why congress rates as low as Bush


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Mr. Bush had sought an adjusted gross income limit of $200,000 above which farmers could not qualify for any subsidy payments. The bill passed by the Senate and House, however, allows farm income of up to $750,000 and nonfarm income of $500,000 per individual.

That $750,000 limit applies to only one subsidy program, so-called direct payments that are disbursed based on land acreage and regardless of current market conditions or even whether the land is still actively farmed.

While Mr. Bush has long called for curtailing subsidy programs, the farm bill is viewed as vital legislation both across rural America and in impoverished urban centers.

Only two Democratic senators, Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, both of Rhode Island, voted against the bill. The 13 Republicans who voted against it included Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, a former chairman of the Agriculture Committee, who has called the measure fiscally irresponsible. :readit:
so it makes no difference how McSame voted ?

Same as hillary voting for the war then I suppose....

Am I misreading what Topspin wrote? He said all three passed on the vote; i.e. Obama, McCain and Hillary did not vote on it. Am I wrong on that?
no your not wrong
the moron didn't go to school and doesn't let up on his turbo-lib poser slams easily.
He gives libs a bad name, most have tons more education than he does.
no your not wrong
the moron didn't go to school and doesn't let up on his turbo-lib poser slams easily.
He gives libs a bad name, most have tons more education than he does.

Damn man, I'm sick as hell and you still make me laugh my ass off. I wish all three had voted.
Well for the dems that is not an issue since they are known for social programs, but McSame is a Republican and How did RP vote? He is still a candidate it would appear.
your dumber than a brick usged.
this is a giveaway to the rich, dems should be shooting arrows at it.