Why did Bush have to do this ?


Villified User
With a republican controlled congress and no gridlock, why did Bush have to sigh a stopgap budget spending bill to keep the govt going ?
How much time does Congress have before recess? A week or so? In any event, it's not much time, and after they recess, the next meeting will be to swear in the new Democrat-controlled congress.

No gridlock? What planet do you live on? We had gridlock before the elections, and we still have gridlock, the Congress is almost as evenly divided as it can be, and the partisanship has never been higher, at least not in my lifetime. Where you get that there is no gridlock, I don't understand.
Yeah, but have they not known all year they had a budget to pass ?
ON the gridlock, I thought I heard Bush or some bush supporters saying that right after the 2000 election...
also according to Bush's Veto record the congress has been very bipartisan.
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