Why Bother With Introductions?

yankee accent

New member
I mean really, is it all that important?

I was met with this message after registering this morning ...

Hello yankee accent,
Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before! Why not make your first post today by saying hello to our community in our Introductions forum.

I felt the pressure, so here I am to say hello and to introduce myself. Truth be told, I thought it was a nice gesture on behalf the administrators who run this board.

New to this forum, but not new to the message board scene. This place looks much like others I frequent and taking a look through the forums, I see some names I recognize.

Anyway, I'd like to welcome myself to JPP and thank in advance, those who may stop by to welcome me as well.
given you've said you can't tell legion troll by his ip, then you wouldn't know until he started acting like legion

i'm saying the person is a troll, i welcome him, but if he is :D
We can tell they are one of Legion, we can't tell you who Legion is by their IP, as far as I can tell all Legion is are various trolls.