Who's "dangerous?" You're Kidding Right?


Verified User
Donald Trump makes a lot of stupid statements and suffers from “foot-in-mouth” disease a defect caused by shooting from the hip without thinking. Most often after discussions with his insiders his remarks are revised to a more practical and often even intelligent position.

Case in point is Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslim immigrants, according to The Donald, “until we find out what in hell is going on.” Later revised to and retracted to Muslims from particular middle eastern countries where terrorism/terrorist are abundant, now, further revised to “extreme” vetting of people from particular middle eastern countries. The final product being practical and intelligent.

Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joe Biden all claim and preach endlessly that Donald Trump is too dangerous to be President. Well now let’s see.

Hillary Clinton illegally set up a private e-mail server in her basement when she was Secretary Of State. The FBI said there were 3 e-mails on that server that classified as being “above top secret.” Madam Hillary lied endlessly to Congress about not sending or receiving any classified information with her e-mails. An Iranian was just executed in Iran as being an American spy. There were e-mails on Madam Hillary’s server talking about that Iranian being a “fried” of the United States.

Madam Clinton has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that she’s so incompetent that as Secretary Of State she didn’t know what classified materials were and didn’t need to know because Clintons have a different standard of guilt than other Americans like Martha Stewart who went to jail for so, so, so much less than what Hillary Clinton did.

Hillary Clinton supplied arms to Libyan rebels that killed Muammar Gaddafi overthrew his Libyan government and turned out to be ISIS who then Killed the American Ambassador to Libya and 4 other Americans.

And just think Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joe Biden have the unmitigated balls to call Donald Trump “dangerous.”
Hillary Clinton supplied arms to Libyan rebels that killed Muammar Gaddafi overthrew his Libyan government and turned out to be ISIS who then Killed the American Ambassador to Libya and 4 other Americans.

....At a CIA-facility, that was in-process of shipping arms to Syrian-rebels.

Chris Stevens had NO BUSINESS at that facility, and (already) had a loooooooooooooong history of taking too-many risks.
Since you are not voting for the trumpf you must agree he is to dangerous.........

Trump is an idiot and a felon. Clinton is an incompetent pathological liar and a felon several times over. Who are you voting for? "Dangerous" is in the eye of the beholder! Democrats are blind to the "dangerous" Benghazi Bitch, and Trumpbots are blind to the pure stupidity of their hero. From my non-partisan viewpoint the Benghazi Bitch is at least 50 times more dangerous than the NY idiot.
....At a CIA-facility, that was in-process of shipping arms to Syrian-rebels.

Chris Stevens had NO BUSINESS at that facility, and (already) had a loooooooooooooong history of taking too-many risks.

Just having Hillary Clinton as the boss is the world's greatest "risk."
Just having Hillary Clinton as the boss is the world's greatest "risk."

....At least, that was the message Porky Limbaugh was trying to sell, when he suggested there was NO WAY New York would support her Senatorial-bid.

I don't know WHAT he said....after she'd been re-elected.

Trump is an idiot and a felon. Clinton is an incompetent pathological liar and a felon several times over. Who are you voting for? "Dangerous" is in the eye of the beholder! Democrats are blind to the "dangerous" Benghazi Bitch, and Trumpbots are blind to the pure stupidity of their hero. From my non-partisan viewpoint the Benghazi Bitch is at least 50 times more dangerous than the NY idiot.

I have already told you @ least four or five times... I am not going to reeducate you every other thread...

You do lots of complaining, do you ever post any suggestions??

Not voting won't accomplish anything now will it............
I have already told you @ least four or five times... I am not going to reeducate you every other thread...

You do lots of complaining, do you ever post any suggestions??

Not voting won't accomplish anything now will it............

And you're voting for "X" because?

I'm here to educate the partisans. Some are so beyond stupid and brain-dead partisan they have no respect for the truth.

The only solutions left for bankrupted socialist politically brain-dead America is a Constitutional Convention or an all out revolution. Both or either can/could offer a restoration of constitutional loyalty, or the advent of an even worse dictatorship than the duopoly has created.
....At a CIA-facility, that was in-process of shipping arms to Syrian-rebels.

Chris Stevens had NO BUSINESS at that facility, and (already) had a loooooooooooooong history of taking too-many risks.

So Chris Stevens wasn't taking orders from the Beast Bitch Of Benghazi? His loooooooooooooong history of taking too many risk didn't include multiple request to the Beast Bitch Of Benghazi for more security? Did you learn that too on MSNBC?
And you're voting for "X" because?

I'm here to educate the partisans.
Some are so beyond stupid and brain-dead partisan they have no respect for the truth.

The only solutions left for bankrupted socialist politically brain-dead America is a Constitutional Convention or an all out revolution. Both or either can/could offer a restoration of constitutional loyalty, or the advent of an even worse dictatorship than the duopoly has created.
So you are on a mission, a jihad to educate the partisans........:rofl2: :rofl2:

Were you going to beat & insult it into them?? Did you get your teaching credentials @ trumpf University?? Perhaps Beck University??

Could be just me bobO, but I don't think you are out to teach anyone a damn thing, you are just out to get your shit off on ppl...... Again, it could just be me:rolleyes:
I have already told you @ least four or five times... I am not going to reeducate you every other thread...

You do lots of complaining, do you ever post any suggestions??

Not voting won't accomplish anything now will it............

So we can record now that you're ashamed to expose who you're going to vote for, huh?:dunno: I understand!:rofl2:
So you are on a mission, a jihad to educate the partisans........:rofl2: :rofl2:

Were you going to beat & insult it into them?? Did you get your teaching credentials @ trumpf University?? Perhaps Beck University??

Could be just me bobO, but I don't think you are out to teach anyone a damn thing, you are just out to get your shit off on ppl...... Again, it could just be me:rolleyes:

"Just You" is next to nothing!:cof1: Some can't be educated, your picture is the definition of same in the dictionary.:rofl2::cof1: