Why did the republicans in congress gladly abandon "PAYGO" after 2000?

In one instance I agree with Desh. They have no moral code and tried to be democrat lite. It failed.

The truth if the matter is that neither party wants to limit the growth of the gobblement. They just want to be the ones pulling the levers.

But it sure is good that no hypocrisy exists on the left or might really be screwed
dear idiot,

Its YOUR party that wants the government SMALL so they can kill it.

The democratic party doesnt agree with that evil
All this CRAP we have heard from the republicans about SMALL government is just that CRAP!

Its all part of the plan to make this countrys government so weak that the monied interests can control everything.

No one is falling for that line of stupid anymore
And the goverment got smaller from 2000-2006 didn't it?

That was the period when congeress and the WH was pretty much controlled by Republicans.
All this CRAP we have heard from the republicans about SMALL government is just that CRAP!

Its all part of the plan to make this countrys government so weak that the monied interests can control everything.

No one is falling for that line of stupid anymore

Koolaid Koolaid, tastes great....you're up to your eyeballs, you're a twit.