Why atheists deny the reality of God


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Atheists constantly deny the reality of God - not necessarily because they're evil (though they often are), but because they are childish, insipid, and prefer "feels" over reals.

No matter the logic and facts which are presented to them that reveal God's undeniable reality and agency in the cosmos, the atheist instead acts like a spoiled child, denying it simply because they "feel" like it.

The atheist and its inferior existence, prefers not to bother itself with higher things, such as contemplating mankind's place in the cosmos, and God design - rather the atheist would simply like to avoid thinking about these things, preferring instead fatuity and degeneracy, whether porn addiction, sexual libidinousness, such as rape, incest, lusting over children animals and sex acts involving feces - much akin to the feral beasts and animals which the atheistic scourge have more in common with than anything or anyone human - having no morality or humanity of their own, beyond what must be forced and taught to them on the level of a child.

Forsaking God, the atheist instead embraces superstitions, fetishes and archaism - whether childish, outdated and infantile understandings of "science" or "Scientism", all of which has been outdated since at least the 19th century and before, nor having any comprehension or critical thought of any of it beyond what petulant and under-literate level of rote teaching, indoctrination, or "education" had to be foisted on them so that they could actually graduate secondary education with a paltry 6th grade reading level.

To listen to an atheist purport to talk about "science" evolution or any subject of deeper inquiry, at his pathetic and quaint little 6th grade reading level - is more akin to listening to a silly little child who thinks that shows like X-Men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's are real. Along with the denalistic absurdity of thinking that anything "science, Scientific", or "inductive" (as Francis Bacon described it) has anything to do with "atheism" to begin with (when in reality, all science, properly done, merely confirms everyting that is Good, True and Beautiful, and reduces the atheist to the level of feral beast, primate, and subhuman that he or she actually is - the best arguments against thinks such as "Intelligent Design", ironically being the existence of atheistic dreck themselves, since it would be hard to argue that a perfect God ever would have created them and their pestilence to begin with, other than as something for the righteous to feel good about themselves in comparsion.

So then - by rejecting God and God's cosmic sophistication in favor of superstitiousness and childishness - the atheist devolves further and further into beastliness - with wicked and aberrant cults and sub-cultures, ranging from Neo-Nazis, to pedophile organizations like NAMBLA, to other varieties of sexual deviancy such as "incels" and the like - much in part due to their natural beastly contempt for women and sexual sanctity - given that the atheist is a feral animal with no humanity to speak of, it is perfectly biologically and evolutionary natural for an atheistic male to rape and sexually assault without any restraint, only by stealing and appropriating moral and religious values, based on faith, such as those of human rights and divine regard for the male and female, is the atheist even able to pretend to be a "feminist to begin with", when a true atheist like the Marquis de Sade would merely follow its evolutionary instinct to rape and brutalize women for sick pleasures.

No wickedness on planet earth not being tracible to atheism and its debased and materialistic degeneracy.
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Atheists constantly deny the reality of God - not necessarily because they're evil (though they often are), but because they are childish, insipid, and prefer "feels" over reals.

No matter the logic and facts which are presented to them that reveal God's undeniable reality and agency in the cosmos, the atheist instead acts like a spoiled child, denying it simply because they "feel" like it.

The atheist and its inferior existence, prefers not to bother itself with higher things, such as contemplating mankind's place in the cosmos, and God design - rather the atheist would simply like to avoid thinking about these things, preferring instead fatuity and degeneracy, whether porn addiction, sexual libidinousness, such as rape, incest, lusting over children animals and sex acts involving feces - much akin to the feral beasts and animals which the atheistic scourge have more in common with than anything or anyone human - having no morality or humanity of their own, beyond what must be forced and taught to them on the level of a child.

Forsaking God, the atheist instead embraces superstitions, fetishes and archaism - whether childish, outdated and infantile understandings of "science" or "Scientism", all of which has been outdated since at least the 19th century and before, nor having any comprehension or critical thought of any of it beyond what petulant and under-literate level of rote teaching, indoctrination, or "education" had to be foisted on them so that they could actually graduate secondary education with a paltry 6th grade reading level.

To listen to an atheist purport to talk about "science" evolution or any subject of deeper inquiry, at his pathetic and quaint little 6th grade reading level - is more akin to listening to a silly little child who thinks that shows like X-Men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's are real. Along with the denalistic absurdity of thinking that anything "science, Scientific", or "inductive" (as Francis Bacon described it) has anything to do with "atheism" to begin with (when in reality, all science, properly done, merely confirms everyting that is Good, True and Beautiful, and reduces the atheist to the level of feral beast, primate, and subhuman that he or she actually is - the best arguments against thinks such as "Intelligent Design", ironically being the existence of atheistic dreck themselves, since it would be hard to argue that a perfect God ever would have created them and their pestilence to begin with, other than as something for the righteous to feel good about themselves in comparsion.

So then - by rejecting God and God's cosmic sophistication in favor of superstitiousness and childishness - the atheist devolves further and further into beastliness - with wicked and aberrant cults and sub-cultures, ranging from Neo-Nazis, to pedophile organizations like NAMBLA, to other varieties of sexual deviancy such as "incels" and the like - much in part due to their natural beastly contempt for women and sexual sanctity - given that the atheist is a feral animal with no humanity to speak of, it is perfectly biologically and evolutionary natural for an atheistic male to rape and sexually assault without any restraint, only by stealing and appropriating moral and religious values, based on faith, such as those of human rights and divine regard for the male and female, is the atheist even able to pretend to be a "feminist to begin with", when a true atheist like the Marquis de Sade would merely follow its evolutionary instinct to rape and brutalize women for sick pleasures.

No wickedness on planet earth not being tracible to atheism and its debased and materialistic degeneracy.

So, if there was a true problem with the stonings, with hunts, Holocausts, and heretic burnings of the past, it's that factions of Christians and Godly people chose to fight among themselves, when instead they simply should have united in their rightful contempt of atheistic scum and removed their blight from our planet instead. All evil is atheistic, and all that is atheistic is evil - there is no denying this - atheism is the only reason that rape, warfare, pedophilia, bestiality, pornography, torture of righteous men and women exist - to remove atheism would be akin to decapitating Satan and allow for the creation of a perfect, united world under God.

The premise is false.
The premise is false.
I've encountered random atheists who promote pedophilia or believe that it's wrong for society to "repress" pedophiles by banning them from raping children - there were just random samples, so yes I think it proves the point - this shows how wicked and debasted atheism is to the very core. So is it any wonder that historically they were stoned to death? Maybe it wasn't entirely for bad reasons after all. Religions were "invented" to stop atheists from raping and murdering men, women, children, and animals and indulging in other diseased atheistic appetites.

Atheists are rather wicked, diseases and perverse bastards who would be less of a blight to humanity and righteousness if they ceased to exist.