Why 3AM

I never even got my text.

He probably wanted to wait until the news cycle was over and the papers were printed so it would be new news on Sunday morning - when all the big political talk shows will be talking about it.
Perhaps there was a problem with an overload of texts or something in the system and it took hours to get them through. I never even got mine and I signed up yesterday.
Why send a text at 3 am?

Maybe he not only wanted to do it after Rush Limbaugh had ended his radio show for the weekend (as Edwards did with his admission of his affair), but also to miss the taping deadline for Fox News Sunday?

Unfortunately for him, they shot the show late due to the move to Denver for the Democrat convention. And they're doing parts of it live from there. So they're discussing the VP pick bigtime anyway.

Just guessing..... :D
Maybe he not only wanted to do it after Rush Limbaugh had ended his radio show for the weekend (as Edwards did with his admission of his affair), but also to miss the taping deadline for Fox News Sunday?

Unfortunately for him, they shot the show late due to the move to Denver for the Democrat convention. And they're doing parts of it live from there. So they're discussing the VP pick bigtime anyway.

Just guessing..... :D


The consummate dittohead.

No, I don't think Limbaugh was a consideration.
(Yawn) the usual leftist response to any speculation that has even the ring of truth about it: unfounded namecalling and immediate denials with no backing or evidence offered.

But at least you did get one part right when you cited the origin of your response:

No, I don't think

"Unfounded namecalling?"

Only a dittohead would post something like that, and openly worship Rush as you have in previous posts.

It's very "founded," dittohead.
We all remember that commercial. Very interesting observation.

Not to mention the dry wit of Obama doing it........I thought that was the funniest thing ever......everyone is watching and waiting, all newscasts were just chomping at the bit speculating.......and he sends out the text at 3:00am.:nodyes:
God bless. Russia,China,Iran,North Korea, for resisting the tyranny of the so-called free western world.