy the human race within three generations, all this posturing just being the icing on the poison cake. They hate life so bitterly that I think they will manage to end it.
heres a clue.

It will NOT fall apart.

we are fine if we stop certain people from cheating us in our elections

We'll never stop the Democrats from doing that, its all they know, and they've been doing it for a century....
they even prevent us from making laws to expose it and stop it.....

It's all about personal responsibility and not keeping your head in the sand.
It won't collapse. Not until the rich find a way to profit off of said collapse while simultaneously ensuring that they're not put to the guillotine like they were in France.