why are we having debates in Churches?


Junior Member
WTF is this about?? next time are we going to have one in a stripjoint? I don't understand isn't their separation of church and state?
tickets for this event were actually sold as a FUNDRAISER for the church!!! and tickets sold for 500-2000 dollars....

thats not a forum... thats a fundraiser.

No church should be allowed in any political forum until they start paying taxes.
That's interesting, I didn't know that part.

I didn't know the tickets sold for that much, and for fundraising for the wealthy mega-church I meant. Not that I didn't know in response to Cawacko's stunningly obvious response. lol
so some go to stripjoints and bathrooms at minnisota airports maybe we should just have them there too.


The mental image of a debate in an airport bathroom was just too much for me.
Your right, that must explain why Obama looked like a fool. No teleprompter and 300 advisors feeding him the answers.

LOL... so true. He spent half the time looking down at the table.

Their messiah Lord Obama has been shown for what he truly is.

I can't wait for the official debates. :D