Why Are They Using Power Tools?


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Smuggling gangs in Mexico are reportedly using power tools to cut large holes in walls at the southern US-Mexico border, according to a new report from The Washington Post.

The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools
Ellen Cranley
Nov 2nd 2019 8:39PM


When President Trump took on “The Wall” with the same phoney sales pitch John McCain campaigned on in 2008 I guarantied drug cartels would use dynamite to demolish sections of Trump’s Wall before they let him stop illegal aliens from coming in. If smugglers can cut holes in the wall just think what drug cartels can do with all of their money. It will not be long before they buy the same AT-4 rockets used by the U.S. Military. And you can bet that drug cartels are advertising for demolition experts that can take down a mile of wall easier than they can demolish an old building:

NOTE: Democrats and their federal judges are doing everything they can do to keep the southern border open. This is their latest from an Obama-appointed judge:

U.S. District Judge Michael Simon granted the temporary restraining order while he considers a federal lawsuit brought Wednesday by seven U.S. citizens and a nonprofit organization, who contend the rule change would block nearly two-thirds of all prospective legal immigrants. It was not immediately clear when Simon would rule on the merits of the case.

Published 11 hours ago
Federal judge blocks Trump's health insurance rule for immigrants seeking visas
By Melissa Leon


To be fair to President Trump he needs immigration laws changed in order to fulfill his campaign promise. Unfortunately, defending this country’s national sovereignty is in the hands of the legislative branch that is home to more America-haters than the Kremlin.

Passing H.R. 204 is one piece of legislation the America-haters will never consider. Trump is doing exceptionally well on foreign policy, but I abandoned all hope he would get behind passing H.R. 204:


NOTE: H.R. 1146 was first introduced in 1997. The short title was changed many times. It never gets out of committee regardless of which party has the majority. It was reintroduced as H.R. 204 in the 116th Congress (2019-2020).


For all of Trump’s talk about the success of his Wall he does nothing about U.N. refugees pouring into this country. I would ask him “How does your Wall keep U.N. economic refugees out?” He and he alone can put an end to the U.N.’s control of our immigration policies but he does nothing about it. In fact, I never heard him say a word about stopping the U.N. from depositing refugees in towns and cities all over this country.

Finally, the U.S. Constitution was designed for private sector Americans electing the officials that govern the country.

Irrespective of how Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi double speaks her defense of the Constitution it is government bureaucrats allied with television parasites that have been electing their own kind for most of my adult life. The current impeachment fiasco is no longer confined to electing a parasite president in 2020 —— impeaching President Trump is an obvious attempt to remove a president that parasites did not elect.
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Who didn't see this coming!
Of course they are going to damage the wall!
If I was Mexican,I'd cut holes in the wall for shits and giggles!
Who didn't see this coming!

To MASON: Good question, but I am more interested in people who did see United Nations economic refugees pouring into this country LEGALLY.

Not every country lets the United Nations dictate immigration policies. President Trump should consider playing by the same rules Japan plays by:

Japan will consider accepting more Asian refugees from 2020, with an eye to doubling the current annual ceiling of about 30 to strengthen its response to regional humanitarian needs, government sources said Monday.

The government will review its current policy of receiving refugees only from Myanmar under the third-country resettlement program led by the UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, while promoting their settlement not only in Tokyo and surrounding areas but in other parts of the country, according to the sources.

Tokyo is expected to convey the idea to U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, who is scheduled to visit Japan from Wednesday, the sources said.

Since 2010 under the third-country resettlement program, Japan has accepted a total of 174 Myanmar refugees, or 44 families, including some Rohingya Muslims from the western Rakhine State who had been persecuted and moved to neighboring Thailand and Malaysia.

Japan is known for its tight immigration policy. In 2017, the country accepted only 20 of about 20,000 people who applied for refugee status and allowed 45 to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds, according to the Justice Ministry.

Japan’s acceptance of refugees has been conducted in line with the U.N. convention governing refugees as well as with the third-country resettlement program. In the former case, the Japanese government examines each application for refugee status, while in the latter the UNHCR seeks applicants and the Japanese side selects the refugees it will accept for resettlement.

The refugees accepted under the current resettlement program stay for about six months in Tokyo to learn the Japanese language and then move to areas where they will settle.

The government decided to review the scheme as it is receiving the 10th group of resettlement refugees in the fall next year. Possible changes will include accepting refugees twice a year from the current once a year, the sources said.

The government is also considering accepting refugees other than those from Myanmar, but arrangements on which nationals should also be covered by the program have not been finalized.

As for the settlement locations, the government decided in May last year to encourage refugees to live in rural areas that are facing a decline in population. So far, many of the refugees that have come to Japan have settled in Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures, where there are already systems to support them.

The envisioned review of the program is expected to accelerate refugee resettlement in rural areas, with a Foreign Ministry official saying the government is “actively studying” the possibility of selecting areas other than the Tokyo metropolitan region.

Candidate sites will be assessed based on whether there are jobs for refugees, accommodation that matches their income and an environment to learn the Japanese language. But some critics say that assistance following the resettlement is still not enough.

The revision is likely to take place before the summer of 2019, with the expanded annual ceiling to be applied to refugees coming to Japan in the fall of 2020, the sources said.

The move comes as the government plans to accept more foreign workers by setting up a new residence status for those working in sectors deemed to be short of labor, such as nursing and construction, as the country struggles with a rapidly graying population and low birth rate.

On Monday, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s Judicial Affairs Division kicked off discussions on a draft government bill to amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, the main pillar of which is the introduction of the new residence status.

But some members of the LDP division expressed caution over the new status, pointing to a possible deterioration in public safety resulting from an increase in the number of foreigners in the country.

Shigeharu Aoyama, an Upper House member, said he absolutely opposes the law revision, stressing that the employment of Japanese people should be increased first to solve the nation’s labor shortages. One participant called for the division to spend sufficient time examining the legislation.

Some critics view the plan to accept more foreign workers as a way to import cheap labor, given that foreigners from developing countries who receive on-the-job training under government programs are often found to have been made to work under poor conditions.

Japan considers doubling number of refugees to 60 starting in 2020
Kyodo, JIJI
Oct 23, 2018

Any wall or fence can be climbed, cut or scaled in some way. That shouldn't stop the owner from building it. The key is to make it as robust as possible with the capital that can be invested and then let active security manage what comes through.
Any wall or fence can be climbed, cut or scaled in some way. That shouldn't stop the owner from building it. The key is to make it as robust as possible with the capital that can be invested and then let active security manage what comes through.

Liberals should take off their front doors, seeing as how they can be broken.
Never tire of being on dumb ass do ya!

Can't refute the comparison, can you??
