Why did the US and allies invade Iraq, 20 years ago? | BBC


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I started discussing why the U.S. invaded Iraq 20 years ago in another thread with PostModernProphet and started thinking it'd make more sense to make a thread of its own for the subject. I looked for an article that reflected my point of view, and the result is the article that bears the same name as the title of this thread. Here's to seeing if we can get a bit of constructive dialogue on the subject of this invasion. Quoting a bit from the article:

What allegations did the US and UK make against Iraq?

US Secretary of State Colin Powell told the UN in 2003 that Iraq had "mobile labs" for producing biological weapons.

However, he acknowledged in 2004 that the evidence for this "appears not to be... that solid".

The UK government made public an intelligence dossier claiming that Iraqi missiles could be readied within 45 minutes to hit UK targets in the eastern Mediterranean.

The UK's then-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said it was "beyond doubt" that Saddam Hussein was continuing to produce WMD.

The two countries relied heavily on the claims of two Iraqi defectors - a chemical engineer called Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi and an intelligence officer called Maj Muhammad Harith - who said they had first-hand knowledge of Iraq's WMD programme.

Both men later said they had fabricated their evidence because they wanted the allies to invade and oust Saddam.


Why did the US and allies invade Iraq, 20 years ago? | BBC
Because the US and it's allies believed they had weapons of mass destruction, which they did and were found by the UN.

Always better to err on the side of caution.

Plus Saddam was known for using WMD's against his own people, he ran torture chambers, he was robbing the nation, he invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia with war, he had waged a war against Iran, he had threatened Israel with complete destruction, he threatened the US with complete destruction.

You need more reasons?
it was about oil. The Brits and Americans had Iraq's oil divided up by contract before we went in. Wars are always about money.
I started discussing why the U.S. invaded Iraq 20 years ago in another thread with PostModernProphet and started thinking it'd make more sense to make a thread of its own for the subject. I looked for an article that reflected my point of view, and the result is the article that bears the same name as the title of this thread. Here's to seeing if we can get a bit of constructive dialogue on the subject of this invasion. Quoting a bit from the article:

What allegations did the US and UK make against Iraq?

US Secretary of State Colin Powell told the UN in 2003 that Iraq had "mobile labs" for producing biological weapons.

However, he acknowledged in 2004 that the evidence for this "appears not to be... that solid".

The UK government made public an intelligence dossier claiming that Iraqi missiles could be readied within 45 minutes to hit UK targets in the eastern Mediterranean.

The UK's then-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said it was "beyond doubt" that Saddam Hussein was continuing to produce WMD.

The two countries relied heavily on the claims of two Iraqi defectors - a chemical engineer called Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi and an intelligence officer called Maj Muhammad Harith - who said they had first-hand knowledge of Iraq's WMD programme.

Both men later said they had fabricated their evidence because they wanted the allies to invade and oust Saddam.


Why did the US and allies invade Iraq, 20 years ago? | BBC
you were full of shit on the other thread.......you still are....what more is there to discuss?.....Hussien did not cooperate with UN inspectors......he is now dead, he was an idiot and he died because of it......what difference does it make now......
Because the US and it's allies believed they had weapons of mass destruction, which they did and were found by the UN.

Always better to err on the side of caution.

Plus Saddam was known for using WMD's against his own people, he ran torture chambers, he was robbing the nation, he invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia with war, he had waged a war against Iran, he had threatened Israel with complete destruction, he threatened the US with complete destruction.

You need more reasons?

Sadaam's gas that he used on Iran was past date. It was nothing, Iraq had no WMD. The UN has inspectors crawling all over Iraq.
Because the US and it's allies believed they had weapons of mass destruction, which they did and were found by the UN.

Always better to err on the side of caution.

Plus Saddam was known for using WMD's against his own people, he ran torture chambers, he was robbing the nation, he invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia with war, he had waged a war against Iran, he had threatened Israel with complete destruction, he threatened the US with complete destruction.

You need more reasons?

