Why Did They Cover It Up For So Long MP Pierre Poilievre, I Find It Obvious

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
This is regarding Trudeau covered up a massive Peoples Republic of China infiltration in Canada and now for what I find obvious.

So Trudeau could continue to turn Canada into a repulsive crap heap like he has been by supporting sick and filthy lies and deceptions and forcing such garbage upon the citizens of Canada since 2015 right up to this 2024 climate crisis hoax used to destroy lives of Canadians like pretty much everything else he has done. Like we are suppose to give up meat and start eating crickets over a bunch of sick and filthy climate lies (Trudeau has been forcing Canadians to fund cricket farming and experiments) and now I hear rumours of radical meatballs trying to shame people for having their own gardens. Climate hoax needs to be shut down, all involved in pushing such lies imprisoned and their wealth given back to the countries they have been stealing from while also forcing lies to divide the citizens of such countries as they steal from them with a slew of lies and deceptions which have been attacking western civilizations for over a decade with the same cheap and shady tactics. Whenever they lie to the public they turn around and call anyone exposing those lies haters because they are that cheap and pathetic and it is all these retards know how to do as far as trying to continue to force their lies upon everyone so they can divide and conquer you while they steal from you as they also attempt to make criminals out of decent people for not going along with their pathetic garbage. Put them all in prison for a very long time and when they get pout of prison they had better hope we used that money to fix the systems of such countries otherwise it will be them getting out of prison to starve to death as homeless people! That's what they / Trudeau quite obviously wishes upon Canadians as his own actions prove it on multiple levels!

I suspect that the WEF is behind allowing this to happen to try and position China for the blame on the many regressive things Trudeau has been doing to Canada.

We could sever trading and immigration ties with China while urging other countries to do the same as we break away from the damage Trudeau has deliberately done under many guises and strive to become a self sufficient country until China at least rids itself of their dictators infiltrating their own government. Let's not take it out on Chinese Canadians though because they are being screwed like we all are.

Like I recently stated, pretty much everything the liberals and NDP have pushed through legislation for this past decade or so while they used the main stream media to threaten other MP's and citizens etc. with slander to assist them with getting away with their shade ways (certainly not sunny ways) needs to be undone asap. How could anyone possibly be so stupid to trust them with anything these days?!

Oh yeah and regarding my previous release to do with the so called online harms bill, since 2008 it was already made law between Canada and the UK that if you found online child exploitation or rape you had to report it FYI yet did they not put that in the so called online harms bill?! I suspect that they are trying to hide from the world that I played a key role in starting that first coalition against online child exploitation and rape announced between Canada and the United Kingdom August 2008 which is when they also announced the law that you had to report it along with both countries were better funding authorities in the departments investigating etc. such sick behavior. I love that by 2012 fifty countries followed example and by 2015 almost a hundred countries following example in coalition against online child exploitation and rape. I suspect millions of children have been saved by now since it has been 16 years since that first coalition. Unfortunately we have the WEF working to enslave your children so they can pretty much do any sick thing to them that they want to with here in Canada support from Trudeau.

Trudeau, you ought to be ashamed of yourself on multiple levels.

Also this guy has been working hard at giving away what hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country and to his sick little WEF hate groups like the lgbt. As I recall he started with giving away billions from the Canadian pension fund calling such an investment. Then he kept giving away billions more which has severely made Canadians suffer while we go homeless and can't pay bills or afford to eat on multiple levels as he has obviously been attempting to normalize some imbecile infiltrating our PM chair giving away billions to things that no majority of Canadians ever agreed upon. Oh lets not forget he is working on normalizing him getting away with impoverishing Canadians while also attempting to detour farmers from wanting to farm with his rhetoric. Let's not forget this is suppose to be a democracy, not a dumb tart dictatorship.

Political parties are killing Canada. Lobbyists lobby our political parties of which some contain many MP's of which are easier to control a group of MP's through lobbying by allowing the formation of political parties of which political parties have a monopoly on our political system. Dissolve political parties and you dissolve the lobbying that infiltrates us along with the WEF behind allot of the lobbying our officials to turn their backs on Canadians, turn their backs on democracy and cater to the dictatorship of greedy low life bottom of the barrel scum bags.

On a lighter note:

Klaus Schwab of the WEF actually made me laugh in person. It was at the inappropriately run Collingwood library (I didn't let on that I knew who he was and Chrystia Freeland came to see him as well that day I noticed) as I was heading down the stairs I saw Klaus (after already speaking with him, library related small talk) with his foot up on the railing and I said "you limbering up" and he replied "yes, it doesn't get any easier as you get older" and I started to laugh out loud and when I looked back up the stairs at him he looked puzzled meanwhile I tell some people younger than me the same thing because I know all so well now that I am in my 50's. I think Klaus is in his 80's. Freeland seems to keep following me around since she approached me at the Dollarama in Ottawa 2022 but didn't call me out, I saw her a few times in Collingwood and here and there as I saw her in a pizza joint in the city close to Toronto I am currently in about a week ago but again didn't let on that I knew who she was.

I'm pretty sure it was Andrew Scheer who stood behind me at Tim Hortons a week or two ago but he didn't call me out. Chumlee from Pawns Stars gave me a Twix, a box of baked crackers and a couple packs of menthol cigs when I was in St. Catherines earlier this month and the one who played Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy (Zoe Saldana) gave me a little something while I was there too. People seem to be nice to us homeless people in St. Catherines and I'm seeing celebrities pretty much every where I go these past few years. Oh and it looks like WhatHerFace from Youtube could be sitting a few chairs away from me here at the library I am at but I can't tell for sure, my eyes are getting bad even with dollar store reading glasses. Oh well, she could call me out as any of you are capable of such. I even saw Pierre Poilievre in a car with his family when in Collingwood but he never called me out either, and Maxime Bernier in Hamilton standing in a corner store doorway as I walked by but he didn't call me out either. It is as if people hope that I am going to call them out but I do not an easy majority of the time for good reason and I am not about to give away my play book.

Well time for me to go back to my tent at -4 degrees Celsius. I really kind of miss the insulated shelter I built and lived in last winter. It's allot more intense in a tent but at least the temperature hasn't been too bad for the most part. Physically not feeling the greatest but I am OK for now. Not happy but OK.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!