Why did Republicons block....


Unite or Die
Why did Republicons block....

Republicans Block Bill To Tax Firms That Export Jobs

Democrats are trying to leave Washington by striking a note on jobs and the economy. Toward that end, they brought up a Senate bill Tuesday to tax companies that send jobs overseas and reward those that bring them back; Republicans blocked it.

Republicans Block BP Oil Spill Investigation

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Republicans Block Measure to Ban Foreign Meddling in U.S. Elections

Foreign influence in American affairs has been a major concern since the founding of the nation. No area is foreign influence more dangerous than in the nation’s elections, the very foundation of a vibrant democracy. And while Nestle’s influence may be mostly benign, that is not to say that Venuezuela-owned Citgo Petroleum Corporation, China’s sovereign wealth fund or an Iranian company’s intentions would be as harmless.
“The notion that Congress might lack the authority to distinguish foreigners from citizens in the regulation of electioneering would certainly have surprised the Framers, whose ‘obsession with foreign influence derived from a fear that foreign powers and individuals had no basic investment in the well-being of the country..."

Senate Republicans Block Small Business Aid Bill

Democrats and Republicans have failed to agree on a small business package that could inject $300 billion into the economy. The reason? You guessed it: politics.

See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/a4y2F8

Republicans Block Bill to Aid Small Business
July 30, 2010, 4:25 AM

Senate Republicans on Thursday rejected a bill to aid small businesses with expanded loan programs and tax breaks, in a procedural blockade that underscored how fiercely determined the party’s leaders are to deny Democrats any further legislative accomplishments ahead of November’s midterm elections, The New York Times’s David M. Herszenhorn reported.

Republicans Filibuster Unemployment Aid Bill

"The jobless aid measure is one of the last remnants of the Democrats' jobs agenda, which has largely fallen prey to GOP concerns about the deficit. Although a hiring tax break passed in February, ambitious plans for new road construction, incentives for so-called green jobs, and, more recently, funding for cash-starved state governments and local school districts are languishing in the face of Republican resistance."

To hell with the country's future, to hell with the people, to hell with small business, to hell with the truth, it's all about Republicons who are not acting in the best interests of the people of this country. The party of NO is proving that when they are involved, govt. does not work. Republicans of the past at least believed in this country, not like today's crop who only believe in multinational corporate profits at America's expense.

Wingnuts, don't scream about spending to get the economy going, you have no credibility after 8 yrs of blindly following these same obstructionists who got us into this economic mess. And after 30 yrs of following the failed voodoo, trickle-down, NAFTA/GATT market as god and govt. globalization ideology.

It's clear your party works for multinational corporation profits and not the people who voted for them or for the good of the country or truth.