Why are backwoods hillbillies so fond of Trump?

he's an actual smart person. and actually affable and realistic. and funny as fuck.

he's way better than all of you.

They're told that educated elitists look down on them, and supporting the orangutan,

despite his being a yankee himself [albeit an incredibly stupid one in our view],

is the best way to get even with not only our highly accomplished elites

but even reasonably civilized people like myself.
Pretty easy. Lots of characteristics they have in common.

Poor or limited education
Feel left behind
Not well read
Not intellectually curious
Rely on single sources (Fox) for their information
Gullible and prone to conspiracy theories
Bible thumpers
MAGA world is collapsing according to a bombshell new report from The Daily Beast which reveals that Donald Trump's campaign rallies are completely cratering.

This is TERRIBLE news for Republicans in 2024.

According to the report, Trump's frequent rallies are being dialed back due to his growing legal problems and cash flow problems. More crucially, the crowds are growing tired of his rambling rants — which many are now suggesting are evidence of severe cognitive decline.

The Daily Beast's Jake Lahut provided an example that perfectly encapsulates Trump's rotting mind. At a recent rally, he did an extended, confusing bit about McDonald's—

Trump complained that he'd seen "containers of McDonald’s where the container is six months old, cars have been riding on it, water has been raining on it. It’s disgusting, what happened. It will be a part of my election—you know, it’s been a part of my election platform.”

Trump is now down to two rallies in month. He has far less time for them since his attention and time are being monopolized by four different indictments in four different jurisdictions. Rallies can cost him $2 million a pop and much of that money is now going to his army of shady attorneys.

"Honestly, given he has legal risk on many fronts, I’d probably do the same just to minimize anything that would f*ck up his legal defense," said one former close Trump advisor.

It is now a common sight at Trump rallies to see former fans in MAGA hats slipping out of the event early in boredom.

For Donald Trump, this is a death knell. Part of his entire appeal to these people is an entertainment factor. If he loses that, there's nothing left.
Why are malcontent lefties afraid of Trump?

What a stupid question. Trump is the biggest threat to the American experiment since the War of 1812. He is a corrupt law breaking selfish child who is still a high school bully. He tried to overthrow a fair and honest election. He stopped the peaceful overturn of power after an election. He stole a truckload of classified documents and refused to give them back. He lied about them. as he lies about everything else. He wants to run the government and refuses to pay taxes to help support it, Trump has no values. He cheated on all his wives. The asshole cheats at golf. He is completely dishonest.
What a stupid question. Trump is the biggest threat to the American experiment since the War of 1812. He is a corrupt law breaking selfish child who is still a high school bully. He tried to overthrow a fair and honest election. He stopped the peaceful overturn of power after an election. He stole a truckload of classified documents and refused to give them back. He lied about them. as he lies about everything else. He wants to run the government and refuses to pay taxes to help support it, Trump has no values. He cheated on all his wives. The asshole cheats at golf. He is completely dishonest.

It's not just malcontent lefties that are afraid of Trump.
It's everybody who cherishes democracy and the peaceful transfer of power.
Trump does not believe in either as his actions prove.
Personality Characteristics of Trump's Supporters

Authoritarian Personality Syndrome
Social Dominance Orientation
Relative Deprivation
Intergroup Contact

One of the ways a columnist stays employed (I was going to say "becomes successful," but that seemed presumptuous) is by seeming to know things readers don't.

I can't get much mileage out of that. Eight months into the Trump administration, for instance, I'm still puzzled by the great enigma of our time:

Why did people vote for Donald Trump?

Essays, whole books, have been written about that. Trump spoke to the blah blah, he recognized the dark despair, he addressed the anger of those who think they were left behind. He convinced them to entrust their fate, families and futures to the intentions of a guy who, on his record, frets no more about the common man than about the mice caught in his gold-plated traps.

My own theory is that he's driven by a massive but fragile ego. To buttress it, he's erasing every trace of his popular, well-spoken and charismatic predecessor. Anything that smells of Obama must go.

No? Explain, then, the rollback of Obama-era regulations that made it easier for neglected residents of nursing homes to sue. Who's that serve, the bedsore lobby? How about his reversal of Obama's relaxed restrictions on travel to Cuba – a move, by the way, that Trump praised two years ago?

I'd about given up understanding until I saw a study that came at it from another direction: instead of trying to understand the man, it looked at his supporters. Who were they, and what common trait made them back such an obvious vendor of snake oil?

UC Santa Cruz professor Thomas Pettigrew found five "major psychological phenomena" that apply:

