Why Do Liberals ask Questions, and then Run,afraid of an Answer?(My BEST Work Yet!)


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Yesterday, Desh asked 4 very good, and very valid question. Very Important questions. I'm glad she asked them, they were LONG overdue. It's WRONG, to accuse a Candidate, or any man, of Racism, Marxism, or being Un-American, unless you have valid reasons. We sat by for OVER A YEAR, while the Media IGNORED ALL of Mr. Obama's past pecadillos, his past and present associations, in short, his CHARACHTER. The ONLY thing they would tell us were things like "He was a Community Organizer in Chicago", and "He used to be a Muslim, but Now, he's a Christian.
Well, I'm SORRY, but THOSE, and the FEW other facts about this young man are NOT ENOUGH facts, to base the decision to give a man the Presidency to. So instead of the Biased, Crooked Media, WE, as THE CONCERNED PUBLIC, had to find out about Mr. Obama OURSELVES. And we DID, partially. Ihave it on GOOD authority that there are MORE facts that the "Unbiased Media" either LIED about, or just IGNORED.
Let me ask YOU just ONE question. Rev. Wright, Rashid Khalidi(PLO Ogran and Fundraiser, and Obama Freind), William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (Weathermen Terrorist Bombers), and other Obama freinds- IF THEY WERE FREINDS OF JOHN MCCAIN, MIKE HUCKABEE, OR MITT ROMNEY, WOULD THE MEDIA, AND ALL LIBERALS HERE, BE SCREAMING IT TO THE ROOFTOPS, EVERY DAY, 24 HOURS, ON CNN, MESS-NBC, 3 NETWORKS, ETC?

Of COURSE you, and the "Unbiased Media" would be SCREAMING about THESE PEOPLE, who, along with Barack and Michell's Obama's OWN STATEMENTS, (Bitter, Ashamed of America, Punishing the "Rich"(that means over 100K, to a Lib), DISQUALIFY a man from becoming President. Now with this statement. and the ANSERS to Desh's questions below, I have given an Intelligent, thoughtful, fair and honest assessment of the Political situation in 2008. Now you can be Inellingent Liberals, and tell me what you REALLY THINK, tell me WHY Terrorists like William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who SHOULD be in JAIL, don't disqualify Obama from the Presidency, in the Minds of Voter. Tell me WHY Rev. Wright, who OBVIOUSLY HATES "White People", and for Twenty Years
was Obama's "Spiritual Father", why HE doesn't disqualify Obama from the Presidency. I'll be on Mr. Obama's side, about Tony Rezco. He's just a crooked real estate swindler. But TERRORIST BOMBERS, who OBVIOUSLY HATE AMERICA? Come ON. Get REAL. You KNOW if this was a REPUBLICAN, with these freinds, there would be a hue and cry that would DEAFEN THE NATION. Admit it. Read below, my dissertation on how "taking from the rich" is only a PLOY to buy votes with giveaways. It's one of my best.

1.)What makes you believe that Obama is a marxist?
Because of his associations with Ayers and Dohrn, and HIS OWN STATEMENTS about "punishing the rich", AND "FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS MEANS, TO EACH......ETC., ETC. Its' strait Karl Marx, Libs.
Mr. Obama, like most Democrats, doesn't believe that people should have to EARN their place in life. He believes that they should have it HANDED to them, by a Liberal Govt., to "correct past wrongs", or to ":take it from "the RICH", becuse they only "GOT rich" by "stepping on the backs of the poor".
It's the SAME OLD tired Marxism that DOESNT work. First, you INSULT and make SLAVES of people, when you "chain" them to a meager, barely liveable govt. check. We should be FORCING ALL these people to go to CLASSES, where they are PRAISED, when they go out and look for work. Just LOOK at the GENERATIONS, grandma, mom, daughter, baby, that are STILL IMPRISONED in the System. A person has to feel they EARNED something in life, to have self-worth. And WHO are DEMOCRATS, or REPUBLICANS, for that matter, to arbitrarily decide WHO they will TAKE from, and WHO to GIVE to? Joseph Stalin, and Adolph Hitler ALSO decided WHO to TAKE from, like God?

And the most important thing. Some of you are Liberals for Charitable and Good reasons, you have Good Hearts, even thogh History shows SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK.(The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions) The people at the Top are ALWAYS CORRUPTED. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. What you don't want to FACE, is that MANY Liberal Politicians are ONLY Liberal for THE POWER THAT THE VOTES WILL GIVE THEM! Surely, you must see THAT! Repub.',s are getting just as BAD. I have a Heart. I want to HELP people. But they have to EARN it, unless they're SICK, old, or unable to contribute.
Forgive my spelling mistakes, today-rushing.

