Why banker fascism is bad

Kamala Trump

Verified User
When bankers can get massive cash directly from the government, they don't have to actively work to truly examine businesses and decide which ones are a good bet, based on fundamentals. When bankers are rich from bailouts alone, they can afford to just decapitalize the entire small business economy, and put 70% of america out of work. Their money comes from thin air, and their NEW job is denying it to the rest of the country.
So, shouldn't the thread be titled "why bailouts are bad?" The same lack of fundamentals would apply to any business receiving bailout money...
So, shouldn't the thread be titled "why bailouts are bad?" The same lack of fundamentals would apply to any business receiving bailout money...

No. it's ESPECIALLY BAD in the financial sector because it IS Their job (allegedly) to capitalize american business. When they can make money off bailouts and straight cash injections instead of having to perform their function, their function doesn't get performed.

Don't argue just to argue, fool.
The same thing has happened in the auto industry, and seeing as how the Big 3 have been ranked as the worst decision makers since 80s (thinking they could pretend the 70s never ended, basically), bailout money is not likely to bring them into the new millenium anytime soon.
Asshat there is no worse kind of human being than one that has such strong principles but is too lazy to act on them. Posting your dumbass soliloquies on jpp where only 20 people see it, and only 4 people read it, and none care about it, serves absolutely no purpose.

You are the biggest automaton there is.
Asshat there is no worse kind of human being than one that has such strong principles but is too lazy to act on them. Posting your dumbass soliloquies on jpp where only 20 people see it, and only 4 people read it, and none care about it, serves absolutely no purpose.

You are the biggest automaton there is.

Wrong. People acting on their principles it what gets a lot of people killed.

Don't be a stupid fag.
asshat: "duhhhhhhh i hate fascism but will do nothing to stop it. I love having the machine give it to me in the ass. You guys should all fight it. I'm going to post on jpp some more."
asshat: "duhhhhhhh i hate fascism but will do nothing to stop it. I love having the machine give it to me in the ass. You guys should all fight it. I'm going to post on jpp some more."

Im educating people. Thats step 1. You're just pro fascism and seek to devalue that all important step. Stop being a queef.
lol fascism supporters like me love proles like you thinking they are educating 15 people on a messageboard, of which no one cares or reads what you have to say to begin with, it makes all my fascist plans that much easier to execute. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
lol fascism supporters like me love proles like you thinking they are educating 15 people on a messageboard, of which no one cares or reads what you have to say to begin with, it makes all my fascist plans that much easier to execute. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Im glad you love me!:)
proles and animals are free. asshat you are a prole to the nth degree. little unconscious automaton unable to stem the tide of the fascist glory marching in.

How far did educating on a message board get you to stop the patriot act?? Or the continuing buildup of the military industrial complex? How far did you get in stopping our glorious wars of imperialism and resource rape? KEEP EDUCATING THE MASSES, PROLE. We don't mind. Proles are free.
proles and animals are free. asshat you are a prole to the nth degree. little unconscious automaton unable to stem the tide of the fascist glory marching in.

How far did educating on a message board get you to stop the patriot act?? Or the continuing buildup of the military industrial complex? How far did you get in stopping our glorious wars of imperialism and resource rape?

Patience, little moron.
I have all the patience in the world for automatons. Proles like you are free, because you will never affect real change. you just live in your own little bubble and you will do whatever the fuck we say.
I have all the patience in the world for automatons. Proles like you are free, because you will never affect real change. you just live in your own little bubble and you will do whatever the fuck we say.

I spit in your face. Suck my loogie, bitch.:good4u:
proles and animals are free. asshat you are a prole to the nth degree. little unconscious automaton unable to stem the tide of the fascist glory marching in.

How far did educating on a message board get you to stop the patriot act?? Or the continuing buildup of the military industrial complex? How far did you get in stopping our glorious wars of imperialism and resource rape? KEEP EDUCATING THE MASSES, PROLE. We don't mind. Proles are free.

World class trolling, LOLZ
I spit in your face. Suck my loogie, bitch.:good4u:

lol, see folks? when the prole is confronted with his futility, he offers up no further insight. It is why we allow the proles to be free, they affect no real change and as such are no threat to our inevitable global domination.
lol, see folks? when the prole is confronted with his futility, he offers up no further insight. It is why we allow the proles to be free, they affect no real change and as such are no threat to our inevitable global domination.

Why am I suddenly reminded of Yellow Peril? O_o
asshat do you think the jews give two shits about what you are saying on jpp? do you honestly think you are doing any service to stem the fascists from taking over? lol you are such a deluded automaton. You make our job easier by making the masses complacent, thinking they have people like you out there keeping a watchful eye, when in reality you just bend over like the good bitch you are.
lol, see folks? when the prole is confronted with his futility, he offers up no further insight. It is why we allow the proles to be free, they affect no real change and as such are no threat to our inevitable global domination.

Im accomplishing step 1. Educating people about the dangers of internationalist fascism.