There never were WMD's so just how could they be found?
There never were WMD's so just how could they be found?

Far rightys , years after the Iraq war was over, the reds came up with something they found that they could use to pretend WMD was there. It is BS, but they satisfied themselves that they could escape the truth using it.
The intelligence community, trapped by a mindset that assumed Iraq was hiding WMD, narrowly
pursued only one working hypothesis devoid of political or cultural context, and consequently
never considered other possible explanations for Iraqi behavior. However, as already noted at the
outset of this essay, even if the intelligence community had placed its assessment of Iraq’s WMD
program in a strategic and political context and simultaneously explored a number of plausible
hypotheses, it is improbable that they would have unequivocally concluded with the clarity that
hindsight provides that Iraq did not have WMD. Nevertheless, if the intelligence community had
taken a comprehensive approach that included a consideration of the Iraqi leadership’s mindset
and a competitive analysis of a range of hypotheses, it is likely that they would have produced a
more accurate, nuanced and informative intelligence product for policy makers.


The most charitable of takes. The more correct one is that the war mongers demanded a war to push money to the defense industry....and because the Failed Elite Class adores war....they have been constantly pushing for war for many decades.
You said you had proof, now post it! Yes we do have to go further.

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

Yahoo News
Search query

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

According to the 10,000-word, eight-part interactive report ("The Secret Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned Chemical Weapons") by C.J. Chivers published on the paper's website late Tuesday, at least 17 American service members and seven Iraqi police officers were exposed to nerve or mustard agents in Iraq after 2003.

On at least six occasions, American troops and American-trained Iraqi troops were wounded by the abandoned munitions, but news of the encounters was neither shared publicly nor widely circulated among the troops, the victims told the Times. Others said they were told to be vague or deceptive about what they found.

"'Nothing of significance’ is what I was ordered to say,” Jarrod Lampier, a retired Army major, said of the 2006 discovery of 2,400 nerve-agent rockets at a former Republican Guard compound, the largest chemical weapons discovery of the war.


And that's a liberal source.
There were never any WMDs. Bush invaded Iraq for 3 reasons:

1. To control their oil distribution - their oil was power and;
2. To show terrorists that after 911 that the USA was not to be fucked with, i.e., to beat up a bully to scare anyone else that might think of attacking us.
3. Even though Iraq had no WMD's it was feared they might someday and so attack them before they became a threat.

#3 is the "Bush doctrine".

Bush and the other neocons didn't want us to wait until it was discovered there were no WMD's so they made up stories that Iraq already had them in order to fool everyone into thinking it was ok to attack. The crime of it was - our armed forces weren't ready - we didn't have enough protective gear or equipment to go in - but the neocon fuck heads didn't care about all the American dead and wounded. For those trumptards attacking Biden for the way we withdrew from Afghanistan - just remind them of the fucked up way we went into Iraq.
There were never any WMDs. Bush invaded Iraq for 3 reasons:

1. To control their oil distribution - their oil was power and;
2. To show terrorists that after 911 that the USA was not to be fucked with, i.e., to beat up a bully to scare anyone else that might think of attacking us.
3. Even though Iraq had no WMD's it was feared they might someday and so attack them before they became a threat.

#3 is the "Bush doctrine".

Bush and the other neocons didn't want us to wait until it was discovered there were no WMD's so they made up stories that Iraq already had them in order to fool everyone into thinking it was ok to attack. The crime of it was - our armed forces weren't ready - we didn't have enough protective gear or equipment to go in - but the neocon fuck heads didn't care about all the American dead and wounded. For those trumptards attacking Biden for the way we withdrew from Afghanistan - just remind them of the fucked up way we went into Iraq.

For those who doubt #1 I point out that this is exactly what we have done in Syria.
Sadaam's gas that he used on Iran was past date. It was nothing, Iraq had no WMD. The UN has inspectors crawling all over Iraq.
The chemical weapons Saddam used on Iran were made in USA and sold to Iraq covertly.