2.)What makes you think Obama Hates American?(n?)
His staements, his associations. Read the other questions, its all the same reasons. Besides it's our SYSTEM he really hates. If he hates America at ALL, it's for slavery.

3.)What makes you think Obama hates whites?
A.)Because he sat and listened to , applauded for, and called his "Spiritual Father and Mentor"(can't get a better sign of Agreement than THAT), a Man that says "God Damn America to HELL", that we are ALL DAMNED, because African Tribes sold their conquered Slaves to Europeans, who then brought them to Europe, then later, America, 400 years ago. Obama ALSO wrote Books and Speeches with this man. This man, Rev. Wright, also claims that the "White American Govt." ALSO brought AIDS INTO AMERICA, AND GAVE IT JUST TO THE BLACK MAN, SO HE (AMER. GOVT) COULD KILL OFF ALL THE BLACK MEN. Obama didn't just go to church, then leave, after he heard this Ridiculous racial Hatred. HE STAYED TWENTY YEARS! I could give you LOTS more, if you like.

4.)What makes you this Mrs Obama hates everything?
I only think Michelle is an Angry Black Woman, Brainwashed by the Marxism she has absorbed, like Barack.(I've NEVER been proud of my country(America), until TODAY(the day Barack won his 1st primary)

Do you just believe what ever you want without any facts to back your beliefs or do you use any real information to make up your opinions?
A.)No, we BELIEVE these things, along with about 100 Million others, because of 1) statements made by Barack, 2.)statements made by Michelle, 3) statements made by Rev. Wright, 4)statements made by William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Baracks freind, who was a Weather Underground Bomber of the Pentagon, Capitol, NYPD HQ, and they BRAG ABOUT IT, AND NOT GOING TO JAIL.
I have never read more than a line or two of your insane rants.

Buddy you make no sense.

Its like reading the writings of pshycotic 12 year old on meds.

You then claim that the fact that the sane people ignore you is a sign of how great you are.

You really and truely need to seek help before you deteriorate further and hurt someone.
I don't pretend to speak for Desh and I'm a socialist, not a liberal .. however, personally I don't find your questions or answers to make the slightest bit of sense. In my opinion what you've offered is nothing more than hyperbole and doesn't require much thought nor intelligence to refute.

AND ..

FYI, you don't speak for the "concerned public" you only speak for you.

FYI, Rev. Wright is a non-issue .. as proven in recent elections where the right tried desperately to tie democratic candidates to Obama and Wright and they failed miserably. .. You hang onto Wright though .. see if it works in electing republicans.

FYI, Huckabee, Romney, and McCain all have nefarious ministers in their background and foreground .. but since only McCain is important .. start with Hagge, then move onto Falwell .. both initially rebuked by McCain .. before he came to love them.

FYI, the media has not focused on this. No eternal loops of what they've said.

The rest of your almost lunatic diatribe was just too silly to even get into. You don't know shit about Michelle Obama other than she is FAR more educated and accomplished than you will ever be.

That's it.

That's all you know.

Get yourself a box of industrial size kleenex .. you're going to need them.
I have never read more than a line or two of your insane rants.

Buddy you make no sense.

Its like reading the writings of pshycotic 12 year old on meds.

You then claim that the fact that the sane people ignore you is a sign of how great you are.

You really and truely need to seek help before you deteriorate further and hurt someone.

He claims it his best work .. and I agree.

The rest of his lunatic shit is even more incomprehensible than this lunatic shit .. if that can even me imagined.
it's hard for me to believe jollie went to college just as with meme.
To say a kennedey like candidate hates america or is socialist is not only low class it past moronic. I've yet to hear an educated pundit on TV even come within the same planet as this KKK rant.
it's hard for me to believe jollie went to college just as with meme.
To say a kennedey like candidate hates america or is socialist is not only low class it past moronic. ......

If by 'college' you mean 'psychiatric institution' then, yes, I think its believable.
it's hard for me to believe jollie went to college just as with meme.
To say a kennedey like candidate hates america or is socialist is not only low class it past moronic. I've yet to hear an educated pundit on TV even come within the same planet as this KKK rant.

Saying he hates America is unbelievably stupid.

