Why Are a Record Number of Americans On Food Stamps? Hint: It's Not Just the Economy.


Keeps It Simple
The most recent number for total food stamp beneficiaries is about 47 million people.

There's no question that the crap economy significantly gooses the number of people qualifying for free or reduced-price food.

But it's also the case that the increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistace Program (SNAP) is in large part due to the expansion of who qualifies. Under Barack Obama's stimulus spending, the number of people getting food stamps increased from 36.2 million in 2009 to to 42.2 million in 2010 - just a year later. As the left-leaning folks at the Economic Policy Institute put it back then:

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed last year widened eligibility for Supplemental Nutritional Assistance so that more adults without dependents could qualify. The Recovery Act also increased benefits, providing additional relief to some of the country’s poor individuals and families...

EPI touted food stamps' stimulative value, too.

Politico points out how broadened eligibility plays out:
The share of food stamp benefits going to American households with gross incomes over 130 percent of poverty has more than doubled in the past four years, according to the most recent data compiled by the Agriculture Department.

The 130 percent of poverty cap dates back to the early 1980s and recipients making more than that get a smaller payout than people below it. But the share of SNAP households that make more than 130 percent of the poverty line went from 2.3 percent to 4.7 percent; half of all states actually allow recipients to make more than 140 percent of the poverty line and still qualify for food stamps.

So as with all sorts of growth in goverment outlays, the historic rise in food stamp usage is not a clear-cut case of economic necessity. There's a huge amount of policy fudge factor too.

Food stamps are up- more votes for democrats, disability up- more votes for democrats. Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama is bringing slavery back
he had to buy this election some how SG.

The biggest problem with this is it is the red states that get the most assistance from government. They voted republican in case you were asleep during the election. But this is to be expected for the red states are the states of anti union, anti science, anti education, anti fair wage, and anti American worker. Check the statistics sometime and you right wing buffoons may learn something.


'Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In' Even as Republicans gripe about deficit spending, their states get 30 cents more federal spending per tax dollar than their Democratic neighbors.' http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/11/states-federal-taxes-spending-charts-maps
bush greatly expanded the food stamp program twice in the past ten years, once in 2002 and again in 2008.

Do repubs not know that or are you just ignoring it because you prefer to blame Obama?
bush greatly expanded the food stamp program twice in the past ten years, once in 2002 and again in 2008.

Do repubs not know that or are you just ignoring it because you prefer to blame Obama?

Well Sweetie, it just ain't that simple.....you just show how easy it is for you lefties to lie with numbers.....just rattle them off without context.

On May 13, 2002, President Bush signed into law H.R. 2646, the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, also known as the Farm Bill, which includes an expansion of immigrant and refugee eligibility for food stamps. The new law (Public Law 107-171) opens the food stamp program to:

qualified immigrants who have been in the United States for at least 5 years, effective April 1, 2003, which restores food stamp eligibility to roughly 363,000 immigrants and removes the 7-year limit on food stamp eligibility for refugees ;
qualified immigrant children, regardless of date of entry, effective October 1, 2003;
qualified immigrants receiving disability assistance, regardless of date of entry, effective October 1, 2002.

This represents the largest restoration of benefits since the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) disqualified roughly 935,000 legal immigrants from public benefit programs. In 1998, food stamp benefits were restored to about 250,000 immigrants - primarily children, the elderly and the disabled - and Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid were restored to about 12,000 elderly and disabled immigrants. MRS has long supported the restoration of public benefits to legal immigrants.

With the 2002 farm bill, President Bush dramatically expanded eligibility, restoring benefits to nearly a million individuals at the beginning of 2003

President Bush VETOED the 2008 Bill.....enabling the “Pelosi Congress” to override it.

Under President Bush the food stamp program increased from 19 (2001) to 35 (2007) Billion dollars.... a 105% increase in 7 years...17.3 million increased to about 26 million people

Under Obama the food stamp program increased form 35 (2008) to 89 (2012) billion dollars................a 155 % increase in 4 years...under Obama - total in 2012 in about 47.1 million people