Calling him a socialist is slightly less stupid. The label is inaccurate but the attack is based in fact. A better way to say it would be that he, like most modern liberals, has adopted socialist economic policies. He's no Bernie Sanders, but he is pretty squarely in the interventionist camp when it comes to economics.

Still, he is considerably more tolerable than Gore, Kerry, or any other Democratic douchebag who has come close to the Whitehouse in recent years.
in the interventionist camp when it comes to economics?

Every sane person is. Unfettered capitalism does nothing but turn into an system ruled by a economic elite.
Oh, BTW, blackascoal, you made some vague reference to McCain, and some "Reverends" who may have supported him, or vice-versa. Did MCCAIN give Falwell,or antone ELSE, you can pull out of the mud of years ago, DID MCCAIN GIVE ANY RACIST REVEREND $20,000, WRITE BOOKS WITH THEM, AND CALL THEM "SPIRITUAL FATHER? Hmmmmmmmmmm? Don't think so. Did the Liberal Democrats and Media(same thing) TRASH Mitt Romney, because he was a MORMAN? Hmmmmm? YES, they DID.

But MOST IMPORTANT, DID ANY REPUBLICAN CANDIDTE EVER HAVE SCUMBAG TERRORIST WEATHERMEN BOMBERS AS BUDDIES? Hmmmmmmmmmm? Who BRAG about KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, AND NOT GOING TO JAIL? Hmmmmmmmm? Like Obama's Buddies, Will "BOOM" Ayers, and Bernie "I LOVE how Manson KILLED those PIS(Pregnant Sharon Tate). Any Republicans have "Buddies" like THOSE SCUMBAGS? Hmmmm, "blackascoal"? And THAT'S why WE won't ever let him in the Oval Office.
Oh, this is MORE than I could have HOPED for. If I had ANY DOUBTS about the BANKRUPTCY of Mr Barack "Hate-Whitey" Obama, If I had ANY DOUBT that idiots like "blackascoal", and Guilty White Liberals like Water and Desh were voting for him ONLY because of the Color of his Skin, and his Marxism, THOSE doubts have been erased, Haaaaaaaaahahahaha! I wrote, in an intelligent fashion, my ANSWER, and responses, to Desh's "4 Questions", above. I ANSWERED them, with the hope that I could find JUST ONE intelligent Liberal on this site, who would HONESTLY RESPOND to my answers, instead of Personal attacks against ME, a Citizen Voter. INSTEAD, you see below, the Sad, Pathetic Rants and Attacks against someone who DARE TELL THE TRUTH, about the "Messiah", who has been exposed to be noting MORE than a below-average, Racist Chicago crooked pol. VERY Instructive, Hahaha.
Where's "blackascoal" ? Is he AFRAID to debate with me? He had a Big Mouth, when I told the TRUTH about Obama, and tried to COMPARE Obama with McCain. McCain is a little more Liberal than I'd like, but Obama IS NOT FIT TO WIPE MCCAIN'S ASS. McCain is a War Hero. McCain doesn't SELL OUT, like Obama did, by going to Kiss the Ring of Terrorist Bombers, or go to a Racist Church for 20 years, JUST to gain Political Clout.

So Hate me if you like, I KNOW the Truth Hurts.
it's hard for me to believe jollie went to college just as with meme.
To say a kennedey like candidate hates america or is socialist is not only low class it past moronic. I've yet to hear an educated pundit on TV even come within the same planet as this KKK rant.

For someone who can't spell, you sure have a hang up on college, like that is suppose to make you ENLIGHTENED..
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Oh, this is MORE than I could have HOPED for. If I had ANY DOUBTS about the BANKRUPTCY of Mr Barack "Hate-Whitey" Obama, If I had ANY DOUBT that idiots like "blackascoal", and Guilty White Liberals like Water and Desh were voting for him ONLY because of the Color of his Skin, and his Marxism, THOSE doubts have been erased, Haaaaaaaaahahahaha! I wrote, in an intelligent fashion, my ANSWER, and responses, to Desh's "4 Questions", above. I ANSWERED them, with the hope that I could find JUST ONE intelligent Liberal on this site, who would HONESTLY RESPOND to my answers, instead of Personal attacks against ME, a Citizen Voter. INSTEAD, you see below, the Sad, Pathetic Rants and Attacks against someone who DARE TELL THE TRUTH, about the "Messiah", who has been exposed to be noting MORE than a below-average, Racist Chicago crooked pol. VERY Instructive, Hahaha.


so insightful. you're a political genius. when you get out of prison you should run for office.